Monday, June 3, 2019

Weekly Horoscope (3 - 9 June 2019)

This jovial week has success in store for you in the aspects of job, business, education, love, marriage and family life. Read your weekly horoscope to find out how the upcoming seven days of this week will be for you.

With this week, we are setting foot in the month of June. Like always, AstroSage is here with the foresights for the upcoming seven days. With these predictions provided in the weekly horoscope, you will be able to gather essential information about your respective zodiac sign. Additionally, you will also discover ways to make your week better. If we take a look at the positions of various planets and nakshatras, it can be said that time will be somewhat favourable for natives belonging to the zodiac signs Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio, and Pisces. During this week’s time, an increment will be seen in the courage, might, and income of these respective natives. The natives belonging to the remaining eight zodiac signs will witness average results. However, challenges and hurdles may pay them visits at regular intervals. Read the weekly horoscope which has been specially curated from Vediac astrology in order to make your upcoming week happier and more peaceful. 

Begin Your Week With The Rituals Of Shani Jayanti 

The transits of the planets Moon and Venus are taking place in the zodiac sign, Taurus this week. This particular sign is ruled by the red planet, Mars. Jyestha Amavasya, which falls on Monday, 3 June 2019 is also going to be celebrated during this week’s time only. Natives should worship Lord Shani (Saturn) in order to attain his blessings. There exists a practice of observing a fast on this particular day. Thus, this week will turn out to be quite special for the natives. Additionally, married duos will also be granted favorable developments as the fast associated with Vat Savitri will also be kept by the female natives on this day. The basic intention behind the observation of this fast is to attain marital bliss. Prayers are also offered on the day of Jyeshtha Amavasya to increase the life expectancy of the husband. Moving forward, the provider of luxuries and comforts, Venus is also transiting during this week only. Thus, the altered positions of various planets and Nakshatras will be bringing many positive changes in the lives of natives. 

Hindu Panchang of this Week

The first week of June will begin with Amavasya Tithi of Krishna Paksh and Rohini Nakshatra. At the same time, the Moon will also remain posited in Taurus zodiac sign. Finally the week will conclude with Saptami Tithi of Shukla Paksh and Magha Nakshatra during which the Moon will move into the zodiac sign of Leo. 

Various Transits Taking Place During this Week 

At the beginning of this week, the Moon will remain posited in Taurus zodiac sign. It will then make its transit in the zodiac signs of Gemini, Cancer, and Leo. According to the Kalpurush Kundli, these zodiac signs represent the second, third, fourth, and fifth houses respectively in a birth chart. During this time, it will also move through Rohini, Mrigshada, Aadra, Purnvasu, Pushya, Ashlesha, Magha, and Purva Phalguni Nakshatras and its effects due to that will be visible in the lives of the natives. During midweek, i.e., on Tuesday, 4 June 2019, the planet Venus will also transit in the zodiac sign Taurus. The transit will influence all twelve signs. Venus is given the status of being a benefic planet in astrology and it is the significator of materialistic pleasures, marital bliss, prosperity, art, talent, beauty, romance, sensuous thoughts, and fashion-designing, etc. It is the ruler of the signs Taurus and Libra and remains in an exalted state in the zodiac sign of Pisces. Virgo is considered its debilitated sign. Taking these astrological facts in consideration, astrologers often suggest the usage of Arand Mool, the gemstone Diamond, and Three Faced Rudraksha to curb the malefic effects of Venus. 

Let us move on to the predictions of this week!

This horoscope is based on Moon Signs. Discover yours here: Moon Sign Calculator


The Moon will transit in the second, third, fourth and fifth house. The transit of Venus will also be hosted by the second house of Aries natives’ kundli. As the Moon’s transit is taking place in your second house, the love between your close ones will increase. Happiness will prevail over the familial front. Business personals will also…Read More

Love Predictions 

This period will remain favourable for matters related to love. During this week’s time, you may also introduce your beloved to your family members and this will strengthen your bond. However, your partner may remain…Read More 


During this week’s time, the Moon will remain posited in your ascendant house. It will gradually move on to make its transit in the second, third and fourth house of your zodiac sign. As a result of the Moon’s transit in your first house, your mental state will become strong. You will enthusiastically take part in each and every…Read More

Love Predictions 

This week may not prove to be propitious enough for the aspect of love. You will feel the love towards your partner but his/her preoccupation with other things may create a gap in your relationship. It is advised to…Read More 


The twelfth, first, second and third house of Gemini natives will host the transit of Moon during this week’s time. Additionally, the transit of Venus will take place in your twelfth house. Due to the Moon’s transit in your twelfth house, your expenses may increase suddenly, which can cause mental strain. It’s repercussions will also…Read More

Love Predictions

This week will prove to be mundane for matters related to love. Fifth house‘s ruling lord Venus’ conjunction with Sun in the twelfth house and planet Jupiter’s infliction will create turbulence in your love life. Your beloved may also…Read More 

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During this week’s time, the planet Moon will remain posited in your eleventh house. It will then move on to the twelfth, first and second house of your zodiac sign. As a result of luminar Moon’s transit in the eleventh house, many desires of yours will get fulfilled. Schemes in which you have invested…Read More

Love Predictions 

For matters related to love, this week will prove to be propitious. Sun and Venus’ conjunction in the eleventh house is aspecting the fifth house, because of which your love life will be blissful. Amidst moments of happiness…Read More 


The planet Moon’s transit will occur in the tenth, eleventh, twelfth and first house of Leo natives. Along with this, the transit of Venus will also occur in your tenth house. At the week’s beginning, Moon’s transit in the tenth house will create positive changes for you at your workplace and also…Read More

Love Predictions

For matters related to love, this week cannot be considered propitious. Due to the presence of many cruel planets in your zodiac sign, misunderstandings and differences may creep in your relationship, which in turn may put an end…Read More 


During the first week of June, the Moon will remain posited in your ninth, tenth, eleventh and twelfth house. Additionally, the transit of Venus will also take place in your ninth house. Due to the Moon’s transit in your ninth house, you may take an overseas trip. With your hard work, your stature in the society will increase. Keep a tab on your…Read More

Love Predictions

This week will prove to be favourable for matters related to love. Mars’ infliction on the first house will create occasional tiffs, but if your love and affection towards your lover is true, then the ship of your love life will sail…Read More 


At the beginning of this week, Moon will remain posited in the eighth house of Libra natives. As the week progresses, it will make its transit in your ninth, tenth and eleventh house. This week will also host the transit of Venus in your eighth house only. When the Moon takes nest in your eighth house, certain mental tensions may…Read More

Love Predictions 

This week will bring forward mixed results for the aspect of love. Despite the differences and clashes, the bond of love between you and your lover will remain consistent. As compared to before, your love life will move forward…Read More 


During this week’s time, Moon will remain posited in your seventh, eighth, ninth and tenth house. At the same time, the transit of Venus will also occur in your seventh house, due to which you will remain contented. Due to your happy state of mind, there will be positive changes in your behaviour. You will come forward…Read More

Love Predictions 

This week will prove to be propitious for love related matters. Jupiter’s aspection on the fifth house of Scorpio natives will bring forward favourable results. You will feel affection towards…Read More 


Moon will transit in the sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth house of Sagittarius natives. Additionally, the transit of Venus will also take place in your sixth house. You are likely to get into an argument with your closed ones when Moon takes nest in the sixth house. You will also suffer from…Read More

Love Predictions 

This week will prove to be challenging for love related matters. Your beloved may experience health problems. He/she may also get into a fight with someone thereby, spoiling his/her mood. The repercussions of this will also be…Read More 


During this week, the transit of Moon will take place in your fifth house. Afterwards, it will move on to make its transit in the sixth, seventh and eighth house of your zodiac sign. Also, during this week only, the Venus will launch in your fifth house. Due to the Moon’s residency in your fifth house, you will remain…Read More

Love Predictions 

Both Venus and Moon’s presence in the fifth house will make love related matters favourable for Capricorn natives. It will nurture the bond of love and affection between you and your partner. Sun will also test your…Read More 


During this week, Sun will transit in your fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh house. Along with this, Venus’ transit will also take place in your fourth house because of which a happy environment will prevail in your house. An auspicious occasion might also get solemnized at your house. As a result, family members may…Read More

Love Predictions

This week will be mundane for love related matters. Venus’ conjunction with the Sun in your twelfth house and Jupiter’s aspection will create ups and downs in your love life. At this point of time, your beloved may stay…Read More 


At the beginning of this week, the Moon will remain posited in your third house. It will then gradually move on to make its transit in your fourth, fifth and sixth house respectively. The planet Venus will also make its transit in your third house. When the Moon remains posited in your third house, you will think of…Read More

Love Predictions

For love related matters, this week will bring forward mixed results. You will remain busy in certain tasks, due to which you will not be able to give enough time to your beloved. This may displease him/her. It is better to…Read More 

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