Sunday, June 2, 2019

Mercury Transit in Gemini, Read The Effects

Mercury transit will make these zodiac signs wealthy! Know the astrological effect of Mercury transiting in Gemini on 2nd June.

Out of all the planets, Mercury shines as one of the most significant ones. This is the reason why even in astrology, it is believed that the weak placement of Mercury in a native’s kundli leads to several problems and troubles. But on the other hand, if it is strong and in an exalted state, it tends to offer favourable outcomes. Therefore, the nature and position of Mercury affect a native’s life in numerous ways.

Although Mercury is regarded as the smallest planet, but its closeness with the Sun makes it an important planet. Considering this, it is crowned as the “prince” of all the Navagrahas or planets. Its positive placement incurs desirable results, whereas it being in a debilitated state result in happiness and prosperity changing their way.

Mercury In A Debilitated State In One’s Kundli

  • A native has to suffer from several issues and troubles all throughout his/her life.
  • S/He starts suffering from many health-related problems.
  • S/He faces financial obstacles and burdens such as debts, loans etc.
  • Due to Mercury’s debilitated state in one’s kundli, there is a decline in one’s reputation, respect, rank and prestige.
  • The native suffers from academic challenges, and fails to impress others with his/her skills.

These facts imply that one cannot belittle the effects of any planet based on its size. But strong Mercury in one's kundli incurs auspicious results.

Mercury In An Exalted State In One’s Kundli

  • The strong position of Mercury leads to an increase in a native’s beauty and overall personality.
  • S/He gains a positive reputation in society, and such a person becomes an excellent orator. 
  • A strong Mercury incurs profits in business, especially if a native is dealing with Share Market and currency exchange.
  • A native attains success in academic field.

This is the reason it is said that an exalted or strong Mercury makes one’s life prosperous and wealthy. But its contrary condition can make you suffer from financial scarcity.

Strengthen Mercury in Your Kundli By Wearing Emerald!

Time of Transit

In Vedic Astrology, planet Mercury is known to be the significator for speech, intellect and logical reasoning. Hereby, Mercury will transit on 2nd June, 2019, Sunday around 00:08 AM in the morning from Taurus in Gemini, and will remain there till 02:19 AM in the morning on 21st June, 2019, Friday.

Changes Pertaining To Mercury Transit

Due to Mercury’s transitory motion, its effects will be seen on all the zodiac signs, but the natives of Taurus, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Aquarius and Pisces zodiac signs will be especially affected. These signs are likely to attain success and fruitful results in their endeavours. On the other hand, Mercury placed in Gemini will be aspected by Saturn, thereby leading to fluctuations in the prices of Gold and Silver throughout the nation. As a result, their prices are likely to increase and then decline. Apart from this, inflation can be seen in the Banking sector Shares and the prices of sugar.

Let’s read the effects of this Mercury transit on your zodiac signs:

This prediction is based on your Moon Sign. Click Here to find out yours.


As Mercury transits in your third house, Aries natives will focus their entire attention on their goals and be able to complete all their tasks with great concentration. The third house, as per kalpurush kundli, pertains to the zodiac sign Gemini and represents your relationship with…..Read More


With Mercury transiting in your second house, which is your wealth house, Taurus natives will be successful in saving money. You will get to savor delicious dishes during this time. The time is really good for students as they will perform well in their studies. You need to be careful…..Read More


Mercury will be transiting in your own sign and posited in your first house, i.e. your ascendant house, which is why this transit will impact you more, as compared to other zodiac signs. You will be the centre of attraction due to your amiable temperament, your image in society will improve…..Read More


Mercury, the significator of intellect, will be transiting in your twelfth house, also known as the house of expenditure, thereby creating a possibility of increase in your expenses during the transit period. You need to avoid court cases in this duration or you will end up spending too much money…..Read More


Mercury will transit in your eleventh house, which, as per kalpurush kundli, belongs to the zodiac sign Aquarius. This house is considered to evaluate the native’s profits, income, and relationship with elder siblings. This transit will be beneficial for working professionals and an…..Read More


Mercury will transit in your Career or Profession house, i.e., your tenth house. As per kalpurush kundli, this house belongs to Capricorn, and is said to signify our social standing and relationship with our father. During this transit, you will complete all your tasks at hand with much…..Read More


Mercury’s transit in your ninth house (house of religion) will bring positive results for Libra natives. This house belongs to Sagittarius as per kalpurush kundli. Also, it signifies our religion, luck, fate, and spirituality. This transit brings a yoga of monetary profits and promises that luck…..Read More


Scorpio natives need to be careful, especially concerning money matters while Mercury transits in their eighth house, because the smallest mistakes can turn out to be harmful for you. Businessmen born under this sign can enter into a secret alliance during this time, and some Scorpio natives…..Read More


Since Mercury will be transiting in your seventh house, which is your marriage or partnership house, this transit will be affecting your partnerships in life. While, on the one hand, your oratory skills (way of speaking) can impress your spouse, it can also lead to quarrels between you…..Read More


Mercury’s transit in your sixth house will bring you desired results in legal matters, which will solve many problems in your life. Your enemies will not be able to overpower you during this time and your logical abilities will not let your opponents stand in front of you. Yet, you will…..Read More


Mercury’s transit in your fifth house, which is your Knowledge house, will bring good results for student natives as they will perform well in their studies. This house pertains to the zodiac sign Leo and is said to be the significator of knowledge, children, and learning…..Read More


This transit will be very auspicious for the family life of Pisces natives as Mercury moves into your fourth house, which tells about your Happiness. There will be harmony between the members of your family, and the pleasant atmosphere at home will fill you with energy…..Read More

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