Friday, June 21, 2019

Mercury Transit in Cancer, Read to Know the Effects!

From 21 June, natives of these 3 zodiac signs must watch their steps! Read about the changes that the transit of Mercury will bring forward for all the zodiac signs. 

Of all the planets residing in the solar system, Mercury is the smallest in shape and size. But since it is posited very close to the Sun, it adorns great importance in the province of Vedic astrology. It is the significator of an individual’s logical abilities, communication skills, travel and writing skills. As per Kaal Purush Kundali, Mercury is known as the ruling lord of Gemini and Virgo zodiac signs. Virgo is its exalted sign, whereas it gets debilitated when being posited in Pisces. All the other planets remain strong either during the day or night. But, the bestower of wealth and intelligence, Mercury remains constantly powerful and stable all throughout the day and night. 

Impact Of Mercury’s State in The Kundali 

According to the scholars of Vedic astrology, Mercury renders intellect and debating skills to a native. It also governs various body parts such as teeth, shoulders, throat and skin. The most important virtue associated with this planet is religious adaptiveness. Natives who are governed by Mercury only develop the tendency to mold themselves according to the circumstances. When many prominent personalities fail to make it through the storms of life, Mercury directed natives wait for the storms to end but never yield in front of the difficulties. This nature also adheres to the changing state of the Universe and gives power and the right to live to those who accept challenges, difficulties and the thorns of life. Those who adapt to the nature’s alterations thrive and the others who refuse to do so fail to move forward in life. 

Which Gemstone Should Be Worn To Pacify Mercury?

If Mercury is placed in your Kundali in a weak or debilitated state, then it is advised to wear Emerald Stone. The experts of astrology state that the usage of this gemstone helps the Mercury governed natives to put an end to their difficulties. By wearing the same gemstone, one also witnesses the inflow of positive results of Mercury. The Four Faced Rudraksha is also considered the significator of Mercury, eliminates all the problems in life and also increase the influx the beneficial outcomes. 

Timing of Mercury Transit 

Once again, the dualistic planet Mercury will change its state and make its transit on Friday, 21 June 2019 at 02:19 AM in the morning. The change will take place in the zodiac sign Cancer. It will then appear to move backwards in retrograde motion from 8 July and come back to the zodiac sign Gemini on Tuesday, 30 July 2019, at 12:25 PM in the noon. Very soon, it will become direct on 1st August 2019, Thursday and move back into the Cancer sign on Saturday, 3rd August 2019 at 05:44 AM in the morning. The impact of this planet’s transition will be visible on all the 12 zodiac signs. Let us take a look at the specific effect of this planet’s transit in every sign specifically. But before that, read about the changes that this transit will bring all over the nation. 

Mars and Mercury’s Conjunction Brings Forward Major Changes For The Nation

Along with the transit of Mercury on 21 June 2019, the planet Mars is also making its transit on 22 June, 2019 from Gemini to the zodiac sign Cancer. Consequently, the conjunction of Mercury and Mars will get formed. But, considering the fact that Mercury and Mars are inimical planets, their transits can give birth to negative circumstances. During this time, bitterness in the speech of politicians who belong to the opposition parties will be witnessed. Thus, you are being asked to stay prepared to hear the weirdest of speeches being delivered by politicians of various states in this duration.

Mercury’s Impact on the Stock Market 

Mercury’s transit in any zodiac sign will be indicative of investments to be done in the sphere of telecommunication. Thus, the natives who have a strong Mercury in their respective Kundlis are likely to earn good profits if they make investments in any company associated with the field of telecommunication. 

Mercury Transit to Bless These Spheres of Life 

This transit will be specifically beneficial for natives belonging to Virgo and Leo zodiac signs. The positive aspect of Mercury will help such natives to earn economic profits from the fields of studies, banking, films, art and telecommunication. 

Now, let us have a look at the predictions for each and every zodiac sign. 

This prediction is based on your Moon Sign. Click Here to find out yours.


Aries natives will find this Mercury transit to be moderately beneficial for them, as the planet moves into the fourth house in their birth chart. Your family life will be blissful in this duration as there is harmony and peace between the family members. However, on the other hand, the malefic effects of….Read More


Mercury’s transit in the third house of your birth chart will bring a better chance of good results in competitive exams for student natives. This planetary movement will fill you with determination and you will rest only after completing any task you take in hand. As for your family life, you will be…..Read More


As Mercury transits through your second house, the time will be quite beneficial for Gemini natives. The planetary movement will bring a pleasant change to your communication skills, and you will be successful in attracting people towards you as a result. You may boost the morale of those you come…Read More


Mercury will be transiting in your own sign and hence will be posited in your first house, i.e., your ascendant house. However, this planetary movement will be quite harmful for you physically, as some of you can face a decline in health and may even come down with a disease. On the flip side, economically, there is a…Read More

Remedies To Curb The Negative Effects Of Mercury: Click Here To Read


Mercury brings with it, mixed results for Leo natives while it makes its transit through Cancer and gets posited in Leo’s twelfth house. Economically, this planetary movement will be harmful for these natives as your expenses may increase. Therefore, you need to control your expenditure and spend money….Read More


Mercury will remain posited in the eleventh house of your zodiac sign, as it transits through Cancer and bring special benefits for Virgo natives with it. With this transit, there is a possibility of fulfillment of one of your wishes. The time is going to be quite beneficial for your health, and you will find yourself….Read More


The transit of the dualistic planet Mercury in your tenth house can bring some good news for the Libra natives pertaining to your business or job, that will make you very happy. Many Libra natives may get a promotion at work or success in a project that they have been working on since a long time. Socially as well…Read More


The Mercury transit on 21 June, brings many ups and downs for Scorpio natives as the planet gets posited in their ninth house. However, unexpected gains are possible in many matters. From your family point of view, you need to take special care of your mother as her health may decline. A sudden and unexpected….Read More

To Improve Your Concentration And Memory Power, Install: Budh Yantra


Mercury will transit in your eighth house and this planetary movement can prove to be quite harmful for Sagittarius natives, healthwise. Since your health can decline, you need to take care of yourself in this time. Married natives should try to strengthen their relationship with their spouse and avoid getting into….Read More


The transit of Mercury in the seventh house of Capricorn will give average results to its natives. This transit will chiefly impact your career as promotion as well as a hike in income is probable for you. Healthwise, you will find yourself energetic and physically healthy. Special financial profits for your….Read More


Aquarius natives may finally become free of an old debt as Mercury makes its transit in their sixth house, as you are successful in paying them off. Economically, there can be an increase in your expenses, therefore keep an eye on your spending habits, lest some financial crisis befalls you. Legal matters….Read More


The son of Moon, planet Mercury, will be transiting in your fifth house, and many Pisces natives can get fascinated with learning and gaining knowledge about new things. The time will be rather beneficial for student natives as they are able to focus better in subjects like mathematics and commerce. As a result….Read More.

For Astrological Remedies including Gemstones, Yantra, etc., Visit: AstroSage Online Shopping Store

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