Friday, May 3, 2019

Mercury Transit In Aries Will Bring You A Windfall of Money!

Conjunction of Mercury-Sun forms the Budh Aditya Yoga! Discover its effects on your zodiac sign.

Mercury is the planet closest to the Sun. Vedic Astrology considers it to be a very influential planet in the astrological realm, despite its small size. The significator of intellect, logical abilities, communication style, travel, writing, wisdom, etc., it has Lordship over the signs Gemini and Virgo. While Mercury is found in its exalted state in Virgo, in Pisces, it remains in its debilitated state. According to their nature, where some planets remain strong during the day, others are mightier during the night, however, Mercury remains strong all day around.

Impact of Mercury’s Position in The Kundli

Taking a look at the effects of Mercury, we can see that it gives results according to the nature of the planet it is posited with. This means that if it is residing or conjuncting with a benefic planet in the birth chart, it will give positive results to the native, in the form of an increase in logical abilities, excellent grasp of mathematical subjects, and so on. On the other hand, being posited with a malefic planet makes it unfavorable for the person, causing a negative impact on their wisdom, skin related disorders, and more. Such natives are advised to wear Emerald and Four Faced Rudraksha (chaar mukhi) and establish the Budh Yantra to escape the adverse effects of the planet. 

Budh Aditya Yoga Will Help You Accomplish All Tasks

Yogas are numerous and vary in a native’s birth, out of which some remain powerful while others are weak. Out of these, we often don’t even realize when the weak yoga gave its effect or will give results, whereas the outcomes of the stronger yogas are visible as soon as they take effect. The Budh Aditya Yoga is being formed right now, as Mercury forms a conjunction with the Sun while making its transit through the signs. 

This transit will not only bring financial gains for some natives in business, but will also help student natives improve in their studies and get good results. However, it can also bring with it some troubles concerning house and vehicle for some. Let us now discuss the transit time for Mercury.

Transit Period

Since Mercury is closest to the Sun, therefore its transit period is the smallest amongst all planets. The prince of navagraha remains posited in a zodiac sign for 14 days at a time. This time, Mercury will begin its transit in Aries on Friday, 3 May 2019, at 16:54 hours, from Pisces, and stay in the same position till Saturday, 18 May 2019, at 23:25 hours. This transit will definitely impact the natives in some way or the other.

Effects of The Mercury Transit Across The Country

As per mythology and ancient sayings, Mercury is said to be the son of Moon (Chandra) and Tara, the wife of Jupiter (Brihaspati). As a result of this, the planet has several characteristics of both the Moon and Jupiter and is said to be the significator of intellect, speech, education, mathematics, logic, mechanics, astrology, accountancy, ayurveda, writing, publishing, theater, and private business. Due to this, we will be able to see the effects of this Mercury transit directly on the country’s economy, as well as in the communication and technology fields, hereby helping India progress. The transit is also pointing towards a rise in the share market, as well as a possibility of better relations with other countries. That, along with a better foreign policy will bring positive impacts all around. 

Let us now discover the effects of this transit on you!

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This transit will create special effects for the natives of this zodiac sign as Mercury is making its transit in the ascendent house of this zodiac sign. Your temper will remain on the higher side during this time… Read More


Mercury is making its transit in the twelfth house of your zodiac sign. The twelfth house is also known as the house of expenditure and losses. Due to Mercury’s transit in this particular house, your expenses may increase which may give birth to mental tensions. This period is… Read More


Mercury, which provides enhancement to one’s wisdom, will transit in the eleventh house of Gemini natives. On the economic front, this transit will be beneficial for you. Job holders may receive a hike in their income. Your relationship will spark joy and your partner will stand… Read More


Mercury will make its transit in the tenth house of your zodiac sign. During this time, you will do rigorous hard work to see the face of success. Your dedication and sincerity towards your work will leave an impact on your senior officials too. Natives who are into business will… Read More


The transit of Mercury is taking place in the ninth house of Leo. Your economic position will strength as a result of this transit. Your siblings will also gain economic prospects because of it. You are likely to get a promotion at workplace. Your current income may… Read More


Virgo natives may witness some problems when Mercury will get posited in the eighth house of this zodiac sign. The health of the natives may deteriorate. In order to avoid this, proper precautions must be taken. Those student natives will prosper who are currently pursuing their studies in various… Read More

Establish Budh Yantra To Sharpen Your Mind And Communication Skills


The transit of Jupiter will take place in your seventh house which also happens to be the house of your marriage. During this period, your life partner’s dominance may prevail over you. If a combusted situation arises in your relationship, try to remain cool and don't get involved in… Read More


Mercury will transit in the sixth house of your zodiac sign. This transit will be quite rewarding for the student natives of this house. Students who are waiting for the results of competitive exams will obtain desirable results. Economic front may remain slightly… Read More


The transit of Mercury will take place in your fifth house and prove to be beneficial for its natives. There will be an improvement in health. Natives who are in love will fulfill the promises they have made to their respective partners. Married natives will obtain… Read More


Mercury will transit in the fourth house of your zodiac sign. The negative aspect of your character will vanish once Mercury makes its transit in your fourth house. A new positive demeanor will help you to create a new image for yourself at the workplace. Student natives… Read More


The planet Mercury’s transit is taking place in your third house. This house determines your prowess and abilities. Due to this transit, your communication skills will improve. The lesser you speak, the larger will be the impact of your words on your peers. On the social front, your stature will… Read More


Mercury’s transit will take place in the second house of your zodiac sign. The repercussions of this transit will be seen on your married and love life. Married natives will receive unconditional support from their respective spouses. However, the declining health condition of your… Read More

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