Saturday, March 23, 2019

Mars Transit in Taurus Brings Unexpected Changes in Life!

Mars transit in Taurus lead to the formation of Mangal Dosha in some zodiac signs. Read and check if your sign is affected or not.

Widely known as the Red planet, Mars is the significator of courage, energy and leadership and tells about one’s younger brothers and sisters. It is said to be the ruling lord of Aries and Scorpio zodiac signs and Mrigashira, Chitra, and Dhanishta Nakshatra as per Vedic Astrology. It is hot in nature, which is why any native under the influence of Mars tends to become aggressive, strong, dominating and fierce. In Hinduism, this planet is associated with Lord Kartikeya, who is the God of War. It gets exalted in Capricorn and debilitated in Cancer.

When it is posited in a benefic state in one’s kundli, the native enjoys power and is hailed as the leader. S/He develops a bold, courageous and energetic personality, which attract the eyes of masses. On the other hand, if it is weak or afflicted, the native can suffer from blood-related problems, muscular pains, disturbed marital life, impatient and short-tempered. Mars placed in first, fourth, seventh, eighth or twelfth house of a native gives birth to Mangal Dosha, which can prove to be quite tumultuous. Mars remedies and rituals can be followed to nullify its malefic effects. Also, establish Mangal Yantra within your surroundings and worship it daily to curb the ill-effects of Mars. Vedic Astrology also suggests wearing a ring made of Coral gemstone to strengthen the placement of Mars in one’s chart. Anantmool root and Teen Mukhi Rudraksha can also be adorned to attain benefic outcomes.

Transit Timings

On 22nd March 2019 at 15:20:15, Mars has made a transit in Taurus from Aries and will remain in this sign for the next 1.5 months. On 7th May, 2019, it will move from Taurus at 07:02:30 and get posited in Gemini. This transit has influenced the lives of natives of all zodiac signs and offer major changes.

Effects of Manohar Parrikar's Death on BJP & Election 2019

Manohar Parrikar, a leading face of BJP in Goa, passed away on 17th March 2019. He was considered an intelligent and legitimate leader who gave his best to establish a positive perspective for Bharatiya Janata Party in Goa. On March 17th, when he was laid to rest, as per Swarodaya Vigyan, it was a big loss for BJP. Thereafter, on 18th March, BJP announced Pramod Sawant as the succeeding CM of Goa and made him responsible for further improvement and development. 

The impact of Manohar Parrikar’s death for BJP in Elections 2019 is huge, and the loss is even inconsolable for the state. Although BJP has announced a new name for CM and people are looking up to him, but this loss doesn’t seem to cover up the downfall it brings along. Astrologically speaking, BJP may suffer a loss of power. However, it may succeed in gaining some sympathy votes. Overall, stars suggest that the party will make a powerful come back.

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Mars rules the first house, which represents oneself and eighth house of your horoscope, which tells about a native’s longevity. Second house is the house of finance, family and wealth. With this transit, Mars will transit in the second house of your kundli, which indicates health issues for your...Read More


For Taurus natives, Mars rules your twelfth and seventh house, which depicts expenditures and losses and marriage and partnership respectively. Mars will transit in your Lagna or First house, which represents the native’s personality and nature. This transit hints at the rise of luxuries and comforts...Read More


Mars rules your eleventh house, which tells about income and gains and sixth house, which represents diseases, debts and enemies. It will get posited in your twelfth house with this transit, which represents losses and expenses. The phenomenon of Mars transit indicates a rise in power and position in your...Read More


Mars rules your tenth house, which tells about career and profession, and fifth house, which depicts about a native’s intellect and children. It will move in your eleventh house of income and gains with this transit. As a result, this transit will boost the work prospects...Read More

Wear Hanuman Kavach & Gain Blessings of Mars


As per Vedic Astrology, Mars rules your ninth house, which represents father, luck and religion and and fourth house, which depicts mother and happiness. It will transit in your tenth house of profession and career. Mars transit seems to be favourable for Leo natives, as they will grow more confident...Read More


Mars rules the eighth house (longevity) and third house (siblings, valour, courage) of your sign and will get placed in your ninth house, which tells about luck, religion and father, with this transit. As a result, your marital life may get affected. You may encounter disagreements and multiple arguments...Read More


With this transit, Mars will get placed in the eighth house of your kundli, which depicts longevity. Astrology says that Mars is the ruling lord of your seventh house, which tells about marriage and partnership, and second house, which represents wealth and family. Thi transit will bring many challenges...Read More


Mars will transit and get posited in your seventh house of marriage and partnership. On the other hand, it rules your sixth house, which tells about diseases, enemies and debts and first house or Lagna, which tells about oneself. As a result, marital life of Scorpio natives will get majorly affected....Read More

Do You Have Mangal Dosha in your Kundli? Click to Know


Mars is the ruling lord of your fifth house (children and knowledge) and twelfth house (expenses and losses). With this transit, it will be in the sixth house of your horoscope, which tells about debt, loan, illness and enemies. As a result, you can get into some kind of verbal spat with someone at the office....Read More


Mars rules the fourth house of your birth chart, which represents mother and happiness and eleventh house, which tells about income and gains. With this transit, it will get placed in your fifth house of intelligence and kids. Under its influence, you’ll achieve gains through your...Read More


Mars will enter in the fourth house of your birth chart, which tells about your happiness and mother. For Aquarius natives, it rules the third house, which signifies brothers and sisters and courage, and tenth house, which tells about career and professional life. With the influence of this transit, your expectations...Read More


Mars will be posited in your third house, which represents courage and siblings. On the other hand, it rules your second house of wealth and family and ninth house, which signifies about luck, father and religion. As a result, this transit will instigate some sort of issues with...Read More

For Gemstones, Yantras and other astrological solutions, visit: AstroSage Online Store

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