Thursday, February 7, 2019

Mercury Transit in Aquarius Will Make You Lucky!

Change in Mercury’s placement will prove to be auspicious! Let’s find out the effect of this transit on your zodiac sign.

Planet Mercury is known as a neutral planet in Vedic astrology. It offers results as per the placement and association with planets. Mercury is regarded as the planet of communication, speech, mathematics, commerce, green color, intelligence and skin. It is the lord of both Gemini and Virgo zodiac sign and rules the Ashlesha, Jyeshtha and Revati Nakshatra. It is exalted in Virgo, whereas debilitated in Pisces. Any planet posited in its exalted sign becomes powerful, and delivers favourable results to natives. On the contrary, if posited in its debilitated sign, it’s not a good sight for natives. In such a situation, follow the remedies to pacify the ill-effects. 

kundli become wise, smart and powerful speakers. They have a strong command over mathematics and commerce. At the same time, those with a weak Mercury are advised to wear Panna or Emerald so as to pacify the ill-effects of the planet.

Mercury planet will transit in Aquarius at 09:59:30 AM on Thursday, February 7, 2019. After that, it will move into Pisces at 8:42:50 AM on Monday, February 25, 2019. The effect of this transit will affect all the zodiac signs. Let's read ahead and know more.

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The planet Mercury will be posited in your 11th house during this transit. During the period of transit, you may come across financial benefits, an increment in income and have high self-confidence….Read More


Mercury will make a transit in your 10th house, which represents your career and professional life. You might lay the foundation of a new endeavour within this span of time.….Read More


Mercury will transit in your 9th house. Owing to the transit, your luck will shine upon you. Your family life and personal life will be happy and blessed.….Read More


Cancerians will develop a religious and spiritual bent of mind during the period of this transit. The planet Mercury will be posited in your 8th house. You will develop an interest in psychology and mysterious things.….Read More


The transit of Mercury in Aquarius will be a blessing in disguise for you. With this transit, Mercury will move into your 7th house. Your relationship with your life partner will get stronger during this period….Read More


The transit of Mercury does not have a favourable impact on your health. The planet Mercury will transit in your 6th house. You are advised to avoid entangling yourself in any kind of controversial matter.….Read More


Your knowledge base will vastly expand during the period of this transit. Mercury will transit in your 5th house. Your income will increase and you will be able to enjoy the comforts of life.….Read More


Mercury will be posited in your 4th house, which signifies mother, land and property, etc. On the brighter side, you will have a peaceful and happy family life. Some minor problems might arise.….Read More


You will be honest during the period of this transit. With this transit, Mercury will transit into your 3rd house. You will meet new people, hence diversifying your social circle.….Read More


The transit of Mercury in Aquarius will be highly beneficial for the natives belonging to the Zodiac Sign Capricorn. You may receive unexpectedly high gains.….Read More


As Mercury will transit in your own Zodiac Sign, you will observe a number of changes in your life. Your knowledge will vastly improve. You will become witty during the period….Read More


The natives belonging to the Zodiac Sign Pisces will get numerous chances to travel during the period of this transit. Mercury will transit in your twelfth house, which is regarded to be the house of.….Read More

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