Monday, May 14, 2018

Sun Transit in Taurus Tomorrow, Things You Should Know

5 Zodiacs will shine, but these 7 Zodiacs Beware! Read the astrological influence of Sun transit in Taurus tomorrow and how it will influence your life.

In Vedic Astrology, Sun is symbolized as father, ancestor and soul, and influences one’s luck where government job is concerned. The benefic influence of Sun in a person’s Kundli results in good position or status in government sector, politics or in any prominent institution. It rules Leo, and becomes dominant when positioned in Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. It is exalted in Aries sign.

On May 15 at 05:19 AM, i.e. tomorrow, Sun will transit from Aries to Taurus and will remain in this sign till 11:52 AM of June 15. Read here to know how it will influence the life of all zodiacs during this period of one month.

Click here to know your Moon Sign: Moon Sign Calculator


The Sun will land in your 2nd House, and may bring harshness in your speech. Read More…


The Sun will transit in your Moon Sign, therefore producing significant effects on your Kundli. Read More…


You may get a chance of travelling and going on a foreign trip. Read More…


With the transit, Sun will move into the 11th house from your Moon Sign, and this period may bring many opportunities of growth in your life. Read More…


During this transit period, you will focus on your work and will get the desired fruits of your labour. Read More…


This may be a tough phase for your father as he may experience health issues. Read More…

Buy Gemstone to appease Sun God: 5 Carat Ruby Gemstone


This transit might bring with it some uninvited guests that might not be in your favour. Read More…


As Sun transits from Aries in Taurus, it will barge into the 7th house from your Moon Sign. Read More…


With the Sun moving into the 6th house from your Moon Sign, your valour and strength would increase exponentially. Read More…

Know remedies for Sun related problems: Surya Puja Vidhi and Mantra


Sun will move into the 5th house from your Moon Sign, resulting in various unexpected events in your life. Read More…


As the Sun enters the 4th house from your Moon Sign, there might be a decline in your mother’s health condition. Read More…


You would be highly determined during this period and your personal relationships would undergo an upswing. Read More…

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