Sunday, April 29, 2018

Budh Purnima Tomorrow! Know its Religious Significance

5 noble and moralistic lessons of a happy life! Budh Purnima will be celebrated tomorrow on April 30, 2018. Read below to know the importance of this festival and the preachings of Lord Buddha.

The birth anniversary of Lord Buddha is celebrated as Budh Purnima. It was on the day of Vaishakha Purnima that Lord Buddha was born, he acquired Knowledge (Gyan) and gained salvation (Parinirvana). This is the reason why, Buddhist followers celebrate this day as Budh Purnima. Vaishakha or Budh Purnima is also known by the name of Buddha Jayanti, Vesak and Hanamatsuri. As per Hindu religious beliefs, Gautam Buddha is the ninth incarnation of God Vishnu. Therefore, it is a holy festival for Hindus as well.

Life of Gautam Buddha and His Preaching

Lord Buddha is believed to be the greatest man in the world for his non-violence and humanist beliefs. He propagated Bauddha Dharma Darshan everywhere. Since childhood, Mahatma Buddha has love and compassion for the people who were miserable and suffering. Troubled by the sorrows in the world, he left his wife, son and all the worldly pleasures behind and went to the forest. During that period, he performed a long rigorous tenacity (Tapasya) and obtained Knowledge (Gyan) at an age of 29 years under the Bodhi tree in Bodhgaya.

Thus, he laid the foundation of Buddhist religion, and told the path for human well-being in his preachings. Among his preachings, he spoke about 5 things prominently:
  1. Do not do violence with any creature.
  2. Never steal anything.
  3. Stay away from lust and misdeeds.
  4. Never speak lies.
  5. Do not consume intoxicated things or drugs (Nashile Padarth).

Festival of Budh Purnima and Its Rituals

Budh Purnima is celebrated in many countries worldwide including India, China, Sri Lanka, Malaysia and Vietnam. On this occasion, Buddhist followers perform several religious activities, like:
  • Buddhist people decorate their homes with flowers and light lamps on this day.
  • Followers of Buddhism from around the world come to Bodhgaya.
  • Religious texts of Buddhist religion are preached.
  • Bodhi Tree, under which Lord Buddha attained knowledge, in Bodhgaya is worshipped on this day.
  • Food and clothes are donated to the poor and needy.
Know More About Vesak or Buddha Jayanti, Read Vesak Festival 2018

Astrological and Religious Importance of Budh Purnima

This day (Tithi) of Purnima holds great significance in Hindu religion and Vedic Astrology. From astrological point of view, Sun is in its exalted sign Aries and Moon is in exalted sign Libra on the day of Vaishakha Purnima. The importance of Ganga Bath (Ganga Snan) during Vaishakha month is mentioned in religious scriptures. It is believed that by bathing, donating and performing tenacity (Tapasya) on Vaishakha Purnima, a person achieves pious results.

AstroSage wishes our readers a happy and blessed Budh Purnima.

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