Sunday, August 31, 2014

Weekly Love Horoscope 2014 (September 1 - September 7) - How To Make Your Love-Life Pleasant?

Are you headed to the land of sweethearts and floating fantasies? Read weekly love horoscopes by ‘Pt. Hanumman Mishra’ and know if your heart would be mounted on cloud 9 this week. 

Know all about your love, relationship, marriage with Weekly love horoscopes (September 1 - September 7).

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The starting of this week is not very favorable for you. Hence, you should be cautious in your relationship. Your partner is likely to be adamant considering some issue. He/She might also suffer from health issues. Try not to get shaded by issues of doubt or suspicion in your relationship. You are likely to face better times, during the mid-part of the week. However, you should be careful from a person who might try to create misunderstandings in your relation. During the end days of week, you might be overloaded with work and may not be able to spend enough time with your beloved. If you have an affair with a colleague, you will not face such hurdles. 

Fortune Star: 2/5

Starting days of the week seem favorable for love-affairs; however, due to positioning of Moon in debilitated sign, you might face some rifts with your spouse. If you are unmarried and have a relationship with your colleague, romance would make its way in your work-schedule. If you are planning to propose someone and any senior is trying to help in it, stay cautious or you may face tiffs. During the mid-part of the week, you need not take any risk in love related matters. You are expected to get better results, during the end part of this week. However, you are suggested to not get emotional while taking decisions.

Fortune Star: 2.5/5

You need to keep your ego aside, if you are trying to express your feelings to your love-interest, during the week’s beginning. However, the lord of second house, Moon will be aspected by Jupiter, the lord of seventh house. Hence, you are likely to inculcate a stronger feeling toward your beloved and things need not to be said. Stay aloof from disputes. During the mid-part of the week, your love will reach an intensified limit in your relationship. Your partner is likely to take care of your feelings. You are suggested to stay completely loyal to your partner, during the end days of the week. Try not to cast doubts about each other. You should not take any kind of risk in love related issues. 

Fortune Star: 3.5/5

Overall, the week will be favorable for matters related to heart. During the starting of the week, lord of the seventh house, Moon is in the fifth house of your birth-chart, which is supposed to be good for you. However, the position of Mars (lord of fifth house) in the fourth house with Saturn is not considered to be very pleasant. Hence, you might be poured in with the rain of admiration and love, although, this will not bring peace to your mind. A competitor might arise, during the mid-phase of this week. You might face rifts with your partner, during this phase. However, stars will be in your favor; hence, you need not to worry. During the end-part of the week, lord of sign, Moon is in the seventh house, while Mars (lord of fifth house) is in conjunction with the lord of seventh house; this will intensify your relationship.

Fortune Star: 3.5/5

During the commencement of this week, debilitated Moon is in your fourth house, hence, you might be enthusiastic with love, but at the same time, you tend to face sad times. However, you might not be able to devote yourself to your partner, considering an ongoing tension. Domestic tensions might be depressing for you; you are advised not to inflict such tensions on your partner. During mid week, try to spend pleasing times with your beloved. In the end days, you might get involved in an argument with your partner, although, it will get resolved.

Fortune Star: 3.5/5

This week will be quite favorable for you. This is the perfect time to get indulged in pleasure trips and entertainment. If your partner has been asking to go out for a movie, this is the right time for doing so. However, you should consult her before booking the tickets of a particular movie. You are likely to be a bit tensed, during the mid-part of the week. Your partner may be helpful in getting you rid from problems. Do not inflict unwanted warmth in your relationship, during the end-part of the week.

Fortune Star: 3/5

Begin your week in a romantic mood; you should start this week with sweet talks and pampering moments. Try not to get indulged in any domestic or financial rifts, this week. You need to understand the mood of your partner completely, before you start to share your shady experiences at the workplace. You are likely to go out for a trip, during the mid-part of the week. Going out for a movie is also suggested to be good for you, watching an emotional film is supposed to be more favorable. However, you will not have enough time for romance, during the end-part of the week. Try not to bring in ego and pride in your love-affair.

Fortune Star: 3/5

You are likely to be in a romantic mood, during the starting days of the week. However, your nature of giving lectures might not be admired by your partner; hence, you should know the mood of your lover first. If you are far away from your lover during mid-week, you can use chatting applications such as whatsapp or a telephonic conversation might also help. If you are planning to tour some place in the weekend, be cautious while drivin. If your love-interest lives in your neighbourhood, stay away from any kind of controversy.

Fortune Star: 3/5

You might not be able to feel contented with your love-life this week. However, Mars, the lord of fifth house is aspecting your fifth house; although, the conjunction of Saturn with it is likely to bring in issues of dissatisfaction in your relationship. You can use chatting application such as whatsapp or video chat to stay in touch with your distant lover, during the starting days of the week. You are likely to stay emotional, during the mid-part of this week; you will devote most of your time to your partner. You are suggested to stay in harmony and not get involved in any rift, during the end days of this week.

Fortune Star: 2.5/5

This week, Venus (lord of fifth house) is in your eighth house and Mars is aspecting your fifth house; hence, this is likely to bring in dissatisfaction in your life. However, rejuvenation will take place in the starting part of this week; there will be an infusion of charm in your love affair. You are likely to meet your love partner with lots of warmth and passion. During mid-week, you might pay a visit to your lover, or the vice-versa may also take place. You are tend to be emotional in the end days, hence, try not to flow away with emotions and commit something immoral. You are likely to spend good times with your partner, during this period.

Fortune Star: 3/5

Mercury, the lord of fifth house is in your eighth house with Rahu, hence, you need to transparent and patient in your love. During the starting of this week, you might not be able to devote sufficient time to your beloved, considering your busy schedule. Although, you should try to enjoy every bit of moment in your life. In mid-week, you are likely to spend good moments with your partner. However, you should not let any doubt or suspicion come in way of your love. During the end of this week, you are likely to have a blissful marital life; you may go out on a distant trip with your spouse. 

Fortune Star: 2.5/5

Try to keep a harmonious relationship with your partner in the beginning of this week. You should try hard to rectify past problems in your relationship. If you live near a pilgrim place, you are advised to pay a visit to the place with your spouse; this will bring pleasantness and serenity in your life. You are suggested to pray for each other’s well-being at such a pure place. Have a respectful attitude toward your partner’s mother. During mid-part of this week, you might not devote enough time to your partner. However, by the end of the week, rifts will finally be resolved. You can go out for shopping with your partner, during this part of the week; you are advised not to buy electronic items.

Fortune Star: 3/5

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