Sunday, August 24, 2014

Weekly Love Horoscope 2014 (August 25 - August 31) - Sense The Fruity Fragrance Of Love!

Want to smell the ‘Fragrance of Love’? Come here and get enthralled by the fruity aroma of love that tells you everything about love, marriage etc. Pt. Hanumman Mishra is here to let you know the sweet and sour taste of love this week through weekly love horoscopes.

Get to know your love-life and everything about your relationship, marriage with Weekly love horoscope (August 25 - August 31).

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The week is bringing in soothing moments for you. During the starting part, Moon which is the lord of seventh house, is in fifth house in your birth-chart (Kundali). While, the lord of fifth house, Venus is likely to be in your seventh house; such celestial positions foresee pleasant times in love-affairs. A friend’s house might prove to be the right place to meet your love-interest. Now, let’s talk about the mid-days; during mid-part of the week, you are likely to face a competitor. You can also end up in a rift. However, the favorable position of planets will nullify your tensions. In the end-phase of this week, you are likely to fetch favorable and pleasant moments. This period will intensify love-relations.

Fortune Star: 4/5


In the starting part of this week, Moon is exalted and placed in your fourth house; hence, you will remain in an enthusiastic and energetic mood. Since, Moon is also the lord of sixth house, certain domestic issues may prove to be disturbing. However, you are suggested to keep domestic tensions away from your love-affair. You should not inflict your ego or depression on your beloved. You will provide moments of pleasantness to your lover, during the mid-part of the week. You are likely to enjoy your life. If we talk of the end days, you might face tensions; although, love will intensify in the form of a passionate and intimate affair.

Fortune Star: 3.5/5


Overall, this week remains to be favorable for you. This is the time to get engaged in entertaining ventures or pleasant trips. If you and your beloved had been planning to go to the theatres, this period will be the right time to implement such desires. An action movie should be preferred. You might get stressed, during the mid-part of the week. Your beloved will prove to be the best medicine to get cured of evolving tensions. During the end-part of the week, do not fake your affection on your partner; he/she might find it unnatural and suspect the reason for such a behavior. Hence, you are suggested to be as you are.

Fortune Star: 3/5


Inaugurate love in a sweeter and charming note, this week. You should not get indulged in any rift associated with finance or domestic matters. During this period, you can please your beloved by spending moments together in a restaurant. In the mid-part of this week, you should take your partner for a pleasant trip. Watching a movie can ignite sweet moments between the two of you. You are suggested to go for a detective thriller. During the end-part of this week, you might not get optimum time to devote to your beloved. You should not let your ego overpower your love.

Fortune Star: 2.5/5


You are likely to start off this week in a romantic mood. If you and your partner are involved in a distant relationship, you are likely to pay a visit to your lover. This is also a favorable time to take your partner out for a pleasure trip. During mid-week, you might not find your partner with you, however, chatting and other applications may prove to shorten the distance between the two of you. In the end-part, you are likely to choose a public vehicle or a bike to go out on a trip. However, you are suggested to adopt caution, while driving a vehicle. If your love-interest is located in your neighbourhood, you should stay alert from getting indulged in any troublesome situation.

Fortune Star: 3/5


You might not be completely satisfied in your love-life this week. In the starting of this week, you might tour some place; although, this will not end up in losing contact with your partner. You can utilize video calling or other chatting apps to stay in touch with your beloved. During the mid-part of this week, you are likely to be emotional. You are likely to spend most of your time with your partner. There might be certain issues of distrust in your relationship, as well. Hence, you need to resolve such problems by hook or by crook; else, things may turn sour. During the end days, you are likely to face rifts in your affair, hence, try to stay aloof from them.

Fortune Star: 2.5/5


Favorable moments in love-affairs will be brought in by starting part of the week. There will be an infusion of rejuvenated energy in your relationship. There will be the feelings of warmth and passion while meeting your partner. The period will fetch more favors for you, if you admire one of your colleagues. During the mid-part of the week, you are foreseen to pay a visit to your distant lover, or the vice-versa may also occur. However, conjunction of Moon-Rahu is likely to bring in suspicion and doubts in your relationship. You will remain emotional by the end days of the week; although, you are suggested to avoid stepping in the wrong foot in the flow of emotions.

Fortune Star: 3.5/5


A busy schedule in professional life might halt you in spending warm moments with your partner. However, you should try to enjoy even the minute voids of moments that you get to spend with your beloved. Married couples may opt for pleasure trips this week. You are likely to devote sufficient time to your partner, during the mid-part of the week. You are suggested to keep suspicion away from love. The end days will be good for the married ones; they are likely to opt for long trips together.

Fortune Star: 3/5


You are suggested to keep your relations harmonious, during the starting of the week. If you have been going through a troubled relationship, try to get things to the right track. You are likely to visit a nearby pilgrim place and pray for your spouse’s well-being. This might help if done with a serene heart. During mid-part of the week, you might not devote enough time to your partner considering busy work schedule. By the end of this week, past rifts will be resolved. Try to take your partner to a shopping destination and indulge yourselves in a shopping spree.

Fortune Star: 2.5/5


The starting of the week needs to be dealt with caution, if we talk of love-matters. Your partner may be irritable at this time, however, you should not lose your trust in him/her. You are likely to have a better time in the mid-part of this week; however, there may be an intruder trying to cause misunderstanding in your relationship. You are suggested to stay alert from such persons. During the end-phase, you might not be able to spend enough time with your partner due to work issues. However, if you have fallen for a colleague, this is considered to bring favors from you.

Fortune Star: 2/5


The starting of the week is likely to fetch in pleasantness and favors for your love-life. And, if she/he is your colleague, nothing can be better than this. If you have not been able to propose yet to your love-interest, your senior might come to your rescue. However, if he/she has already been involved with some other colleague, you might face hurdles from the third person. You should be extremely loyal and responsible in carrying out your relationship, during the mid days of this week. Try not be flirtatious this week. The end days are likely to be beneficial for you. However, you should avoid being sentimental, during those days.

Fortune Star: 2.5/5


Your ego will halt you to express your feelings clearly to your beloved in the starting phase of the week. However, unsaid things will not affect your intimacy toward your lover; relation will intensify, during this period. You should not bring in any trouble in your life, due to your love-affair. The mid-part of the week will deepen the intensity in your relationship. You are also suggested to take care of your partner’s feelings. The last phase of this week is indicative of suggesting you to not take any risk. You should stay alert from inculcating a feeling of doubt in your relationship. Try to be completely loyal to your partner, during this period.

Fortune Star: 3.5/5

By Pt. Hanumman Mishra

Event Of The Day

Today is the second day of Kailash Yatra. Devote this divine journey to Lord Shiva.

Aghor Chaturdashi will be observed in the honor of Lord Shiva and Kali Maa.

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