Sunday, August 3, 2014

Weekly Love Horoscope 2014 (Aug 5 - Aug 11) - Will The Essence Of Love Be Felt With Blinded Eyes?

Have you ever smelled love? Have you ever been caressed by the tender fingers of love? If you are thinking that love is intangible, then sorry to say that you are wrong. Here we will provide you the easiest ways to sense the presence of love in your life through weekly love horoscope.

Know about your love life through Weekly Love Horoscopes from August 5 - August 11.

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Let’s begin with Aries and take a look if the week enthrals the Arians with some pampering surprises this week. Love will present itself in a very charming manner and you are surely to get tempted by it. The ones who are already in love, will go through moments of passion and admiration. All you need to do is to roll up your cuffs, kneel down and utter those three magic words to your beloved.

Long office hours and tedious work routines might be shattering you apart, but there will surely be someone standing by you. If you are yet to find your true love, then you were roaming in the wrong direction, as the Cupid has finally arrived at your doorstep. Committed persons will be able to relish a loyal relationship, whereas married couples will try hard for rejuvenation and recreation. Overall, the week will be soothing for you.

This will be a gem of a week for the Geminians. You will once again travel down to the world of fantasies and adorable imagination. The ones who are yet to get rolled up in the love attire, will soon find the perfect choice for them. If you are married, all you need to worry is to maintain the harmony with your spouse; the rest will be taken care of by Cupid.

It’s high time that you realize your beloved’s efforts and appreciate her with the deserved present; the most pleasurable desire in a relationship is nothing but the need to be loved. If you are already engaged to your lover, then it is the right time to tie the nuptial knot this week. For singles, the week may be a bit flat, however, the second half will be gifting you with something special and unexpected. You need to take care of your temper.

Here comes the turn for the Lions. You are definitely aggressive in nature, but it’s time to show affection to your beloved. To achieve optimum balance in a love relationship, one should easily drop his/her ego down and respect his/her beloved’s feelings. This week, you are likely to experience a slight decline in love stability, although you will overcome it by the end days. Single persons might find this week to be benefic to them, as their utter wish will finally be fulfilled.

You seem to be walking through a stable phase of love affair; don’t worry, as you will undergo through adventurous moments in your relationship this week. The married ones will plan to conduct pleasure trips, while love-birds may end up choosing the extremity of love affair. If we talk about singles, they may end up mingling up with a person who will be older in age. Overall, this can be termed as an ‘admirable adventure’ this week for you.

It’s time that you stop your habit of distrusting your better-half; a relationship is built on trust and faith, hence, you need not accuse your lover falsely. If you are married, you should be humble to regard your spouse’s decisions; but, if you are yet to get married, you should step out of the fancy world and think practically. This week will not be providing much for you, although, you will come to realize the difference between lust and love.

Scorpions, no need to crave anymore, as the search for true love will now come to an end this week. You might ignored people around you, however, someone from the corner will rise and become an integral part of your life. Overall, the week can be termed as a delightful week for the singles, although, things will be pleasant for the married people, as well. Lovers will be able to find a safe refuge and find a way out to continue their relationship.

You need not to worry about the material world, as you have found someone who will rescue you out from the mundane world of stress and depression. At last, you have discovered someone, whom you can hug and the whole world will seem alright for you. Married couples will be relishing this time and will plan short regimes of recreation. How can we leave the singles aside? Even they will be kissed by the magic of love this week.

Let’s travel to the world of Keats and Wordsworth! Yes dear friends, this will be a poetic week for all of you. Romantic moments will once again get revived in a marriage. Committed beings will finally be bounded permanently in their ecstatic bonds. This is going to be a divine week for you
The persons who have not yet experienced the essence of romance, will get hypnotised by it. Overall, this will be a much awaited week.

Aquarians need to take care of their temper, as impatience will lead to short rifts between lovers. If you have already been engaged to someone, you should take care not to hurt his/her feelings, otherwise things may turn bad. Married couples might find this period favorable to them. However, one needs to be sensitive while dealing with members of the opposite sex. Singles should wait for the right person to come in their lives; being impatient will not be very good for you.

This is the time to make your beloved feel special, as this is the most important part of a relationship. You might have been facing problems of incompatibility in your affair, hence, you need to recur everything with lots of patience and understanding. The married ones will not experience many ups and downs; however, they should not take sensitive things for granted. We may easily refer this week to be the week of realization. Take care!

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