Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Transit of Sun In Virgo (September 17, 2014) - Be Ready To Gain Benefits From Sun

On September 17, 2014, Sun will transit into zodiac sign Virgo. Known as the king of planets, Sun influence one’s life the most. So, much effect it will create on your life this time? How good or bad this transit would be? Read it with this astrological article by expert astrologer ‘Deepak Dubey’.

Transit of Sun in Virgo and its effects on all zodiac signs

On September 17, 2014, Sun will move out from zodiac sign Leo and will transit in Virgo at 6:00 am (in Delhi). Sun affects the atmosphere and life the most. Though Sun is considered as the significator of soul and King of planets; still, it comes under the category of malefic planets. It does not give good result in any sign other than it’s own sign i.e. Leo and it’s exalted sign i.e. Aries. The transit of Sun in zodiac sign Libra, in any native’s Kundali, can destroy its one thousand Raj Yoga.

The social circle and administrative capacity of a person gets better due to favorable effect of Sun. But, a person has to struggle a lot in his life, if Sun is unfavorable. The reason is that we get lack of morale and noncooperation from higher authorities due to Sun’s influence.

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Sun is transiting in Mercury's zodiac sign, Virgo on September 17. Mercury and Sun share even relationship. The time when Sun is transiting in Virgo, exalted Mercury and Rahu are also posited in Virgo at the same time. Saturn and Scorpio’s Mars are present in Libra. Venus is also posited in Leo; therefore, till the time Sun will remain in Virgo, there will be abundance of natural disasters. Disasters such as storm, high rainfall at some places and draught at others, floods and earthquake are possible. Public will be turbulent and administration will be unsuccessful in maintaining law and order. Disputes at the border can increase. The time is filled with excessive troubles for the government also.

Due to this transformation of Sun, there will be changes in the life of every native. This change will also depend on the position of Sun in native’s Kundali and also on Dasha of planets and their association with Sun. These predictions about different zodiac signs are based on Lagna ascendant. It means that they are not based on your name, Moon or Sun sign and are general. Consult experts under special conditions.

Let’s read the effects of these changes on every zodiac sign:

Note: By the term ‘sign’, we mean Lagna.

This transit of Sun is taking place in the sixth house for the natives of this sign. So, mental complications will grow. Disputes with children or father may crop up or there can be a problem due to some reason. Even in competitions related to education, success will come only with hard work. Don’t take risks related to finance. Try to avoid differences with the higher officials.

Sun will be in your fifth house and the conjunction of Mercury, Rahu and Sun can provoke you take wrong decisions. There are possibilities of disputes in family. There can be some problem due to child’s health. Caution is necessary in journey. Pregnant ladies need to take special care of their health.

Sun, posited in fourth house will remain with Rahu for the whole month. Thus, you will feel lack of happiness in family. There can be problems due to vehicle. Take care of your mother’s health. Loss is foreseen in work and business; hence, be cautious. You may become insomniac and restlessness. Try to stay away from tension.

Sun will be in your third house from ascendant. As a result, courage and enthusiasm will enhance. Public contacts will increase rapidly. You can get a good news from source of communication. The tendency to suppress others will dominate. Avoid self-praise, over enthusiasm and ego.

Lions, transit of Sun in second house is giving indications of money loss. Decisions taken in agitation will prove harmful. Control your voice and anger. Journey will be painful. Beware of friends and servants. There can be some problems related to head, eyes, and pain in teeth.

Positioning of Sun, Mercury and Rahu in ascendant can distract you mentally. Physical suffering and unwanted excursion is possible. There can be disputes with the business partners. Ability to deal problems with esoteric approach would be quite amazing, . However, maintain caution in work and behaviour. Try to maintain good relationship with your partner.

The transit of Sun is happening in your twelfth house. You will feel lack in income. Long journey is foreseen. You will be successful in defeating enemies using your intelligence. Possibility of profit is foreseen from external sources. Try to make better relations with father and higher officials. Don’t go alone at desolated place.

There are possibilities of gaining paternal property, but disputes will also be there. So, be cautious. There are chances of sudden money profit and its loss as well. Thus, be careful while taking financial decision. Pregnant ladies need to take special care of their health. There can be some problems due to children.

The transit of Sun will be in tenth house for Sagittarius natives. Rahu and Mercury, both are situated in tenth house at the time of transit. Sun will be in second house from its zodiac sign; hence, there are possibilities of destined income. However, there can be disputes with father or higher officials, so, be careful. There is a possibility of suffering for mother and father; therefore, spend time with them. Unwanted journey is foreseen.

Due to presence of eighth house lord Sun in ninth house and positioning of Rahu here from earlier, destiny will not be in your favour. Avoid gambling and don’t do anything by depending on luck. There can be dispute with your siblings or close friend without any reason. Financial loss and trouble at work front is foreseen, stay cautious.

The conjunction of Rahu and Sun in eighth house is not favorable for married life. Be cautious of your partner’s health. There is a possibility of accident from vehicle; therefore, beware at the time of driving or during journey. There is a possibility of suffering in the back or in the lower part of the back. Awareness is required in financial issues.

The conjunction of Rahu and Sun in the seventh house for the whole month is not at all favorable for married life. There can be disputes with your partner without any reason. Beware of partners in business or you may get ditched. This is not a good time to take risks in financial issues. There can be some problems related to abdomen; so, be careful in eating habits.


At the time of transit in Virgo, Sun will remain together with Rahu. Mercury will be there in starting days, then Venus will enter. There will be a need to control your voice and senses. Sun will be under the influence of eclipse Yoga; so, some natives will have increased morale, whereas, some will face lack of it. Both these situations will not be good; hence, try to be patient.

By Pt. Deepak Dubey

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