Monday, July 28, 2014

Weekly Love Horoscope 2014 (July 7 - July 13) - What Love Brings For You?

Want to know if the Cupid will knock your door this week? Then, you have come to the right place, as we bring you Weekly Love Horoscopes, where ‘Rekha Kalpdev’, our expert astrologer, tells you everything about your love-life.

Weekly Love Horoscopes tell about your love life from July 7 to July 13 in 2014.

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The first half of week will be favorable for love related matters. Collaboration and cooperation will enhance the mutual affection of friends. There will be opportunities of reconciliation and tours. You are likely to befriend a new person. Friendships may take the form of romantic affairs. Do not have any doubt in your heart. Hence, you should step ahead with confidence. You should stay aloof from anger, as it might hamper your relations with friends. Try to enhance your friendships. Keep your mutual concerns and differences aside; you will get enough time to understand each other.

There is likely to be ups and downs in your relationship. The feelings of passion, enthusiasm, romance are likely to be a bit less than usual. However, patience is required to resume things to normal. Although, you will remain positive and will be able to keep a check on situations. In the mid part of the week, do not let off the opportunity of pampering your beloved. You will be concerned with your beloved’s utter wishes; this attitude will be very helpful.

The first half of this week will be favorable for relationships. New relationships might grow, while committed persons will find this time more romantic. If you like someone, this is the perfect time to express your love. You are likely to be pampered with expensive gifts from your love interest. You will be completely dedicated to your beloved. Even the minute things related to your partner might impact you, this week. Love may be felt on a declining note during the mid part of week. You may also have to face the wrath of your partner. During the end of the week, try not to take up irrelevant topics.

During the first half of the week you will get attracted toward your nearer ones. You are likely to be helped by moments if you want to express yourself to a special person. However, such favorable moments will be for a limited period. During the end phase of the week, relationships might get hampered due to lack of trust. Such occurrences are likely to hurt your emotions. Relationships formed this week might not last for long. However, we can say that past relationships will get normal after witnessing ups and downs in the recent past.

Keep a control on high aspirations and give as much time as possible to your beloved. Try to extract time from your work schedule as your friends and lover are equally important. Spend time with them by visiting amusement places. It’s the right time to contact distant friends and there is a possibility for it, as well. This will make relations stronger. Profession or work overload may disrupt marital harmony. During the end of the week, weekend trips are on the cards with your life-partner. This will rejuvenate your relationship. The closure of this week will be pleasant and adventurous; hence, you will be on cloud nine with matters related to your lover.

The week might not be very favorable for romance. There will be ups and downs in love. A person within the family might be interfering in personal matters. Familial environment may deteriorate, as well. The last few days of the week may bring down your confidence. Hence, try to be polite and harmonious during the period. Fury and anger may enhance stress and depression. Married couples will experience a pleasant time during the week. Gifting and pampering your spouse will act as a rejuvenating idea and will bring happiness in your marital life.

Luck will favor you in love. However, there might be instances of doubt on your partner. You are advised to ignore such thoughts. In the mid part of the week, there will be improvement in your life. If you are married, this might not be a very easy going time for you. This might cause stress in your life, due to malefic influence of planets. However, you should be patient and should not get indulged in furious arguments. Give your life-partner the upper hand as it will neutralize familial problems.

There is likely to be the entry of love in your life. The week is going to be very favorable for you. Prolonged relations with friends will be witnessed. The first half of the week will be very pleasant for householders. Laughter and jolliness will keep the environment of your house pleasant. During the mid part of this week, an usual behavior of your spouse may bring in hassles. If we talk of already committed persons, the week may examine your commitment. You will be in a dilemma, whether to trust your beloved or not.

This will be a favorable time for love affairs. The one who haven’t yet experienced the magic of love, this time will prove to be significant. Try to maintain purity and reliability in your relationship, else, the charm of relationship might decreases; this might cause a split-up, as well. Married ones will get the opportunity to go on pleasure trips with spouse. You might also get emotionally attached to a distant acquaintance. You are also likely to get connected to highly influential persons.

Budding romance will bring in enthusiasm and happiness for you. Hence, welcome new linkages with an open heart, however, try not to compare them with past relationships. You are likely to get indulged in work matters, this week; but personal life should also be given equal importance and attention. If you are married, this week will remain to be a pleasant and admirable. Beside this, this will be a great time for amusement as you may go out for a movie; you will prefer this time to hangout with friends. This is also a favorable time if you want to fulfil your desires with your beloved.

A marriage proposal might come up for the unmarried persons, during the mid part of the week. This might bring ups and downs for romantic couples. Understand and respect your partner’s feelings. This will be a mixed week for love affairs. In household life, you should spend time with your spouse, else, proximity might increase between the two of you. Be communicative to avoid such situations. If there is a brewing tensions between you and your lover, try to clear off doubts at the same moment through direct conversation. If not done soon, this may take the form of a dispute.

There is a huge possibility of getting indulged in love affairs. This will bring in sufficient time to understand your beloved’s personal interests, feelings, ideologies etc. There also may be exchange of gifts between lovers. Hence, this will remain to be a pleasant time for love birds. In domestic life, one should keep his/her ego aside while spending moments with life-partner; otherwise, the charm of a relationship may get hampered. During this week, if your spouse or life partner is hurt over some issue, it’s the right time to overcome his/her anger. This is also an auspicious time to grow the network of friends.

By Rekha Kalpdev

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