Monday, July 14, 2014

Weekly Love Horoscope 2014 (July 14 - July 20) - Love Awaits You!

Have you experienced the magic of love? If yes, we are sure that you would like to know that how your love-life is going to be in the coming week. Then. here we are. We bring you astrology predictions from Rekha Kalpdev, where you will get to know everything about the essence of love.

Weekly Love Horoscopes lets you know about your love-life from July 14 to July 20 in 2014.

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Amidst the cut-throat competition in today’s world, we tend to fail in certain works without our intention. This often happens in daily or weekly events; at times, our efforts do not receive the deserved outputs. In such a situation, either we blame ourselves or the the situations.

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There is no one, but the planets that change a friend into an enemy and an enemy into a friend. The constant travelling of planets is largely responsible for the occurrences that take place in your life. When your love affairs will be at its peak, next week? Or, when your beloved will be at displeasure? We bring you everything you need to know about your love life for the coming week, be it ups or downs. Through our weekly love horoscopes, you can not only increase the essence of your love affairs, you can also get a solution to your concerns. Let’s know how your love life is going to be in the coming week due to the influence of the planets.


Moon is in your eleventh house, hence, during the first half of the week, an increase in aspirations will make you inclined toward income and profitable matters. Along with this, love related matters will receive a hike and you will be blessed. Your wishes are likely to be fulfilled during the week. You may visit a romantic place with your special person. If you have not yet experienced the magic of love, it might be waiting for you. Hence, a new love affair is on the cards for you. Friends will be supportive in transferring your love message to the admired person. Hence, friends’ support is positive. However, it would be better if you represent your feelings yourself. The mid part of the week is not very favorable. The end days will be filled with love and romance.


The period is likely to be favorable. If you and your beloved belong to the same workplace, then by taking care of very small things, you can make your partner feel special. This is the right time to fulfil the promises you have made to your beloved. Do not let any kind of doubt cultivate in your relationship, for maintaining the trust and loyalty, make only those promises which you are able to fulfil. During the mid phase of the week, you will feel enthusiastic and pleasant. This will get reflected in your speech. This is an auspicious time to tie the knot if and transform your relationship into the nuptial bond of marriage. This will be a good time for love marriages. However, end of the week might bring in trifling issues and may spoil expectations.


Due to the conjunction of Mars-Saturn during the first part of the week, there might be stressful situations in love related matters. Fury and anger may bring in more trouble in your relationship. If there is the need to cheer your partner up, do not miss the opportunity. In mid-week, things will favor you and by the end of the week, you will again come closer to your partner. Past doubts will be cleared and things will once again appear to be pleasant. However, a third person might bring in misunderstandings between the two of you. This will not last for long and you will have sufficient time to spend with your partner in the end part of the week. Overall, relations will grow stronger by time.


Love affairs may tend to split. Situations are delicate and hence, there is a need to treat relations with trust and love. This will help you in overcoming negative hurdles. The first half of the week might examine your trust. The mid part of the week might bring in rift and distrust, but you and your partner need to deal them with mental strength. You are likely to overcome them by the end part of the week. However, the first four or five days, you will deal situations emotionally. In such an emotional flow, you will not stay behind in spilling out bitter things to your beloved, as well. But soon, you will accept your fault and that’s what more important. Due to work overload, you may not lend enough time to your partner, during this week.


This week will be fair enough for love affairs. In the starting part of the week, you and your beloved will feel good. But, it is likely that you may not be able to fulfill your partner’s wishes; this may occur due to your tough schedule in other works. During the mid part of the week, things will possibly turn to be more serious. Acts like blaming your partner or frequent rifts, may make you apart for a few days. You need to deal relations with a lot of patience and understanding. If you are married, this period will not be very troublesome. However, you need to be cautious; you should take care of your behavior and ego. When it comes to love and relationship, love should overpower everything else’ otherwise, things may not be pleasant.


There will be ups and downs in your relationship, during this week. Hurdles may arise during the first half of the week and will continue till mid-week. However, things will once again worsen during the end part of the week. But, you should not panic as relations will not split. It seems like planets are not in your favor for a short period of time. Such situations of rift will enhance your understanding with your beloved. This will give enough time to the two of you to understand each other. Although, this period will strengthen the position of the opponents; this may also come from the family side. There is a high possibility that you may step against your family and marry the person of your choice.


If we leave the first two days of the week, then the whole week will prove to be romantic for you. Family life will be pleasant to those who are leading a married life. But, to achieve a harmonious familial life, you need to control your anger. In general, the week will be favorable to your familial life. Amicability and love will sustain in your life. Intensity in relations will increase. Issues related to entertainment and fun will receive a hike and will be pleasant. This week will leave an impression on your life on its end note.


This week might bring in hurdles for your love affair. The end part of the week will prove to be good. There might also be a decline in health, energy level, taste etc. during this period. Due to health issues, you are likely to gain sympathy and love, in the end part of this week. You should not miss out on being romantic to bring pleasure in your life. A pungent nature might transform situations more serious. By the end of the week, an aura of jolliness will make the environment pleasant for you. However, the week brings in ups and downs for love affairs and married life.


The week will support love affairs. There is likely to be new relations. You may not care about others and take your relationship forward. Although, you should keep in mind that only the first two days of the week will be auspicious for you. Hence, utilize these two days to its fullest, as situations may get adverse later. Do not delay to express your feelings; else, you may have to repent. In the mid part of the week, your feelings will not be taken seriously. This might hamper your relaxing mood. Do not trust rumors and have complete faith in your beloved, during this period.


The first half of the week might not be favorable, but you should keep patience in such situations. Do not speak anything that might hurt the feelings of your partner. Matters related to finance may pose a slight barrier to your love relation. In the second part of the week, efforts made will be successful, if they are related to love and friendship. You should not be scared in taking the first step in any issue related to love; you should be confident and valiant in dealing with any matter. During the end part of this week, your luck might not favor you and this might be the reason that your partner will not trust you completely; do not ignore his/her displeasure. Ty to be patient, as things may transform for you.


Love affairs will be strengthened, during this week. Couples will relish a pleasing time during this period. Due to your emotional nature, you will get positive support in love related matters. Committed persons will be able to take the advantage of this period. Persons of opposite sex will get attracted to each other. This is likely to be pleasing and favorable time for married couples. There will be love and affection in domestic life. During, mid-week, there might be rifts and happiness in relations may get affected. However, in the end part of the week, you will again receive a blissful life. There is a strong indication of an expansion in friends’ circle.


Love relations will not be very pleasant, during this week. There might be stress, restlessness, depression, irritable nature in your life. The mid phase of the week will bring back the relaxation phase in your love-life. The rest part of the week will be stressful and trifling. Stress and dilemma will not only increase your problems, it will also distract your mind toward irrelevant matters. An unfavorable time may disrupt your concentration and harmony in love affairs. Try to be tolerant while talking to your beloved; this is the perfect method to delay with the process of inauspicious or unlucky time. You should further, try to pacify your mind.

By Rekha Kalpdev

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