Friday, July 18, 2014

Mercury Transit In Leo (August 12, 2014) - Be Ready To Gain Profits!

Mercury, the asexual planet, will transit into Leo, the fifth sign of our zodiac. Just like other transits, this transit will also bring changes for every sphere of your life. Discover those changes and plan your actions accordingly with the help of expert astrologer ‘Rekha Kalpdev’

All the nine planets of zodiac keep on changing their position. While few planets change their sign at a fast pace, others take more than two years to move from one sign to other. Among all the planets, Moon moves at fastest speed. For this reason, Moon is compared with the mind of the native. Moon never resides in any sign for more than 2-3 days. Sun takes around 30 days to cross a zodiac sign. Mercury takes approximately 22-24 days, means slightly faster than Sun and slower Moon. On the other hand, Mars crosses a zodiac sign in 45 days. However, its duration in a sign increases when it is retrograde. Coming to Jupiter, it takes one year to change sign. Venus takes 26-27 days for the same thing. Out of all the planets, Saturn moves with slowest speed. To move from one sign to another, it takes around 2.5 years. 

On August 12, 2014, Mercury will come out from sign Cancer and will transit into sign Leo at 21:04 pm. It will stay here till August 29, 2014. Mercury is the significator of intelligence, ingenious, business, speech, and intellectual ability. Being the lord of business and intelligence, Mercury leads to confusion in one’s decisive abilities. Mercury’s transit holds extreme importance for businessmen and students. People curiously await for Mercury transit. If Mercury is posited in 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, 10th or 11th house from the birth zodiac sign, it blesses the native with fruitful results. In remaining houses, it gives unfavorable results. 

This horoscope is prepared keeping in mind your birth sign. 

Let us see the effects of Mercury transit on each sign:

Arians, for you friendship is likely to convert in love. As the situation seems critical, take decisions carefully, as Saturn may create some troubles. It would be good to have control on anger. To avoid conflicts in conjugal life, it is suggested to agree with your partner’s decisions. During this transit period, take care of your mother’s health. Expenses related to family or mother may increase. You will get opportunities to prove your leadership quality at workfront. 

For the students born under sign Taurus, hard work and dedication is foreseen. They will feel inclined toward studies. To get favorable results, they should concentrate on studies in a peaceful environment. Doing so will help them to regain back the lost confidence. Due to Mercury’s transit, you will gain food, wealth, and clothes. Cordial relations will develop with family members and affection will increase with friends. For the people who are in love, trusting their partner blindly may hurt their emotions. You may plan a trip with family members. Rise in expenditure will affect your savings. 

For natives of sign Gemini, hard work and will power is the key to improve the situation. You will take interest in meeting friends, recreational activities, and fulfilling your desires. However, due to some reasons, you may not success in doing so. You may face troubles in endeavors done with extreme courage and risk. It would be good to postpone trips, as they may not yield any benefits. This transit does not seems favorable for matters of property and vehicle. Rise in stress and workload on professional ground may take away physical and mental peace. It is suggested to maintain cordial relation with your colleagues and seniors, as it will help in strengthening relation with them. 

During this time, Mercury will occupy second house from yours sign. During this time, three other planets are also transiting in your sign. Due to impact of exalted Jupiter, Venus, and Sun on your birth chart; modesty, politeness, courtesy, and confidence will rise in your behavior. These qualities will help you in many spheres of life. Work will increase and so will be your responsibilities. You may have to undertake many projects at once. You will successfully fulfil your responsibilities. However, there may a decline in your friend circle. 

Lions, Mercury transit may create doubts in your mind, as a result of which, you may feel difficulty in taking decisions. You may lose offers due to lack of usage of intelligence. Other than focusing on your work, keep a check on your health as well. Make sure that any ailment does not overpower you. Coming to professional life, business trips will prove beneficial for you. Use wise words and also keep a check on your words. During this time, due to influence of major planets, you will get less favorable results. You may go on some business trips. You can plan a foreign visit for professional purposes. Students may try for going abroad, for higher studies. This time is highly favorable for this matter. However, this is not a good phase for love related matters. 

For Virgo natives, this is the time when health should be given first priority. Take care of your health and if needed, take rest for some days. Due to lack of sleep and increased mental stress, this time period may give some troubles. Avoid taking debts for business ventures. You may also face troubles due to colleagues. Your luck will help in raising your income. Due to tiffs in love life, you may feel stressed for some time. Foreign trips may serve as a source of income. 

There will be a decline in your level of expenditure. Change of place, promotion, and starting new work are in your favor. If you are involved in any project that is in progress in foreign land, excellent income is possible from there. You will gain happiness and support from children. Students will get their desired results. You may start a new business. Don’t lose heart if you don’t get result according to your hard work, as such a phase will get over soon. Things will get under control in month end. 

Mercury transit will affect your health; thereby, increasing your expenditures. Even after trying hard, you may not get the expected income. Lack of income may become the reason for mental tensions. Due to lack of responsibilities, you will feel relaxed. Married life will remain prosperous. Relations will strengthened due to love and affection. You will accomplish your work with the support of parents. Keeping control over diseases and debts will be beneficial.

The relations with your father will improve. You will get opportunities to come in contact with teachers and respected people. Health of your father is likely to get affected. As luck is not in much favor; therefore, lack of hard work and courage should be avoided. During this time, you will enjoy happiness and support in domestic life. You will accomplish familial issues with assistance of your spouse. Also, ongoing conflicts from the past will come to an end. Income seems to be getting affected; however, friends and younger siblings may help in this matter. This is an excellent time for new relations and deals. Stay alert toward your image and health. You will successfully confront unfavorable situations and will get victory over enemies. 

This time is less favorable. Conjugal life will blossom, provided ego should be kept out of it. At work front, you may have to work very hard to achieve your goal. During this time, you will get less support from young siblings and expenditure may increase. Enemies may affect your plans or strategies. It seems that hidden enemies will also influence you. You will enjoy sound health from the end of this month. Due to good time at work front, not only the relations with you subordinates will improve, but you will get opportunities to show your abilities as well. 

During Mercury transit, you will get the support of luck in every important task. Hard work and will power is also foreseen toward endeavors. Make sure not to invest in sources which promise a good amount of money in shorter time span. It would be good to stay at bay from share market, lottery, and betting. Efforts done during this time, will yield good results later. You will take interest in family issues. Give time to your married life and end all the tiffs with your spouse. There will be some problems related to income. This is the best time to tie the knot with your loved one. Avoid over courage and risk. Better results are foreseen, provided you act calmly. 

You may feel restless and worried. It would be good not to overthink on any particular things, as you may face problem in taking decision later. You will plan trips with friends. To avoid disputes is family, you should act wisely and solve the issue patiently. Being spontaneous and aggressive may worsen the situation. Your saving are likely to increase. You will enjoy good health. Avoid intake of spicy food. You may feel attracted toward opposite gender. Your decision of changing job will prove right. It is suggested to solve problems timely to avoid problems in future. 

To overcome diseases and health issues, we take remedies such as medicines and diet as suggested by the doctor. Similarly, to reduce malefic effects of planets and increase their benefic effects, we need astrological help. Though astrological remedies can’t reduce the negativity of planets completely, but it surely reduces the malefic effects. To reduce the malefic effects of Mercury, you can follow some really simple remedies. These remedies are easy but highly effective. We hope you will follow these remedies with pure heart and faith and will get the best from them. Here are some of those remedies:

  1. Mix raw rice grains in bathing water and then take bath. 
  2. Chant “Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya Namah” ("ऊँ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय नम:"). Chanting this Mantra 108 times will help in reducing malefic effects of Mercury. Chanting this Mantra regularly helps if Mercury is not giving results as expected. 
  3. Wear Mercury Yantra or establish it at Puja Sthan (place of worship) and worship regularly. 

By: Rekha Kalpdev

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