Monday, July 21, 2014

Let’s Open This Secretive Box Of Love Together! One, Two, Three, Splash!

Want to know if your Utopian dreams will turn into a lovely reality? Then, you have come to the right place, as we bring you Weekly Love Horoscopes, where ‘Rekha Kalpdev’, our expert astrologer, discloses the secretive fortune of love in the coming week.

Weekly Love Horoscopes let you know about your love life from July 21 to July 28 in 2014.

Love affairs increase gusto and enthusiasm in a person’s life. In a relationship, a couple steps side by side with the feelings affection, security and respect; this is a huge method to understand each other better. 

It has been depicted through various historical evidences, when monuments have been built in the name of love; poems, prose have also been written in the past, to honor love. Love is like an aroma, when it drapes the gloom face of a person it brings a rosy smile on his/her face. If you have thoughts of doing some deed for someone else, before yourself, then you are surely in love. Let’s take a look at how the upcoming week will be presenting your life with a palette of colors. 

This week will produce mixed results for love related matters. Since you will be actively involved in family matters, you will be less inclined toward love affairs. In the mid part of the week, Moon - Venus will be in your third house, hence, you are likely to get attracted to persons of opposite sex. You will relish jolly moments with your friends. In the end part of the week, you will again get busy in family matters and solving domestic issues. Overall, you will not get much time to focus on relationships, as you will get indulged in familial matters, most of the time. However, a friend of the opposite sex is likely to bring in moments of pleasure and happiness in your life. 

In the starting of this week, Moon will be in your birth sign; it will remove the barriers that will come in your love affair. The first half of the week will be favorable to express your feelings and emotions to your beloved. During the mid part of the week, auspiciousness will prevail in your life. Hence, this period will prove to bring you better results. You are likely to go on a pleasure trip in the end part of the week; a pampering gift will act as a great surprise for your beloved, while touring. This is predicted to be a good time for fun. Money may also get spent on love related matters. This is not a very favorable time for married couples. 

The starting of this week will not be very favorable for lovers. You might pass through an ashen stage, due to health issues. During mid part of the week, your fortune may be helpful to strengthen your relation with your beloved. The transit of Mars - Saturn will take place at a prime position, hence, it will increase enthusiasm and zeal in a relation; however, this might also bring in stress and depression along with it. One needs to deal such situations with patience, calmness, and ease. Domestic life will be romantic and pleasant. In the end days, do not let your desires go off the limit. Do not let ego overpower your relation, while interacting with your partner. 

This week is likely to be a pleasant one for love. Lovers will find the first day and the last two days of the week, auspicious for them. You will be facing a stable phase in your relationship; your inner desires are placed on a certain standard. You are suggested to be patient, during this week. This is a time to get indulged in luxurious experiences. In the mid part of the week, you will not be receiving the benefic results of planets. Hence, there is a doubt whether you will get support from friends. Expenses may be on the rise, to meet the expectations of your lover. If you are married, planets might not benefit you as desired. This week, you will be trying hard in carrying out the responsibilities of your relationship. 

This is a time to strengthen your love bonds. Romance will be at its peak, the aura around you will be pleasant with romantic conversations. Exchange of ideologies and thoughts will be helpful in creating awareness in a relationship. Light moments and humor will get you closer to your beloved. Moments of romance is predicted to be pleasant, this week. The magic of love will overpower everything and you are likely to get infected by the magic, as well. This period might lead to the fulfilment of your wishes. However, the last phase of the week might be troubling such sweet moments. Situation is likely to stay emotional. Try to be positive and stay away from earthly concerns. The week is a great time for domestic life. You are likely to go on a pleasure trip with your life-partner. 

You will be favored by the planetary influences, during the starting of the week. You will find yourself surrounded by issues other than love; this will completely distract you from love affairs. After the passage of two days, the week will turn in your favor. Issues related to love will improve. In the end days of the week, love-affairs and marital relationships are likely to improve. Pleasure and happiness are likely to enter in your life. Relationships will turn into fruitful marriages. However, in general, the week will witness certain unexpected occurrences in your life. Hence, be prepared of such adverse conditions. 

The week will bring in arguments and rifts between you and your partner. An off-limit stress in a relationship will result in harming a person’s feelings. Hence, you should be cautious. Also be careful that even the minute rifts may lead to an increased proximity in a relationship; this may occur in marital life. The end part of the week will shorten the distance between the two of you; you may also be contented that things are going to get better. There should be a two-sided effort in order to make a relationship smoother. Be communicative and express things clearly. 

For matters related to love, the starting part of the week will prove to provide with favorable results. The first two days of the week will be pleasant for you, but the concluding days will prove to be extremely stressful. Hence, you should be loyal and try not to get indulged in a secret relationship; this is likely to bring in tensions. Apart from this, a lack of devotion might make your relationship hard to sustain. Deal such situations with truth and dedication to combat such inauspicious situations. Beside this, carry your responsibilities toward your beloved skilfully; this will bring in auspiciousness in the relation. Overall, this is not a very good time for love affairs. Be positive to gain profitable results. 

Enemies of love will get pacified, this week. This is a favorable time for love related matters. If we leave the end part aside, the week will be good and pleasant for you. The ones who have stayed apart from the magic of love, will now feel its aura; this also includes the persons who have been living alone for years. Hence, welcome the new entrant from the bottom of your heart. This is also a good time to relish physical pleasures in married life. Due to the conjunction of Mars-Saturn in eleventh house, the period favors new relationships; however, it may bring in certain cracks in existing relationships. 

There might be tits and bits of arguments in your relationship. Try to resolve them in the starting part of the week, as it will help in the longevity of a relationship. However, the first half may bring in restlessness in your mind about love related issues; try to get rid of such irrelevant thoughts and let your relationship get directed to the right path. During the mid part and end part of the week, try to burn out any kind of negative thoughts. You will feel a certain kind of belonging and possession with your relation in mid-week; with the passing out of time, it will leave behind the sweet moments of love. Due to the influence of an auspicious planet, you are likely to be gifted by a pleasant time. Do not let issues related to livelihood overlap with your personal affair.

During the start of this week, Moon is in, hence, it might bring in restlessness in your pleasure moments. Misunderstandings may take place in relationship with your soulmate; this might occur due to lack of communicative approach. Hence, try to communicate clearly with your partner as it will bring the two of you closer. In mid-week, there will be a certain kind of instability in love affairs. Since, the period is not very auspicious for love affairs, stay alert from extra preparedness. In short, the week will bring in ups and downs for you. Transformation in situations will also lead to a behavioral change. The week is also a challenging time for the marital couples. 

If we talk of love related matters, this is not to be a very favorable moment for you. The first two days of the week will be entertaining, romantic and full of fun. However, the rest of the week will seem to be hurtful. This might also bring in the occurrences of broken hearts. Your mental stress will increase, this week. This is likely to influence other modes of life, as well. Since the time does not favor you, expressing your ideologies and thoughts might spoil the week to a larger extent. Being neutral and calm will give a long-term outlook to deal with a relationship. Due to rifts in married life, the intensity between a husband and wife is likely to become less intense. 

By Rekha Kalpdev

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