Monday, May 26, 2014

Modi’s Swearing-In Ceremony Muhurat Decides The Fate Of India

Muhurat of the oath taking ceremony of Narendra Modi, the new Prime Minister of India in 2014, will change the future of India. How? Read this article by Astrologer Vijay Goel and see what astrology says about the coming days.

Oath taking ceremony Muhurat of Narendra Modi will change the fate of India.

Narendra Modi won the heart of India in Lok Sabha Elections 2014. Everybody was expecting this victory, but nobody knew that it will be such a big sweep for all the existing powers. Entire nation is holding breaths with a dream of seeing India as the biggest power. Let’s see what Mr. Modi is going to do. The swearing-in ceremony of PM Narendra Modi is at 6:00pm on May 26, 2014. In this article, we will see the power of Muhurat at this time. Let’s analyze the future of India for next 5 years with this new Kundali.

5-Year Natal Chart

Oath taking ceremony Muhurat of Narendra Modi will change the fate of India.

Date: May 26, 2014
Time: 18:11:00
Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)
Place: 77 E 13' 00", 28 N 40' 00" (Delhi, India)

Features Of This Chart

For longevity of the chart:
  1. Movable Lagna (ascendant) with exalted retro Saturn with Rahu.
  2. Lagna is aspected by own lord, Venus and another pious planet Jupiter.
  3. Longevity as per Jaimini System:
Lagna lord and 8th Lord is in movable sign – long life.
Lagna and Moon: Both are movable - long life.
Lagna and Hora Lagna (Mercury): One is movable and other is common - short life

All these above factors indicated that government will complete the full term of 5 years.
  1. Three planets are in Pushkaramsa: Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn.
  2. 9th lord Mercury in own house.
  3. Mars is stationary.
  4. Lagna lord and 10th lord together with strong Lagna and strong 9th house is Shankya Yoga, which is very powerful Rajyoga.
This clearly indicate that this muhurtha for government is blessed by saints and pious peoples. After facing all struggles, results will be very positive for the party. The decision made by this party will not be influenced by any external sources (foreign help) at any cost. They had the strength to tackle all problem in-house itself.

Negative Influences
  1. The placement of malefic planets in Lagna.
  2. 7th lord Mars in 12th house.
  3. 2, 12, 6, 8 houses has malefic influences.
  4. Mars is stationary in 12H.
This indicate that firmness and adamant in executions of policies. The weakest point is that due to the suffering of these foreign policies and relations with other countries (especially inimical ones) would be worsen to large extent and cold war may exist. Hard action against terrorist is indicated.

Asha Saham comes under Abhijeet which means that resident of country has many hopes with the government in coming five years which is protected by Brahma itself.

Vimsottari Dasa compressed 5 year Dasa taking seed of Lagna Spustha:

Maha Dasas

Jup: 2014-05-26 - 2014-08-09

Star of Jupiter consists of two Sahams: Preeti and Bratru Saham. Jupiter is in 9H with Mercury and is in Pushkaramsa. This period indicate support from friends and also from rivals turned friends. Due to the blessings of divinity, this period will turn out to be very positive.

Sat: 2014-08-09 - 2015-05-26

Star of Saturn consists of three Sahams: Karm, Santap, and Apamrityu. Saturn is retro exalted with Rahu in Lagna and is in Pushkaramsha. In this period, decision will be taken for the improvement of in-house production in country. Many policies will be made for the welfare of residents and improvement of infrastructure of country. This period will lead to major constructions and civil works in country. Infrastructure related to security in country will be also improved. Hardships in path could be overcome due to blessing of Brahma.

Merc: 2015-05-26 - 2016-02-08

Star of Mercury consists of four Sahams: Labh, Jeeva, Jalpath and Yasas Sahams. Mercury in own Rasi in 9H and also 12th lord, Jaimini Hora lord and Indu Lagnesh.

This period indicate dominance in SAARC countries and very good relations with all neighboring countries. This period indicate increasing foreign travel of prime minister and many cabinet ministers. This is the period when foreign policy could be reframed. In this period, capitalist could be favored, they will influence the government to large extent. Many big industrialist from all over the globe could make huge investment in the country. Value of rupee could be strengthen against dollar. Share market could rise. There could be development and change in import and export policies. Middle class resident and small entrepreneurs may not be satisfied with the policies of the government.

Ket: 2016-02-08 - 2016-05-25

Star of Ketu consists of three Saham: Matru, Kali and Vivaha. Ketu is in 7H with Venus and Moon. This is the period for rectifying all previous agreements with neighboring countries related to security matters. Terrorist and internal security, border related security will be main issues in the country. New line of action and strict measure will be framed and executed in this period and this may lead to more inimical relations with few neighboring countries.

Ven: 2016-05-25 - 2017-03-25

Star of Venus consists of six Sahams: Mahatma, Mitra, Gaurav, Vidya, Paradesa, and Jadya. Venus is also day Hora lord. This is one of the most difficult situation, the country may face. Country could face direct war or war like situation and due to this, GDP will fall and a temporary recession could be there. Bomb explosion, fire accidents are indicated. Here opposition party will have the opportunity to counter react with the government. Government may be defamed due to foreign policy. War like situation could hamper the growth of the country. Government may revamp the tax structure, which could bring relief to the residents of the country. This period is acid test for the government to acquire Mahathma and Gaurav among residents.

Sun: 2017-03-25 - 2017-06-25

Star of Sun consists of Vanik Saham. Sun is in 8H and exalted in Navamsa. With no aspect and in Ubhayachari Yoga, Yogi planet. This is the major period of economic recession and government subsidies could bring temporary relief to residents. There could be big loss or retirement of major political leader of the presiding government.

Moon: 2017-06-25 - 2017-11-24

Star of Moon consists of ten Sahams: Pitru, Samartha, Mrityu, Artha, Sraddha, Vyapar, Satru, Roga, Pardara, and Bandu Saham. This is a mix period, fame of government will rise in this period. Reconciliation with enemies could be there. There could be increase in fate by residents of country in the government. GDP will start rising. Production of country will increase and bring many new opportunities and hopes.

Mars: 2017-11-24 - 2018-03-10

Star of Mars consists of two Saham: Punya and Sastra. It should be noted that Mars is stationary; hence, it is bound to give strong results. This is the period of victory over the matter related to internal and external security of country. Army will be at high alert and terrorism could be nearly wiped out substantially. Many scandals will open up and culprits could face imprisonment. Government will more focus on technology advancement, knowledge and scientific explorations, development of research centers and education sector.

Rah: 2018-03-10 - 2018-12-09

Star of Rahu consists of three Saham: Putra, Bandhana and Karya Siddhi. Rahu is in Lagna with exalted Saturn. This period indicate victory and solutions over many unsolved matters of past. Political shrewdness would bring complete crushing over enemies. The results of many project will fructify in this period which could make strong political ground of the government whole over country.


Although this Muhurat is not good, this will bring lots of struggle, but finally success to the party, due to the blessings of Brahma; and could emerge as the biggest party of Bharat (India) in the coming years.

By Vijay Goel

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