Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Buddha Purnima - Auspicious Day Of Enlightenment

Today, i.e May 21, 2016 is Buddha Purnima, the day when birth anniversary, enlightenment, and death anniversary of Lord Buddha are observed. Born as a prince, this great saint left the material pleasures and taught the world, wisdom and knowledge. Let’s read all about Buddha Purnima here...

May 21, 2016, is the day to celebrate Buddha Purnima or Vesak 2016.

Buddha Purnima, the most sacred Buddhist festival, commemorates the birthday, enlightenment, and death anniversary of Lord Buddha. Buddha was born as a prince to king Suddhodana and queen Maya. Every year, this day is celebrated in the month of May on the Full Moon Day of Vaishakh month. The real celebrations of Buddha Purnima are seen at Sarnath and Bodhgaya; however, it is also celebrated in Ladakh, Sikkim and Arunachal Pradesh.

Important Places Related To Buddha

Lumbini (Nepal): Buddha’s birthplace
Bodh Gaya: Where he attained enlightenment
Sarnath: Where he taught Dharma for the first time
Kushinagar (Uttar Pradesh): Death place

Celebrations Across The Nation & Outside

Birthday of Lord Buddha is celebrated with great spirit and zeal, throughout the country. The entire nation is seen in a festive mood. Let’s take a look at Buddha Purnima celebrations in some particular regions of the country:

Bodhgaya: Lord Buddha attained enlightenment in this city and therefore, Buddha Purnima is a very sacred and special day for the people here. People decorate the Mahabodhi temple with flowers and colorful flags and offer prayers to the lord under the Bodhi tree. This tree holds spiritual significance, as it is the tree under which Buddha attained enlightenment.

Delhi: In the National museum situated in this city, the mortal remains of Buddha are taken out on Buddha Purnima. These remains are viewed by the people who come to visit the museum.

Gangtok: Here, a procession of the monks is carried out and sacred texts and scriptures are read.

Japan: People of Japan bathe the idols and statues of Buddha with holy water and decorate it with spring flowers.

Rituals Of Buddha Purnima Day

Buddha Purnima is the special day to pay tribute to the great saint Buddha, who always taught wisdom and knowledge to the people. A number of things are done by the devotees on this day. Some of the most conducted rituals are:
  • Idols and statues of Buddha are worshiped and procession is taken out
  • Idols of Buddha are bathed with holy water by the devotees
  • Buddha temple and shrines are visited by the devotees
  • Buddha’s teachings, scriptures, and sermons are taught among the masses
  • Caged animals are freed to spread the message that freedom is the right of one and all
  • Holy books, texts and magazines depicting the teachings of Buddha are distributed among the people
  • On this day, people usually dress in white colored clothes
  • Donations are made to the needy people and food is offered to them
  • On this pious day, intake of alcohol and non-vegetarian food is avoided
  • Kheer (sweet rice porridge) is also served to the people

Read all about Buddha Purnima and Lord Buddha in detail at - Buddha Purnima 2016

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