Friday, April 25, 2014

Transit of Sun In Taurus (May 15, 2014)

Sun is transiting into zodiac sign, Taurus, on May 15, 2014. This transit will have different impacts on all the zodiac signs. What effects these could be? Read these astrological predictions by Pt. Hanumman Mishra, to know about them.
Transit of Sun in Taurus and its effects on all zodiac signs.

Sun is going to sacrifice its supreme position on May 15, 2014. During the period, Sun leaves Aries, and transits into Taurus. This transit may bring a transformation in the ruling power. Women organizations may express their dissatisfaction through lobbying practices. Now, let’s take a look at how the transit of Sun in Taurus will affect the zodiac signs, overall. 

Now, let's see what effects does this transit produce on our zodiac sign:


Sun will be posited in your second house. This means that this is not a favorable time for your financial matters. Hence, you need to be cautious, if you are going to step into an economic deal. This transit is likely to affect your familial life, as well. Ailments related to eyes or mouth may be troublesome during this period. So, take care of your health. 


You are predicted to be furious over certain issues, as Sun is in your first house. Beware of the harsh weather, as heat stroke or fever is predicted to be troublesome for you. There are possibilities of some short trips. This transit period will bring you fruitful outputs, in accordance with your dedicated efforts. You will be socially active, and will donate kind and money to social homes. 


Sun is in your twelfth house, hence, you are advised to not take any impulsive decision. Expenditures will not be calculative, as it may rise. Business matters should be dealt with maturity to avoid any loss. Maintain your pleasant relations with friends and relatives, else it may turn into stressful situations. Overall, you are advised to think twice while dealing with finance.


Sun is placed in your eleventh house, so it will bring fulfillment of desires. You are likely to get co-operation from your friends and relatives. There will be an increment in your income level. Contracts and bonds will fetch you huge profits. This is a favorable time for love and romance. 


The transit of Sun is in your tenth house, which is going to be highly satisfactory for you. During this period, you are likely to gain success in your profession, be it a job or business. You will be able to seek help from senior officials. In this transit, you will remain busy and workaholic. 


Sun is posited in you 9th house; therefore, you will get mixed results. You will come in contact with reputed people and people sitting on higher positions. It will prove helpful for you. Religiously, you will visit important places. This time is quite good for financial matters. However, long journeys may not prove to be successful. During this time, take care of your parents health. 


Sun is posited in your 8th house, which is not considered favorable. As a result, you may face some problem, suddenly. Stay away from illegal activities and suspicious deals. Before signing any important papers, it would be good to read them carefully. Maintain cordial relations with relatives. Take care of your health, during this period. 


As Sun is in your 7th house; therefore, you may not get results according to your efforts. Business partner or colleagues may create some problems for you. During this time, avoid getting into any conflict with your life partner. Mentally, you may feel stressed or ill. 


Transit of Sun is happening in your 6th house. As a result, you will get success in every thing you do. Possibilities of rise in reputation and position are foreseen. You will earn respect and promotion. You will also get honor and happiness. You will get success in your works and working conditions will improve.


Transit of Sun is happening in your 5th house. This condition is not considered good; hence, you will welcome life with zeal and excitement, but will not enjoy a good personal life. You may go on unexpected journey. Therefore, take decisions wisely. 


Transit of Sun is in your 4th house. Therefore, you may feel concerned for your parents health. During this time, you have to work hard. Continuous hard work may make you feel tired. During this time, drive carefully. 


As Sun is in your 3rd house, therefore, you will enjoy domestic life. Awaited wishes and desires will be fulfilled. You will get good news regarding gain of money. Relations with family friends and relatives will improve. You will get opportunities for some trips. Short trips will prove fortunate and successful. 

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