Sunday, April 13, 2014

Sun Transit & Indian Elections 2014

On April 14, 2014, Sun will transit into its exaltation sign, Aries. Till May 14, it will reside here. It will be interesting to know the effects of this transit on the on-going Lok Sabha elections 2014. Read this article by astrologer Acharya Raman to know how this transit of Sun will hit these elections. 

Effects of Sun transit on Lok Sabha elections 2014.

Sun will be entering into his sign of exaltation on April 14, 2014. It will come on the axis of Rahu - Ketu and will be aspected by Saturn and Mars. Both the planets are retrograde. Sun will be in Aries till May 14 and the benefic aspect of Jupiter will be missing. Jupiter is aspecting Saturn and Rahu in Libra, but Mars is devoid of his aspect. Mercury is going debilitated till April 20, 2014.

In the foundation chart of India, the nation is going through Maha Dasha of Sun and Antara of Ketu. We are going through electoral process and some of the phases have been completed, but much is remaining. Sun will transit in the stars of Ketu, Venus and Sun in this transit. Sun is the ruler of planetary kingdom and so it represents rulers, high ranking officials etc. in mundane astrology. The polling is continuing and so does the movement of Sun in various quarters of these constellations. In a nation’s chart, the first house is of the masses, general public and general condition, as a whole. In the chart of independent India, it is ruled by Venus, which also rules the sixth house. Sixth house denotes armed forces, terrorist attacks, labour unions, medical and other paramedical services and doctors and nurses and diseases in general.

The tenth house denotes kings, rulers, party in power, national prestige, reputation, politics and parliament. Ketu is transiting in Aries ruled by Mars, which happens to be the owner of 12th and 7th houses of Indian independence chart. Since, Sun will conjunct Ketu, its effects will be shown by Ketu and Rahu and not by Sun himself. Sun will be in Ketu star till April 27, and then will come to Venus star Bharani. Venus rules 1st and sixth house, as stated earlier. It will transit in Venus star till May 10 and then Sun will move in Krittika in own constellation (Nakshatra). Sun rules the fourth house in Indian Independence chart.

Mercury represents common intellectual caliber of the nation, speed and communications, editors of print and electronic media and commerce among many things. It is going in its sign of debilitation. We are witnessing some useless speeches for the sake of gaining more votes each day. Politician are using their mind in putting efforts to impress the nation. 

On April 27, Venus will move to Pisces, its sign of exaltation. It will be directly aspected by retrograde Mars. Presently, Venus is under the benefic aspect of Jupiter. On April 20, Mercury will join Ketu and Sun in Aries. Fiery nature of the sign and Sun and venomous nature of Rahu-Ketu may affect the society. 

Conspiracies and plotting against top leaders may be unearthed by the intelligence agencies, during this time. There could be some major news leaks against the head of the state. From April 27, planetary movements may affect some leaders physically. This is the time when the politicians need to be careful and aware about their safety, during public meeting and travels. Female candidates for Lok Sabha also needs to be alarmed, as some untoward incident may happen with them.

All the sects of society will be confused in general upon choosing the right candidate. They will cast their vote not according to the benefit of the nation, but will go with the wave of the region or area. This will bring us to another hung parliament. It seems to me with no party getting majority of the votes and the pre decided options for the prime post may have to step back to gain the main throne. In all this happenings, I also think that there journalists and higher officials would really need to take care of their health and fame. 

A major section of people are wanting someone to become the Prime Minister of this country. In my opinion it is going to be very difficult. I wish the right person becomes the Prime Minister of this nation and takes this nation on a path of peace and progress.

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