Tuesday, April 29, 2014

May Horoscope 2014: Welcome Summer With Love

May 2014 horoscope of AstroSage is right here by Pt. Hanumman Mishra. Saying goodbye to those chilly winds of winter, it’s the time to cherish summer. One corner of the world is cherishing spring and the other is autumn. Let’s see what astrology says about this gorgeous month of May.

“And a bird overhead sang Follow, 
And a bird to the right sang Here;
And the arch of the leaves was hollow, 
And the meaning of May was clear.” 

- Algernon Charles Swinburne

Note: These predictions are based on your Moon sign.

Arians, your stars indicate that the first half of the month is just average. But your self-confidence will be shooting high. You might get honored by some organization or even government. Apart from this, you may go on a short trip. A little of your hard work can make these trips fabulous. If we talk about health, not only you, even your family looks sensitive. I would suggest you to take special care. On the other hand, your finances also need some special attention. Even in the second half of the month, you need to be really cautious with your finances as well as family matters. Some health troubles may continue from the first half.

Remedy: If you want to eliminate all the side effects of the afflicted planets, offer water to the Lord Sun.


Taureans, you need to be really cautious in almost everything at the beginning of this heated month. You need to control your craziness while doing anything. If we talk about work or business, you need to behave quite controlled as well as disciplined. Be polite and act intelligently while dealing with people. And avoid any unimportant expenditure. If we move to the next half of the month, most of your problems seem to be settling down, gradually. Respect and honor in society will increase. You may go on a profitable journey. But, during this time too, you will have to take good care of your health along with the health of your family members.

Remedy: If you want to get rid of all the bad effects of afflicted planets, donate gram lentils in a temple.


Geminis, first half of the month looks quite positive for you. Looks like, almost all of your important tasks will be accomplished in this time. Your admirers will come in front in your support. During this time, you may make some profitable deals. Even for love life, this time is quite positive. Income will increase. You will also get benefits by traveling around. However, second half of the month might be full of expenditure. You need to take special care of your health during this time.

Remedy: As a remedy to tough times, avoid consuming non-vegetarian food and alcohol.


The entire month of May is positive for you. In the first half of the month, you will do great in work or business. You will get support of the elder ones. You may go on some corporate journeys during this time. This time also looks quite good for financial matters. On the other hand, beneficial situations will be strong in the second half of the month. You may get some good profitable offers. Time is also quite beneficial for married life. You may get bliss and wealth from journeys.

Remedy: As a remedy to tough times, flow milk in the running water.


So Lions, looks like the beginning of the month doesn’t have much for you. Just an average start. Some distant journeys are possible. However, there are not much prospects that they will be successful. But, you may meet some people sitting on higher positions, who will also be beneficial for you. Nevertheless, it will be most important for you to take good care of your parents’ health. Time is positive for financial matters. On the other hand, second half of the month looks quite awesome for your work or business. Journeys will be successful. You will get rid of all the financial troubles.

Remedy: As a remedy to tough times, I would suggest you to donate milk.


The days coming under first half of the month are not holding much positivity for you. Some troubles may come suddenly. Try to be in good terms with your relatives. Take good care of your health. Keep yourself away from immoral activities. Avoid accepting suspicious deals. Take any decision after thinking properly about it. In the second half of the month, your troubles will be vanished to quite a good extent. You will get success in your work. Financial situation will improve. You may go on a religious journey.

Remedy: As a remedy to tough times, flow jaggery in the running water.


You need to be really cautious throughout this month. If you are planning to take a business related decision, you need to keep a good hold over your thoughts and actions during this time. You may also stay stressed due to some domestic issues. This time may make you mentally sick due to stress. So, take good care of yourself while leading a disciplined life. Even the second half of the month seems to be bringing difficulties to you. So, during this time too, you need to act very cautiously.

Remedy: As a remedy to tough times, bury a square piece of copper in land.


Scorpions, looks like the start of this month is quite grand. You will get rid of all your old troubles. This is the time when you will be successful in defeating all your opponents. You will get success in all your endeavors. Even the situation at work will improve. Respect and honor will increase. Good prospects of promotion can be seen. It looks like the first half of the month is quite positive for you. However, in the second half of the month, you will have to be a bit cautious. Along with work and business, you will have to take good care of your health.

Remedy: As a remedy to difficulties, serve jaggery to the monkeys.


Almost the entire month will be auspicious for you. During this time, you will welcome your life with great zeal and gusto. You may also go on a journey suddenly. But, this time is not that positive for love matters. On the other hand, second half of the month will be solving all your troubles and will come along with success. You will get rid of troubles. Your respect and honor in society will increase. Looks like your money vending machine is going to work a little better. After all, your job is on the road to create a paradise for you. You may also get promotion.

Remedy: As a remedy to tough times, pour some drops of mustard oil on the floor.


Capricorns, you might not get everything in your favor this month. With the start of the month till the mid way, you may have to work harder, which may make you feel exhausted. This may also affect your work efficiency. Most of the bad stuff look cool, you might get prompted to opt for one. Home might not be your calmest place ever, some adventure is waiting there too. Some monsters have been installed on the roads, this is your driving test. As soon as you cross the mid of this month, things will start settling down. Still, caution is required.

Remedy: If you will serve food to the people who are visually impaired, it will be great.


The beginning of the month is coming with the support of heavenly angels. Some small journeys might lend you a helping hand in moving toward success. Wealth will be showered on you. Your body will feel the ecstasy of flawless health. As soon as you cross the half of this month, some pending files of work may open up. There is quite a possibility that this may exhaust you. Your home, the only place where you expect to be in peace, might give you some stress. Try to hold yourself from being into any immoral or illicit activity. You also need to drive carefully.

Remedy: To pacify the malefic effects of your planetary position, donate rice.


Beginning of the month might not be that good comparatively. Familial life might not run smooth. This is the time for taking special care of your wealth. Making any investment during this time might be a risky affair for you. If we talk about your health, eyes and mouth are more prone to ailments. But, the second half of the month will be eliminating all your troubles. You may get benefit out of a journey. Positivity will prevail in financial matters. Health will also be fine.

Remedy: Donate coconut oil at a pious place to stay at bay from any sort of trouble.

Friends, this was all I had for you this month of May. Have a fun-filled time. I am going back to make some more predictions for you. We put our best efforts in creating a beautiful future for all of you. Have a great time ahead!


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