Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Transit Of Retrograde Mars In Virgo (March 25, 2014)

Retrograde Mars will transit in Virgo on 25th of March. Predictions have been made for each zodiac sign. So, what are these predictions? How will this transit effect you? Read this article by astrologer ‘Pt. Hanumman Mishra’ and get the answers. 

Transit Of Retrograde Mars In Virgo and its effect on all zodiac signs.

Planet ‘Mars’ was posited in Virgo till February 4, 2014. After that, it moved into Libra. However, after undergoing retrogression on March 1, 2014, it is again transiting back to Virgo on March 25, 2014. As per the astrologers, this transit will lead to an increase in the prices of red colored things. Silk and woolen apparels will cost high. Scarcity in rain is possible. Prices of food grains may rise up. Political ups and downs in any southern state are also foreseen. Some political leader might become the victim of any mishappening. Problems to children may increase. Ongoing conflicts among politicians will reduce. 

Let’s know the effects of this transit on all the zodiac signs:

Aries: During the time of transit, you will feel very happy. Situations at work front will improve. Immense profits are possible. Harmony and happiness will prevail in family. You will put efforts to overcome hurdles and to defeat your enemies. Be cautious while driving.

Taurus: You should be careful, as level of your wisdom may decline. You may face troubles from your health and family members. Refrain from betting. Unwanted expenses are also possible. Friends and relatives may not prove supportive. Journeys will make you restless.

Gemini: During this time, you will deal with mental stress and desires. You might miss happiness, money, property, vehicle, friends and company of females. This time is not good financially and expenses may also rise. You may spend on some secret activities. Some losses are also possible. 

Cancer: At this time, you will feel courageous. Journeys will prove fruitful. You will get good news via sources of communication. Relatives, especially brothers, will live happily. Gain of worldly things is also there. Opponents will feel weak in facing you. Success is assured in efforts.

Leo: This time is not good from financial point of view. Tension may rise due to family members. Small issues may result in big conflicts. It is suggested to keep a check on your speech. You may have to depend on some people, unwillingly. Business might get harmed due to loss or theft in business. Take care of your health.

Virgo: This is the time for getting mixed results. You may get results opposite to your expectations; therefore, try to control habit of expecting much. Minor health issues are possible. This time is not good for taking risks and spending in betting. Mental peace may get hampered due to family disputes.

Libra: During this time, you may have to deal with some serious situations and problems. Your obstinate attitude and ego might be the reason behind. Health may also give some troubles. Expenses may increase. Health of spouse will improve; however, they may take time in recovering completely. Mental satisfaction may get disturbed.

Scorpio: Friends and relatives will prove helpful. Awaited wishes and desires will be fulfilled and long journeys will prove successful. Increase in income is assured. You will spend on comforts and luxuries. Prosperity will prevail in family.

Sagittarius: You will get benefits from trading business. Also, you will get profits from public sector or government. Getting in contacts with senior and higher officials will prove fruitful. Your business might expand very soon. You will deal with unfavorable situations with great confidence. Enemies won’t get success in harming you.

Capricorn: Elders will support you. Journeys to distant places will prove successful. Income will increase and new you will get new sources of income. Though expenses may rise, but not more than income. You may get money via betting. Utilize the best of this time.

Aquarius: This time is not that favorable for you. Financial troubles are possible. During this time, avoid betting and taking any risks. Health may give some troubles. Differences with family members are also possible. You may get news of any relative’s demise.

Pisces: You may face problems in daily activities. Enemies may try to harm. Conflicts with colleagues and associates are foreseen. Harmony in family might get disturbed. Take care of your health. Journeys may not prove successful. You will feel concerned for your partner’s health. Problems and troubles in life are possible, during this time.

You may also like to read the results of Mars in virgo, as per Vedic Astrology. Here’s the link - Mars In Virgo

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