Friday, January 3, 2014

Venus Transit In Sagittarius: Effects On You

Venus, an indicator planet of amusement, is transiting into Sagittarius on 6th January, 2014. Just like other transits, this transit will also bring favorable and unfavorable results for all the 12 signs. Let us see what are these effects.

Venus is entering into Sagittarius on 6th January, 2014. Let’s see the effects of this transit on every sign.

Aries: During this time period, you will achieve immense success on work front. Your relation with your business partners, professionals or customers will improve. You may go for business trips during this time period. Along with this, your pride & honor will increase. Your family members will come closer to you. 

Taurus: Due to Venus transit, there are possibilities that you will get promotion as per your expectations. This transit indicates that family life will be good for you. Also, you will come closer to your parents and mentors. There are bright chances that your mind may divert toward religious acts and life related philosophy.

Gemini: During this time, try to stay away from wrong activities. Do not involve in any activity which may harm your image. There are chances that you may get money all of a sudden. However, you have to keep a watch on your expenses. You need to avoid unnecessary journeys. Remain cautious about your health.

Cancer: During this transit, you will perform well in your job and business. Your income will increase. Also, this transit is bringing good time for you and you will enjoy a journey. You will connect with new people, due to your extrovert nature. Your family life will be happy; however, some health problems may give you a bit of worries. 

Leo: You will perform well in job; however, extra work may make you feel restless. You need to have control on your expenses as well. Do not deteriorate relations with females. Try to stay away from wrong activities. Your opponents may try to harm you; therefore, stay alert. You need to take care of your health also, during this period.

Virgo: During this duration, you may get attracted toward opposite gender. Your family life will be happy. Your most awaited wishes will fulfill during this transit. You may get good news through phone. You will get interested in arts and music. Your social circle will increase as well.

Libra: During this period, you may get a good opportunity which will increase your income. Your domestic life will be happy. Your efforts will be successful, during this transit. Your rank and prestige may increase; therefore, your opponents will not get success in their plans. Journeys will give positive results. Overall, it is a good time for you.

Scorpio: At this time, luck is in your favor; therefore, you will get success everywhere. Your job circumstances will improve. Also, you will feel enthusiastic and energetic. Your social circle will increase. Short journeys and family life will give you happiness. 

Sagittarius: During this time period, your income will increase. You may get unexpected funds; however, domestic expenses may arise. You will enjoy good time with females. Some auspicious event may take place in your family. You will deal with unfavorable situations very smartly.

Capricorn: During this period, the more you work hard, the more your income will increase. You will find interest in music and literature. You will feel happy from the positive environment around you. You will remain happy all the time. You may get attracted toward opposite gender. Married or love life will also be good. 

Aquarius: In this duration, you may spend money for amusement. You will enjoy your married and love life. But, keep a control on useless wishes and desires as they may harm you. You will become financially strong due to this transition. Stay alert from your opponents and competitors.

Pisces: All your efforts will give positive results, during this transit. Addition of a family member is also possible. Your most awaited wishes will get fulfilled. Your friends and well wishers will support you. Journeys will prove good for you. Though, there will be expenses, but your income will stay constant.

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