Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Mercury Transit In Libra

Transit of Mercury in Libra will take place on 25th September and will last till 1st December. Mercury will shift from Virgo to Libra joining Saturn, Venus and Rahu. This article will tell you all about the effects of this transit.

Mercury Transit

Mercury - Planet of Communication

Mercury is a planet with characteristics of intelligence, sincerity, flexibility and alteration. Depending on one's birth chart the effect of Mercury can be favorable as well as unfavorable. This planet lacks oxygen and atmosphere and has immense heat. Mercury is the most fastest moving planet and is also the innermost one. As far as astronomical and astrological facts are concerned, this planet is of utmost importance.

This transit of Mercury in Libra is good for the women but can cause some health concerns in kids.

Mercury In Libra

Mercury in Libra reflects friendly and diplomatic nature. During this time one can work to improve his negotiation skills so as to make his points clear without creating any negative behavior. This period is good to understand other’s point of view before coming to any conclusion. 

Click here to know more about what happens when - Mercury is in Libra

Effect Of This Transit On The 12 Signs

Aries: You will enjoy pleasure in every sphere be it professional or personal. You can also enjoy any journey or trip.

Taurus: Not a favorable time for you. Other than smooth family life rest all may get against you.

Gemini: Time for success, friends, romance and respect. Nothing to worry about.

Cancer: All is well for the Cancerians. Your cards indicate spending on luxuries and comforts.

Leo: Encouragement and support from siblings is what you will get. You can also enjoy great time with old friends. You may turn artistic too.

Virgo: Harmony in family life and financial gain is your reward from this transit.

Libra: You will enjoy every moment and will get honor too. You will remain active physically.

Scorpio: You will turn spiritual and may face some health complications.

Sagittarius: Your ambitions will turn true and you will make new friends. Some good news from your brother or any close friend is also possible.

Capricorn: Probably the best phase of your life will come with growth in business, purchase of vehicle and any auspicious ceremony at home.

Aquarius: Your intelligence and excellent communication skill will pay you right. Possibility of a beneficial journey is also there.

Pisces: Luck and time are not on your side in any aspect. You may not get any benefit from this transit.

Possibilities Of Events According To Radical Moon

  • Gain of finance and happiness
  • Health problems
  • Fear and risk from opponents
  • Heavy expenditure
  • Money loss
  • Possibilities of conflicts and quarrels
  • Sorrow

This transit of Mercury might affect some and might benefit some. Which category we belong to? Well.. we have to wait and watch. 

Click here to know the effects and remedies of - Mercury Transit 2013

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