Monday, November 5, 2012

Surya Grahan on Diwali 2012

The auspicious day of Diwali is going to experience a solar eclipse in the year 2012. However, this solar eclipse will occur during night as per the Indian timing. Diwali is a grand festival that is cherished by all the Hindus across the globe. Surya Grahan is not only a scientific phenomenon but also a huge religious event for Hindus. Therefore, Surya Grahan falling on the day of Diwali can be considered as a very significant event.

Diwali and Surya Grahan both hold different rituals and customs to be followed. Surya Grahan on Diwali is bringing a chance for people to bend toward spirituality. The changes made by the solar eclipse will be experienced by almost every person. These changes can’t be termed as negative or positive; it depends on the person who is going through the change.

It can be said that the solar eclipse 2012 falling on the day of Diwali will be augmenting one’s power of concentration. Therefore, it can be considered as a very pertinent time to indulge yourself in some sort of meditation to release all the negativity from your soul. This time can also prove to be very essential for the people earning for their livelihood.

As the Surya Grahan will transpire during night, it wouldn’t have any adverse effect on the celebrations of Diwali in India. The celebrants should maintain their level of enthusiasm and also carry out the rituals like every year. The rituals of Diwali consists of worshipping Lord Ganesha, Goddess Laxmi as well as Saraswati and lighting up the diyas and candles to remove darkness from the area around. The darkness symbolizes evil, so ultimate aim of lighting up diyas and candles is to eradicate evil powers. Playing with firecrackers and distributing sweets to everyone can also be taken as custom of Diwali. All these rituals must be followed with utter devotion this year too, instead of worrying about the Solar Eclipse.

What exactly a Solar Eclipse is? In simple words, it can be described as a celestial event that occurs because of the moon that comes in between the Earth and the Sun. This phenomenon hinders the sunlight and due to this, it is never taken for granted by Hindus. People, who have immense faith in the effects of Surya Grahan prohibits themselves from initiating any positive or new work. People are also not allowed to cook and eat during the Solar Eclipse is taking place. It is believed that the pregnant ladies get affected by eclipse easily. Therefore, they are always advised to stay inside and not use knife or nail cutter too during the eclipse.

People are not required to perform any such ritual for the Surya Grahan of 13 November 2012 because of its time of occurrence. We wish that the solar eclipse of Diwali will bestow all its positive effects on you.

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