Saturday, November 3, 2012

Sonali Kulkarni: Glimpse into her Future on her Birthday Today

Sonali Kulkarni is a Bollywood actress
Yesterday we announced "Celebrity Birth Database for Astrology Research". On Celebrity Database, Birthday today section,  I noticed that today is the birthday of Sonali Kulkarni. Sonali Kulkarni birth chart on AstroSage Celebrity Database has "Accurate (A)" rating that inspire me to have a second look on her chart. I am not a regular movie goer but recognize her for her role in successful movie "Dil Chahta Hai".

Anyways, coming back to the story, first glance on her chart, was very interesting. She had Saturn and Ketu in 7th house in a dual sign of Gemini. 7th Lord Mercury was in 12th house and aspected by Mars. First thought that came in my mind was about her marriage. I googled and find following on the Wikipedia page -

"Sonali's first brief marriage with Chandrakant Kulkarni, film director and writer, ended in a divorce. Since May 24, 2010 she is married to Nachiket Pantvaidya. Pantvaidya is MD of Fox TV Studios and this is also his second marriage. Together they have one daughter born on October 18, 2011."

No wonder that Mercury played its dual role and malefics played their role. Just to verify her birth details, I checked dasa at the time of her second marriage. As Wikipedia states above, her second marriage happened on May 24th, 2010. At that time, she was passing through Jupiter mahdasa and Mercury antardasa. Her Mercury, in the KP chart, is in 10th house being lord of 7th house. Among all the planets, Mercury is the only planet that signifies 7th house, no doubt that she got married in Mercury antardasa.

Mercury is a planet for communication and media. Mercury being lord of 7th house gives indication of marrying to someone from media background and "Fox TV Studios" seems among that. This again confirms accuracy of her birth details.

Coming back to her marriage, as I said, only Mercury signifies 7th house. There are quite a few planets in her chart that signify detrimental houses to marriage viz. 6,12 and 10th. It tells that her 2nd marriage may also not that good. She requires quite a few remedies to make her second marriage successful, in my opinion. I pray for her married life and wish that the planetary indications do not come out correct.

She is currently passing through Venus antardasa. Venus signifies all three negative houses for marriage viz 6,10 and 12. Doesn't look like a good time on personal front. I again pray for her marriage and married life.

Coming to the question of career, this period looks promising. From her birth chart, this looks like a good news. 5th house shows that she will be able to show her talent, art hidden in her and her creativity to the world. 10th house shows that she will be able to win some awards and will shoot to fame. 6th house shows that she will be able to make money and stood out of the competition. So overall, period till March 2013 looks excellent for her career.

Finally, as it is her birthday today, I would like to wish her good luck.

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