Friday, November 16, 2012

Ram Jeth Malani Suffering from the Impact of Sadhe Sati?

Ram Jethmalani is a famous lawyer
These days Ram Jeth Malani is the topic of interest for many due to his unique acts. Earlier, he was the hot topic for beginning a stockade against his own party’s National President Nitin Gadkari. And now, he is in talks for debating against Bhagwan Ram and annotating on his existence. Ram Jeth Malani, a renowned lawyer and senior parliamentarian has stated that Lord Rama was a bad husband. He professed that he don’t like ‘Maryada Purushottam Rama’ at all because Rama took the consultation of a fisherman about throwing Maa Sita out of home seriously and actually dumped the lady who even took ‘Agni Pariksha’ to prove her piousness.  Well, this is true that the caste of consulter should not be ‘fisherman’, but who has got guts to stand against such a big lawyer.  Whether he is right or not at his place is entirely a different issue, but we can at least consider his astrological birth chart to know what stars say on this. As per the information, Ram Jeth Malani was born on 14th September 1923 at Shikarpur, Pakistan. However, there is a doubt on his birth time because at some places it is given 02:30 PM and at some it is 04:12 PM. But, his behavior best suits with 04:12 PM.

According to this time, his ascendant is Capricorn and zodiac sign is Libra. Lord of ascendant Saturn is posited in destiny house with Mercury, which is good to become a lawyer and quick wittiness. Jupiter is situated with Moon in tenth house. Here, position of Jupiter works as the cherry on top in the profession of Law. Jupiter's aspect on second house makes his speech very effective.

Till the starting days of October 2012, he had an impact of Sun’s major period. In Malani’s chart,

Sun is placed in its own sign but in eighth house. However, if seen from the angle of Moon chart, Sun has become Lord of profits and posited in eleventh house, and Sun is the significator of Government or Government related profits. Therefore, he will keep on cherishing the comforts of Government services by the means of power cons. Now, Moon’s major period started affecting Malani. Moon is frolic by nature. In this situation, the most serious person can become frivolous. Therefore, it is seen that Malani’s profoundness is getting breached.

Ram Jeth Malani’s Moon is situated in Swati constellation, which is the constellation of Rahu and Rahu is situated in eighth house. This situation can be termed as ‘eclipse’ or ‘Grahan Yoga’. Over that, he has major period, sub-period and sub-sub-period of only Moon during this time. In such situation, it is quite normal for him to attract controversies. Therefore, it can be said that he won’t be able to get very good results during this time. Moon is posited in Libra in his chart. Accordingly, he has the impact of Sadhe Sati over him. However, Saturn is his Lord of the ascendant, but if it has given him profits through the medium of speech by sitting with the significator of speech, Mercury then it can also defame him through the means of speech only. Therefore, this time he needs to keep a control over his speech. Because, Saturn is also the Lord of second house, which can make his statements controversial and cause harm to his reputation in society. Currently, Saturn is travelling over his birth sign, therefore he also needs to take special care of his health.

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