Friday, November 1, 2019

November 2019 Monthly Horoscope

How Will 5 Planetary Transits Affect Your Life? Read November 2019 Monthly Horoscope And Discover What This Month Has In Store For Your Zodiac Sign!

As we step foot into the November month, AstroSage is back with the monthly predictions for your zodiac sign. The breakdown of the month indicates that this time will be crucial for seven moon signs. They can receive some exclusive gifts in this duration as five planets make their transits. These planetary movements will influence the seven sign positively. November 2019 is bringing many phenomenal conjunctions as well. Astrologically, the month is also significant because there will be many festivals at this time. One will see several changes in nature, too, at this time.

Major Changes With Planetary Transits

As Venus influences the zodiac sign Sagittarius, natives will be able to enjoy all types of materialistic comforts this month. The Venus transit will create a crucial situation for those born under the sign of the Archer. The second major transit this month to affect Sagittarius will be that of Jupiter, which will bring many significant changes in the lives of natives. Moreover, the Sun will enter zodiac sign Scorpio; while Mars will transit through Libra. In addition to that, Mercury, in its retrograde motion, will move from Scorpio and enter Libra. 

Festivals according to November Hindu calendar

From a religious perspective, the month will begin with the celebration of Chhath Puja on Saturday, 2 November; while on Friday, 8 November, we will celebrate Devutthana Ekadashi. Pradosh Vrat (Shukla) will fall on Saturday, 9 November, Kartik Purnima Vrat on Tuesday, 12 November, Sankashti Chaturthi on Saturday, 16 November; whereas the Vrishchik Sankranti will fall on Sunday, 17 November. Simultaneously, Utpanna Ekadashi is occurring on Friday, 22 November, Pradosh Vrat (Krishna) on Sunday, 24 November, Masik Shivratri on Monday, 25 November while the ceremonies for Margashirsha Amavasya will be occurring on Tuesday, 26 November. In addition to all this, there will be many auspicious and Siddha yogas and muhurat this month. As a result, there will be an increase in the inclination towards fasting and charity in people this November 2019. 

Modes Of Communication Affected Due To Transits in November

Due to the transit of Mars and retrograde Mercury in zodiac sign Libra, at the very beginning of the month, there will be an increase in the misuse of communication moods throughout the country. As a result, this can also harm the country's image. Due to the influence of these transits, people will misuse social media platforms for their benefits, which can give rise to stressful situations from time to time. In addition to this, natives can also suffer from skin related problems this month. 

How Will November 2019 Be For The Country?

This month, several significant changes will be seen in the foreign policies of the country. However, these amendments will be positive; thereby, strengthening the position of India in the world.

Which Areas Will November 2019 Influence?

The conjunction of Jupiter and Venus in Sagittarius will result in an increase in verbal sparring matches between officers at high posts. There will be a difference of opinions between political personalities. Several changes in many legal matters, big or small, are probable and one may even expect some big decisions in the same.

Sun Transit In Scorpio

On Sunday, 17 November 2019, the Sun will move from its position in the zodiac sign Libra, of the planet Venus, to enter Scorpio, of planet Mars. As a result, the mid-month (17 November) will bring conjunction of the Sun with the already present Venus in Scorpio. These transits will deliver many positive results throughout the country… Click here to read: Sun Transit in Scorpio.

Venus transit in Sagittarius

On Thursday, 21 November 2019, the planet of beauty, Venus, will also make its transit from the zodiac sign of Mars, Scorpio to the zodiac sign of Jupiter, Sagittarius. Its influence will bring several changes in the foreign policies of the country and India may also receive the support of some prodigious countries of the world… Read here: Venus Transit in Sagittarius

Retrograde Motion Of Mercury Will Bring Major Changes

The initial week of the month will bring the transit of Mercury in retrograde motion on Thursday, 7 November 2019. The planet will leave the sign of Mars, Scorpio to move retrogressively and enter the sign of Venus, Libra once again. Thus, it will influence the shares of fields associated with communication, education, etc. bringing inflation in the same… Read here: Retrograde Transit of Mercury in Libra

Now let us see what this month has in store for you, according to your zodiac sign.

This prediction is based on your Moon Sign. Click Here to find out yours. 


During the time of this month, there may be possibility of you achieving better success in tasks carried out with courage and chivalry. Besides being enthusiastic, you will exhibit a stubborn nature. Your adamancy may, thus, badly affect your area of work. It is advised to act with prudence at this time, so that you may… Read More


Your thinking may altogether be different during November 2019. You may try to finish a big task at this time. There are chances of you attaining success in your work. Better success will be accomplished, if you do the hard work with passion. Try to undertake jobs while maintaining confidence in yourself. Beware of… Read More

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You are an open-minded person as you are open to changes and heartily accept anything positive that comes your way. This tendency of you will be of great help for you. Your out of the box thinking and exceptional reasoning skills make you stand out in the crowd. During the time of this month, you will have a tendency to analyse things well before jumping to conclusions and… Read More


You will plan to complete some important tasks during this month. This might put pressure on you but you need to keep yourself in a peaceful state of mind. Do not get involved in overthinking as it can confuse you and lead to unnecessary problems. Be goal-oriented and focus on your target. Acting impulsively will… Read More


During the time of this month, you will be an ambitious person who will work hard in order to achieve success. You will rely on yourself and will not easily get influenced by others. You will perform all your tasks with utmost responsibility and care. Thus, the chances of getting success will be… Read More


During the time of this month, you will exhibit prudence and think well before making a move. As a result, you will be able to make the right decisions, which will lead to your overall development. You will be a responsible person who will fulfill all their duties well. You will trust yourself and will not get influenced by others. However, believing that everyone is not trustworthy might prove to be… Read More


Libra natives might be a bit low on confidence during this month. You should not let this stand in your path of attaining success. You should have trust in your own abilities and this will help you to boost up your confidence. You should act wisely and should not make decisions in haste. Refrain from adhering to… Read More


During the time of this month, you will possess remarkable courage and valour and will have the abilities to accomplish your goals. You will be a responsible person and will give your best shot in whatever you do. Praise and respect in the society will be garnered. At times, you will act impatiently and this will act as a… Read More


There will be stressful situations in your professional life in this month. There will be situations where you might have to work harder in terms of your work. Good possibilities will come into the forefront for you to achieve success in whatever work you will be serious about. The more you try, the more… Read More

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During this month, you may feel a bit disturbed. You may have to travel a lot to fulfill the requirements at work. With the rising professional burden, your problems may also increase. You may get opportunities to gain better returns in terms of financial matters. But for this, you may also have to… Read More


You are a person of studious nature. You should try to accomplish any task with stability and severity so that, better possibilities of achieving success come into the light. The planet Saturn is transiting in the zodiac sign Sagittarius. Hence, there is a possibility that you can… Read More


There is a possibility for unnecessary problems to increase this month. Pisceans will also witness difficulties in accomplishing tasks. You can be unable to make solid decisions due to constantly being in confusion. And therefore, you should try to do any work or make any firm decisions by… Read More

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