Monday, March 4, 2019

Weekly Horoscope (4 - 10 March) In A New Avatar!

Along with the terrorists, Rahu-Ketu will also eliminate the enemies of natives this week. Read the weekly horoscope framed in a new way.

Once again we are back with the latest astrological information through weekly horoscope for all the twelve signs. We intend to give you intricate details about your career, studies, business, love life, family, marriage and how you can prosper in these concerned fields. According to the placement of planets and Nakshatras, this week seems to be special for natives. Also, India counterattacked Pakistan with great force after the Pulwama attack, which is why this week can prove to be a crucial one for our country.

Indo-Pak Situation: An Astrological Analysis 

Last week, Indian Air Force retaliated after the dreadful Pulwama attack and dropped bombs on Pakistani terrorist camps, which killed many terrorists. But now, India must remain more careful of its enemies. According to our chief astrologer, Indian army will have to maintain a foresight and show more promptitude to accept each and every challenge hosted by Pakistan.

The astrologers at AstroSage did a quick analysis regarding the terrorist attacks and evaluated that even though India retaliated with a counterattack, it has to remain alert and careful till 6th March, as the planetary positions of Pakistan suggest that Pakistan can answer back with full force and on a big scale.

Rahu-Ketu Transit: A Factor for Pakistan’s Defeat?

According to astrology, the notorious planet Rahu is entering Pakistan’s zodiac sign’s third house in Gemini during midweek, i.e. on 7th March, which will instigate them to seek revenge from India and reciprocate in a deceptive manner. Thus, India should stay extremely careful during the entire week. Natives of Aries, Libra and Capricorn zodiac signs must remain aware and cautious as the transit of Rahu and Ketu will majorly affect these signs only. For pacifying Rahu, Nagarmotha Tree Root can be used and for Ketu, Ashwagandha mool can be used.

Install Ketu Yantra & Eliminate the Adverse Effects of Ketu

Important Events As Per Hindu Panchang

According to Hindu Panchang, this week starts with Trayodashi tithi, Krishna Paksha and Sravana Nakshatra. Moon will remain posited in Capricorn during this time. This week will end with Chaturthi Tithi, Shukla Paksha and Ashwini Nakshatra during which Moon will be in Aries. Because of this, this week becomes quite relevant. Now let's read this week’s horoscope:

Know your Moon sign here: Moon sign calculator


With this week, Moon will transit in your tenth, eleventh, twelfth and first house because of which you may become aggressive. Maintain self-control and try to turn the tables in your favour.....Read More

Love Predictions: This week you will see some ups and downs in your love life. You will be serious in your relationship and perform your duties with all your heart, but your partner might expect something else from you....Read More


This week, Moon will transit in your ninth, tenth, eleventh and twelfth house. During this time, Mercury will transit in its debilitated sign Pisces because of which you will remain quite busy throughout this week. There are prospects of more...Read More

Love Predictions: This week will not be suitable for love related matters. The lord of the fifth house Mercury will transit and create misunderstandings between you and your partner. Knowingly or by mistake you can say harsh….Read More

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This week Moon will transit in your eighth, ninth, tenth and eleventh house. During this phase, Mercury will transit in its debilitated sign Pisces because of which you might face turbulence in your life.…Read More

Love Predictions: This week is not good for love related matters because of the position of Mars. It can cause differences in your relationship. You will sneak out to meet your lover, and there will be some intimate moments.....Read More


This week, Moon will transit in your seventh, eighth, ninth and tenth house. During this time, Mercury will transit in Pisces, and as a result, Cancer natives can expect results and development in their married life, business and job.….Read More

Love Predictions; For love related matters, this week is expected to be quite pleasant. By the grace of Jupiter, love between you two will increase and you may introduce your lover to your family....Read More


You are known for your courage, determination, and and the ability to lead the crowd. During this week, where on one hand Moon will transit in your seventh, eighth and ninth house, Mercury....Read More

Love Predictions: For love related matters, mixed outcomes will be seen this week. Saturn is already present in your fifth house and due to the transit of Rahu on 7th March, Ketu will also move in your fifth house...Read More


Being a native of Virgo, you speak in a very groomed manner and because of this, you achieve success in life. Moon will move forward and transit in your fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth house...Read More

Love Predictions: For love related matters this week is expected to be blissful, but problems can arise at the beginning of the week. But as soon as Ketu transits in your fourth house....Read More


The natives of Libra are well-known to maintain a balanced approach in life. This week, planet Moon will mainly transit in your fourth house, fifth house, sixth house and seventh house. In the meanwhile,....Read More

Love Predictions: This week can be good for love affairs. With the grace of Lord Shani, happiness will conquer in your life, and your relationship will become very serious and sincere....Read More


Being a Scorpio, you have a mysterious vibe instilled inside you. Not everyone can easily recognise the real you until you reveal yourself. This trait of yours proves to be both a pro and a con, as it sometimes benefits you big time....Read More

Love Predictions: Remain alert in matters related to love, as the transitory placement of Mercury will make you irritated, as a result, you’ll start fighting with one another over even small ticks.....Read More


Born under the ownership of Jupiter, Sagittarius natives remain focussed towards their goal and possess sufficient knowledge within them. However, you like freedom and independence and do not want to get involved in any….Read More

Love Predictions: This week seems average for love matters. The moment Ketu will enter your zodiac sign, such situations will arise where your lover will not be able to understand you and anything you say….Read More


Filled with a good sense and wisdom, natives of Capricorn zodiac sign will see several changes in their life this week. With the transit of Rahu in your sixth house, you will earn tremendous success in competitive examinations...Read More

Love Predictions: This week will be good for love related matters. With the aspect of Jupiter on your fifth house, the integrity within your love will increase, and you’ll take care of your beloved....Read More


As you are born under the zodiac sign Aquarius, you gain the influence of Lord Shani. As a result, there is stability and balance in your life. You take every decision before contemplating the goods and bads....Read More

Love Predictions: For love matters, this week seems to be fruitful; however, Saturn aspecting you will keep you meddling with obstacles. If you are honest towards your relationship,…..Read More


This week, the transit of Moon will mainly be in your eleventh, twelfth, first and second house, whereas Mercury will move into its debilitated sign Pisces. There will be an increase in your earnings, due to which you’ll start overspending....Read More

Love Predictions: The beginning of the weeks seems to be slow but by midweek, situations will turn favorable, and you’ll dive in the sea of love. Your beloved will rule your mind and heart….Read More

For Gemstones, Yantras and Other Astrological Solutions, visit: AstroSage Online Store

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