Saturday, January 19, 2019

Mercury Transit in Capricorn Tomorrow, Read The Effects

Mercury to transit in Capricorn tomorrow. Read the impact of this change on the 12 zodiac signs and perform the necessary remedies to prevent yourself from any loss.

Mercury, the representative of intellect and communication, is a fast-moving planet as per Vedic astrology. If, in the kundali of a native, Mercury is benefic, then he will become intelligent, a good negotiator and possess the ability to convince people with excellent communication skills. Such a person knows how to use speech diplomatically and handle even adverse situations with utmost intellect. People with a strong Mercury are good orators and have a tendency to learn from the practical world instead of seeking just the books. Worldly knowledge is the real knowledge to such people. These people love music and can lure with their choice of words. People with a strong Mercury in their horoscope are generally Doctors, Advocates, Businessmen, Administrators or in Media. Since Mercury also affects your skin, people with benefic Mercury have flawless skin. On the contrary, if the planet Mercury is weak in one’s horoscope, the person suffers from skin-related issues.

Mercury governs your logic, speech as well as dexterity. On Saturday, January 20, 2019 at 20:54:30, Mercury will transit from Sagittarius sign to Capricorn. This will affect the life of all the individuals to a great extent. Read to find out how this change in planetary position will affect your life. 

Predictions given below are based on Moon sign. Click to know yours: Moon Sign Calculator


During this transit of Mercury, it will enter in your tenth house. This transit of Mercury shows that you will gain respect and reputation in your workplace and your work will get appreciated.…...Read more


During this transit, Mercury will enter in your ninth house. This placement of Mercury shows a huge gain in your economic status. Hence, during this transit, your finances will remain strong…...Read more


During the transit of Mercury, it will enter in your eighth house. The placement of Mercury in your eighth house may not prove to be very favourable for your health. Hence, take care of your health…...Read more


Mercury will make a transit in your seventh house. The placement of Mercury in your seventh house shows that you may get benefitted from foreign connections…...Read more


Mercury will transit in your sixth house this time. This placement of Mercury may give you money troubles. Financially, this time is not auspicious for you.…...Read more


Mercury will transit in your fifth house this time, and its placement will provide benefits, especially to the students. You will definitely get the result of your previous hard work...Read more


Mercury will transit in your fourth house, which will result in a pleasant and peaceful family life. During this period, if you wish to shift or change your home or build a new house...Read more


Mercury will transit into your third house, which indicates a good flow of energy within you. During this transit of Mercury, you will be able to focus towards your goal….Read more


The transit of Mercury in Capricorn will be auspicious for Sagittarius natives. Mercury will transit in your second house this time. Its presence in your second house will benefit you at the workplace...Read more

Also Read: Numerology 2019


Since Mercury is going to transit in your sign, hence it will transit in your first house or Lagna. The placement of Mercury in the first house of your zodiac sign indicates your social values and an increase in honour.…...Read more


Mercury will transit in your twelfth house, which will prove to be particularly beneficial for students. Those students who were planning to go abroad for higher education for a long time would be successful…...Read more


Mercury will enter your eleventh house during this transit. This indicates happiness in your married life. During this period of transit, you will be able to spend maximum time with your spouse …...Read more

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