Saturday, December 22, 2018

Mars Transit in Pisces: How Will 2018's Last Transit Affect You?

Transit of Mars into Pisces will change the course of your life. With 2019 just around the corner, how will your 2018 end? Read to find out.

Planet Mars is red and hot and serves the same nature in Vedic Astrology. It is designated as the representative of anger, blood, energy and domination. Although planet red is also linked with Lord Hanuman and is the ruling planet of moon sign Aries and Scorpio, the reputation it enjoys is of the one who controls power. The planet is exalted in Capricorn sign while in Cancer, it is debilitated. The ruling element in Mrigashira, Chitra and Dhanishta Nakshatra, Mars is a powerful planet as a strong Mars makes you bold, energetic and courageous. When it’s weakly positioned in Kundli, blood disorders and muscle related diseases are caused. Sometimes a bad Mars can destroy your married life.

Mars changes its position every 1.5 months. This year, the last transit of 2018 will take place. This will be the transit of Mars in the moon sign Pisces. At 12:59 PM, the planet will be moving into Pisces moon sign and continue to stay there till 11:56:30 PM on February 05, 2019. Know which will be the lucky signs having a positive impact of this change.

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Click here to know your Moon Sign: Moon sign Calculator


Those belonging to the Aries sign might experience a decline in their health during this transit period. Health issues related to blood are foreseen in this duration.….Read more


Folks of Taurus sign can expect earnings from foreign sources and hospitals during this transit. You might also get an insurance policy in this period..….Read more


Professionally, your authority might undergo a substantial increase. You are expected to climb up the professional ladder during this period.….Read more


Those belonging to the sign Cancer might be able to make the most of this period of Mars transit. Those looking forward to pursue higher education in foreign lands might get a head start in this period.….Read more


This transit might bring health issues to those belonging to the sign Leo. The health of your father might also decline during this period as health issues related to blood are quite possible during this period..….Read more


The transit of Mars in the sign Pisces might induce you with an increased aggression and high irritability. The health of your spouse might need attention during this period..….Read more


Folks belonging to the sign Libra might have to face financial loss during the transit period of the planet Mars in the sign Pisces.….Read more


Folks belonging to the Scorpio sign might feel highly inclined towards their educational pursuits during the transit period of the planet Mars in the sign Pisces.….Read more


The transit of the planet Mars in the sign Pisces might give you a stressed domestic life during this period. Maintain your calm and handle the clashes and disagreements with a composed mind. .….Read more


The transit of the planet Mars in the sign Pisces will increase the determination towards work and education of the natives of Capricorn sign..….Read more


The transit of Mars in Pisces sign might give rise to familial issues in your immediate family. The natives of Aquarius sign might be able to reap benefits from their younger siblings during this period..….Read more


The transit of the planet Mars in the sign Pisces might make you easily irritable and give you a combative and hostile aura. Your inclination towards sensuality and intimacy might remain on an all time high during this transit period.….Read more 

AstroSage wishes you Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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