Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Mercury Transit in Virgo Tomorrow, Know Its Influence

Natives of 6 Zodiac signs will get big surprises! Read predictions for Mercury transit in Virgo sign and know how it will influence your life.

The time duration of Mercury transit is 14 days. Its transit gives auspicious results in the second, fourth, sixth, eighth, tenth and eleventh house from ascendant house in a birth chart. Being the significator of wisdom, speech and intellectual, Planet Mercury will transit in Virgo sign on Wednesday, September 19, 2018. It will transit in this sign at 04:23 AM and will remain here till 12:51 PM on Saturday, October 6, 2018.

It will conjunct here with Planet Sun, and both these planets will be aspected by Saturn. Due to this astrological comparison, the prices of Wheat, Sugar and Banking shares would see a steep rise. Now, take a look at below astrological predictions to know what this transit has in store for the natives of all 12 signs.

Click here to know your Moon Sign: Moon sign Calculator


This transit period would lead to monetary gains as well as you would enjoy good food, and may...Read More


With this transit, your mental stress and worries might increase. Additionally, you may face...Read More


During this transit period, your luck would completely transform. There is probability of accumulation of...Read More

Know Remedies for Mercury Related problems: Read Budh Puja Vidhi


During this period, you would experience unknown fears. Your courage and valour...Read More


You would gain wealth and acquire jewellery during this transit period. You would also...Read More


Mercury transit in your own sign might develop a habit of backstabbing others in you. As a result...Read More

Appease Planet Mercury with Green Emerald: Genuine 5 Carat Emerald (Panna)


This transit of Mercury may lead to wealth losses and unhappiness. Mental stress...Read More


Your health would remain good, and happiness would prevail in your life. You would also...Read More


You would be endowed with a promotion at workplace or might acquire a new post. Additionally...Read More


With this transit, you might face hurdles in accomplishing your goals and undertakings...Read More


This transit would lead to monetary gains. Your children would also...Read More


You would find yourself devoid of energy and might face health issues. Conflicts with...Read More

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