Monday, February 12, 2018

Valentine’s Day Special Weekly Horoscope (12 - 18 February 2018)

These 6 Zodiacs will get the love of their life! Read weekly horoscope to know how can you achieve success in job, business and career? Also know what remedies you can follow to improve your family and love life.

The three big events of the month will be this week. Worshippers of Lord Shiva will celebrate Mahashivratri to appease him and to bring harmony and prosperity in their lives. Further, the transit of Sun in Aquarius during this time will influence the natives of all 12 Zodiacs. It may prove beneficial for some and may create problems for others. However, one can follow few remedies to avoid situations that could affect their lives.

If we talk about Love, then Valentine’s Day is also occurring this week which is going to be great for couples. The position of Venus, the God of Love and beauty, in Aquarius may help in starting of a new relationship or in progressing an existing relationship to a more promising one. So, all in all the week seems quite beneficial for everyone.

Now take a look at weekly predictions for all Zodiacs -

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Your father’s health may decline. Pay more attention to your work. There is a possibility of a long trip this week. There are also chances of good earnings during weekend as well as great success at workplace. Family life will remain happy and blissful. You may feel overworked, so take out some free time for yourself. Your child will gain some benefits at workplace. You will also get support from your siblings. There are chances of sudden financial gains as well. Students will have to work hard to achieve good results.

LOVE PREDICTIONS: You will feel elated this week. Venus will move to your 11th house, which means your relationship will grow strong. You will also feel loved. You may go on a trip with your partner as well. If married, you will spend some quality time with your spouse. You may also gain some benefits through them. All in all, this will be a good time for love and marital relationships.

REMEDY: Offer Vermillion (Kumkum) mixed water to the Sun God.



The week seems promising for work related matters. Your focus will be on your task and will achieve success in it. Family life will be happy and blissful. Health related problems may create some problems, so live a healthy and balanced life. You may also plan a leisure trip. If you are trying for higher studies, you will achieve success in it. Children will also take interest in higher studies. This seems a good time for students. Avoid stressful situations. Monetary gains on charts for you.

LOVE PREDICTIONS: This will be a good week for love relationships. You will talk freely to each other and this will strengthen your bond. Married people will have a normal life, though they may face their spouse’s temper. So, being patient is recommended here.

REMEDY: Apply sandalwood perfume.



You may feel stressed. There is a possibility of a long trip. Pay attention to your father’s health. Work hard for good results. Good earning is on the way and so are expenses. Your will be respected in the society for your good work. You will graciously participate in charity related activities. Family life will remain happy and peaceful. This seems promising time for students. Those who are trying for higher studies will get success. Your siblings may face health related problems.

LOVE PREDICTIONS: You will be a winner this week as you will spend some quality time with your beloved. You will also go on a date or some trip together and will confess your love towards other. However, there are chances of some disputes between you two. If married, fulfill your responsibilities towards your spouse and avoid disputes with them.

REMEDY: Wear green bangles and gift the same to your sister or aunt.


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You will be ready to take challenges this week. However, you may face some dilemma at work. Pay attention to your health as it may decline. Your income will increase, but so your expenses. Family life will remain happy and contented. Money related affairs must be handled carefully, as you may face some financial loss. Children will act according to their will. Students will study devotedly. You will try to change your work area or occupation. Your siblings will support you in business.

LOVE PREDICTIONS: This seems a good week for love matters. Avoid being hasty as it may hamper with your progress. Support your partner and do not inflict your thoughts on him/her. This seems a challenging time for married people. Your spouse’s health may decline. So, pay attention to their health as well as spend some quality time with them.

REMEDY: Distribute cooked yellow rice among children on Thursday.



Don’t neglect your health. Consult a doctor if any kind of problem occurs. There are chances of buying a property - a land or house. Students may face lack of concentration in studies. Children may face health related issue, so pay attention to them. However, they will also feel happy and elated this week. You will also get desired results at workplace. Your income will increase and so will your expenses. You will also feel inclined towards religious activities.

LOVE PREDICTIONS: Tread carefully as the week seems quite challenging for love related matters. Be loyal to your partner. Some of you may enter in a new relationship. This will be a good time for married couples. They will feel love and happiness in their relationship.

REMEDY: Light a Mustard oil lamp under Peepal Tree.



You may feel restless and jittery. Pay attention to your mother’s health. The time is favourable for work related matters. You will get promotion and your income will also increase. You may also change things at workplace. Work dedicatedly as your senior officials will be observing you. Your confidence will increase and you will be able to face the challenges during this period. You will dominate your opponents. You may have to go away from your family for sometime. These are challenging times for students.

LOVE PREDICTIONS: This will be a casual week for love matters. Behave properly and let your partner initiate in matters related to love as the time seems unfavourable for you. Married people will get support from their spouse. Your relationship will strengthen as well. Both of you will fulfill your responsibilities towards each other.

REMEDY: Offer Oleander flowers to Lord Vishnu.


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Stop being lazy. Your family life may be in chaos. Being patient will help you handle matters wisely as there are chances of some disputes. You may feel unhappy at workplace as problems at home may affect your professional life. So, maintain some balance between both. You may earn financial gains from completion of some old tasks. Siblings may also face some problems. Children will get success in their working domain. Students may deviate from their goals, so participating in extracurricular activities apart from studies is recommended. There are possibilities of short trips this week.

LOVE PREDICTIONS: This seems a promising week for love relationships. You will enjoy quality time with your partner. Your spouse will fulfill your expectations and vice versa. Some people may also start a new relationship. Married people have to control their temper and rest will remain normal in their marital life. 

REMEDY: Wear white clothes and offer white flowers on Shivling.



Pay attention to your eating habits. Avoid spicy and stale food. You will spend money on religious tasks. You will feel energetic this week. Your temper may also increase, so try to control it. Family life will be happy and blissful. Your mother’s health will be good, though siblings may face some problems. So, taking good care of them is recommended. Students will remain devoted towards their studies. Children will feel happy and elated. This will be a casual week for work related matters. There are also possibilities of short trips.

LOVE PREDICTIONS: This will be a casual week for love matters. Be affectionate towards your beloved. Respect his/her wishes and handle everything with care and passion. This will strengthen your bond. These are good times for married people. You will gain some good news from your spouse. Though, try to avoid any kind of dispute with them.

REMEDY: Chant Chandra Mantra.



The natives of Sagittarius may feel restless and jittery. There are chances of sudden monetary gains, though expenses will also increase. You may go on a trip. Pay attention to your health as you may face some illness. Family life will remain blissful. You may remain busy servicing your guests. There are chances of some financial gains in job and business. Students will have to work hard to get good results. Drive carefully. Avoid eating stale and spicy food.

LOVE PREDICTIONS: This will be an average week for love matters. Keeping a tab on your temper will benefit your relationship. You may further progress your relation with your partner in to the sacred bond of marriage. During this period, relationships will get stronger. If married, you will get support from your spouse. Married life will be happy and blissful.

REMEDY: Donate a mustard oil filled vessel after seeing your shadow in it.


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Capricorn natives must take good care of their health. There are high possibilities of a long trip or a trip to a foreign land. Your income may increase unexpectedly. Working people may get an increment this week. Your expertise and knowledge will help you get success at workplace. You will earn prestige and respect in family and business life. Avoid being arrogant during this period. Your children will act according to their wishes. Students will have to work hard to get good results.

LOVE PREDICTIONS: This will be a casual week for love related matters. Earlier efforts will get successful. If you have proposed someone, you will get the desired answer. Those who are already in a relationship, their love partner may try to dominate them. Married people need to be patient in this duration. Spend some quality time with your spouse and be affectionate towards them.

REMEDY: Chant Shukra Mantra with Sphatik Mala.



Your power and prestige will increase at workplace and society. Your authority may also increase at work area. There are chances of rise in your income. People who are associated with multinational companies or foreign trade will gain some financial benefits. You will feel elated this week. Your destiny is favourable and will help you get success in every field. Your father will also support you. Control your budget as your expenses may increase. Think wisely before investing your money. You will get support from elder and well-known people of the society. Taking their advices into practice will benefit you. Your child’s health may decline. However, there chances of a foreign trip seems a possibility. This seems a good time for students.

LOVE PREDICTIONS: This week you will feel mixed emotions. You will get chance to spend some quality moments with your partner and may also meet secretly. You may feel romantic during a trip. You will feel very happy and will try to keep your beloved happy too. If married, there may occur some gaps in your relationship.

REMEDY: Offer jaggery (Gud) and gram (Chana) to young boys. 



You will work hard in your domain, though you may feel disappointed. Being patient is recommended as you will get good results in future. Your luck is in your favour and there will be an increase in income. Younger generation will support you. There may occur some tensions in your family life or you may have to go away from your home. Senior officials will support you at workplace as well. Expenses may increase, but so will your income. Pay attention to your child. Students may face some challenges during this period.

LOVE PREDICTIONS: You will feel mixed emotions this week. You will share your feelings with each other and this will strengthen your bond. However, there may also be some doubts and disputes between you two. Try to avoid them and progress further in your relationship. Gift something adorable to your partner, this will help in making your bond strong. If married, you will gain some benefits through your spouse. Married life will remain happy and blissful.

REMEDY: Feed bread (Roti) to a black dog.


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