Monday, January 15, 2018

Weekly Horoscope (15 - 21 January 2018)

Follow these 5 great remedies to be successful! Read weekly horoscope and know about your future this week.

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A long trip is beneficial for you. There may be ups-and-downs in family life. You will work hard to prosper in your working domain. Avoid gossips at workplace, it may get you in trouble. Pay attention to your father’s health as it may decline. You will get support from your seniors at workplace. Your luck seems quite influential this week. Your children will support you in work. Students will work hard to achieve good results.

LOVE PREDICTIONS: This will be a casual week for love matters. You may go on a long trip with your partner. Despite of small fights, your love life will go smoothly. If you are married, pay attention to your spouse’s health. Your partner’s resentment may affect you. It will be beneficial to not lose your patience.

REMEDY: Plant Pomegranate tree in your garden or in a temple.



You may feel mentally stressed and it may affect your daily routines. You will dominate your opponents this week. There are chances of victory in court related matters or other disputes. You may receive some financial gain from your property. Pay attention to your father’s health as it may increase your tensions. Your siblings may also face some difficulties. But your children will feel healthy and energetic during this time. Students will have to work hard this week. Monetary benefits can only be gain through hardships. However, there are possibilities of undesirable expenses.

LOVE PREDICTIONS: This week seems promising for love relationships. You may like to spend some quality time with your partner, and this will further strengthen your relationship. However, be loyal to your partner. If married, you may get into fights with your spouse, so, it will be beneficial to be patient in such situations.

REMEDY: Worship and offer rice pudding to Goddess Durga.



There are chances of potentially high financial rewards through business partnership. You may try to change your job, and this will be beneficial for you. You will also get support of your senior officials. You will actively participate in spiritual and religious tasks. Your old secret may come out this time. Try to keep harmony in your family and maintain good relations with your in-laws. Your children will live their life happily. Though, there are chances of poor health. Your siblings may also face some physical illness.

LOVE PREDICTIONS: Love relationships will strengthen this week, however be in your best behaviour. Avoid forcing your opinions on your partner. Value their feelings as well, as this will enhance your relationship. If you are married, you will get support from your spouse. There are possibilities of some financial gains as well.

REMEDY: Reciting lessons of Shri Vishnu Sahasranama will be beneficial.



You may feel morally unstable and will be quite busy this week. Try to balance your personal and professional life as you may not get chance to spend time with your family due to loads of tasks. Pay attention to your mother's health. You may also gain monetary benefits through family assets or you may buy a new property. There are possibilities of some gains from government or their departments. Hard work is the key to success and good income. Your children will feel healthy and energetic. Students will have to work really hard to achieve good results.

LOVE PREDICTIONS: This week seems a bit gloomy for love related matters. Engage in small talks and try to avoid getting into fights with your partner. Also try to avoid meeting with them, if possible, have conversation through phones only. Married couple may develop misunderstandings. So, let bygones be bygones and make your bond stronger with love and support.

REMEDY: Worship Hanuman ji and recite lessons of Bajrang Baan.



This week you will be focussed on love, money and income. You may face ups-and-downs in family life. Your parents health may decline as well. You may not get the support you expected from your younger siblings. You may go on trips that will influence your income positively. Pay attention to your child's health. Hardships at workplace will reap you good rewards. This week your expense may increase, so try to control your financial matters.

LOVE PREDICTIONS: You will feel mixed emotions this week. If you are not loyal to your partner, you may face problems. Hence, be transparent in your relationship. Married couple will gain monetary benefits through their spouse. You will feel happy and closer to your partner. Pay attention to your spouse's health as it may decline.

REMEDY: Offering water to Sun God will be beneficial for you.


Find Love Compatibility With Your Partner: Kundli Matching For Marriage


You will feel more responsible towards your family this week. Your inactivity can make you lazy, so try to avoid it and get engaged in tasks at hand. Your work may get inspected at workplace, so be dedicated towards your task and work hard. Your relationship with your child may get affected. Students will achieve good results with hard work. Your income will build up and you will get opportunities to prosper. There are chances of monetary benefits with the help from your siblings. Due to some unknown reasons, you may have to stay away from your family.

LOVE PREDICTIONS: This week you will feel mixed emotions. Your bond with your partner will grow stronger, but you may get indulged into fights that could affect your relationship. If you are married, your life partner will remain dedicated towards you and your family. You will also get full support from your spouse.

REMEDY: Feed green fodder or green vegetables to a cow.



This week you will be rewarded for your hardships and you will thrive at workplace. You may go on a short trip that will prove to be beneficial for you. Don't avoid your responsibilities and concentrate on your family as there may be some disturbances in your family life. Pay attention to your mother's health as it may decline. Avoid shortcuts at workplace as hard work is the key to success. There are chances of changes in your planned events. Your children will perform well and progress further. Students will work hard to achieve good results.

LOVE PREDICTIONS: This seems a good week for love relationships. New relationship may form during this time which may lasts forever. If you are already in a relationship, then your love will grow and you will feel closer to your partner. You will move on to the next stage of your relationship. Married couple will remain dedicated towards each other. Try to control your temper as it may create problems in your marital life.

REMEDY: Donating jaggery (gud) and chick peas (chana) will be beneficial for you.



There are high chances of you to go on a foreign trip or on a long trip locally. Bad moments may come in your family life. Try to avoid using bitter words and understand the importance of conversations among family members, otherwise your relations will get affected. Overall, your family life will prosper peacefully. You may gain property related benefits this week. Keep tab on your expenses as it may affect your financial budget. Invest your money wisely. Your children will think about going abroad for further studies. Taking care of your health will be important this week.

LOVE PREDICTIONS: This week offers mixed results for love related matters. You may go on a trip with your partner. There will be a balance in your relationship and you will try to strengthen it with your partner. If married, your spouse's luck is with you and will help you to prosper in life. Also, you will feel more romantic towards your partner and your marital life will remain blissful.

REMEDY: Offer Oleander flower (Kaner ka Phool) to Lord Vishnu.



Take decisions carefully this week as currently Jupiter is positioned in your zodiac. During this time, you may feel some kind of inner turmoil. You may lose interest in materialistic life this week and may like to live in isolation. Therefore, try to spend your time with family and friends as much as possible. You may get promoted at workplace. Monetary gains also seems a high possibility this week. Students will fully concentrate on their studies. Your children will support you in achieving your objectives and will prosper in their life as well. 

LOVE PREDICTIONS: This week promises good results for love relationships. If you are already in love, your partner will feel attracted towards you. During this period, your relationship with your partner will grow further. You will share your feelings with each other and may go for an outing or dining. If you are married, you will get full support from your spouse. However, understand your partner’s feelings and be affectionate and responsible towards him/her.

REMEDY: Feed jaggery to a black cow.



Healthy heart and a healthy body is the key to happiness. So, the natives of Capricorn must take care of their health as they may fall ill. You may go on a faraway trip or may plan a foreign trip. You will reap rewards for your hard work at workplace. During this time, you may feel attracted towards various materialistic comforts. Your expenses may also increase and it will affect your financial situation. If you are in a business partnership, pay attention to your co-partner. Family life will prosper. Your siblings will support you at work. Your child will make you happy. This week students will work hard to achieve good results.

LOVE PREDICTIONS: This week seems blissful for love related matters. You will feel romantic and this will influence your love relationship or marital life. If you are married, use affection to get closer to your partner and avoid any kind of doubt in your relationship.

REMEDY: Chant Shani Dev Mantra and recite Shani Stotra as much as possible.



The natives of Aquarius may gain monetary benefits this week. Your objectives will get completed and you will progress further for various gains. Your expenses may increase as you may engage yourself in some materialistic comforts. You may also spend your money on religious activities. If you live away from your birth place, you may try to build your own property. Your siblings will completely support you. Trips made during this time will prove to be financially beneficial for you. Your children will be supportive in achieving your objectives. Students will work hard for good results.

LOVE PREDICTIONS: You will feel better this week. You will share your feelings with your partner and this will strengthen your relationship. You may plan a trip with your partner or go for an outing or dining. Married people must pay attention to their spouse’s health. Spending money on their health may be a possibility.

FORTUNE STAR: Read Neel Shani Stotra.


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This week you will work hard at your workplace. With your experience and knowledge, you will carry out various tasks successfully and will achieve monetary gains accordingly. You will be appreciated for you good work and performance. Family life will be normal, however you will spend more time on you work. Wealth gains on charts for you this week. Your children may feel delightful. Students will have to work hard. Siblings will help you in fulfilling your objectives. Pay attention to your health as pile related problem can occur to you. Living a healthy and balanced lifestyle will be beneficial.

LOVE PREDICTIONS: This week you will feel mixed emotions. You will enjoy some peaceful and quality time with your partner. For some enjoyment, you may go on a long-drive with your partner or may plan a party with your friends. If you are married, there may be some tensions in your family life, but your spouse will support you fully in your work.

FORTUNE STAR: Water the Peepal tree. Also, pour turmeric in bathwater to take a bath. 


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