Saturday, December 16, 2017

Sun Transit in Sagittarius, Consequences & Remedies

You might get lucky with this transit! Sun, or Surya rules the Leo zodiac and said to be the king of planets. Known as a source of energy, this planet will make a transit in Sagittarius zodiac sign on 16 December 2017, Saturday around 3:15 AM morning and stay there until 14 January 2018, Sunday around 14:00 PM. Sun transiting in Sagittarius will bring about a lot of changes in one’s life and affect 12 zodiac signs differently. Read out to find out more.

Predictions are based on moon sign. Know yours: MOON SIGN CALCULATOR


During this period, you may plan for higher education. Your love life would flourish, and your children will be comfortable as well. Read more...


You would develop an interest in meditation and spirituality. You need to be alert of your surroundings, as a scandal or controversy might trouble you. Read more...


You would be high on adrenaline, and would thus get excited easily. Issues and difference of opinion with your spouse or business partner are likely to create tension in your life. Read more...


Health issues might disturb you, so you must be cautious about your health. You might plan for the renovation of your house. Your work would get recognition and your seniors favour would make it easy for you to tackle problems at work. Read more...

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You would have good income, but would still find yourself not contented with the same. You should take care of your children's diet and hygiene, as their health might be affected. Read more...


Financial gains are foreseen, and a long journey is on cards during this period. The transit assures a progress in the professional life of your spouse. Read more...


You may get benefits from your relatives, friends and siblings. You would put a lot of efforts to achieve your desired goals, and would thus be able to succeed. Read more...


You would be able to pile up money during this period. You must stay away from making any investment during this period. Read more...

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Favours from the government, higher authorities and from father would be bestowed upon you. You would strike it rich with some unexpected gains, and rich a royal life during this period. Read more...


The period might not prove to be favourable for love life. You might go on an undesired journey, and you might feel a bit under the weather during this period. Read more...


You would be able to achieve something that you have always yearned for. Favours from higher authorities and government would be showered upon you. Read more...


You would be able to fetch a job, if you are hunting for one, otherwise a gain in position at your workplace is indicated. Personal life would be bittersweet, owing to your arguments with your spouse. Read more...

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