Monday, October 9, 2017

Weekly Horoscope – 9th to 15th October

These Zodiac Signs will be on the crest of the wave this week! Unravel the mysteries of the week that follows and secure a better future for yourself.

The predictions which are given below are based on your Moon Sign. To know your Moon Sign, you can check out: Moon Sign Calculator


Happiness will make its way into your life. You might have to go through some crests and falls during this week. You need to be cautious in money related matters as there are chances of a loss being incurred. You will have an upper hand over your enemies. Your work will keep you busy all round the week. The health of your mother should be taken care of. There are chances of a dispute in the family, so you would be required to act in a patient manner in order to avoid such a situation. 

Love Life: This week would be amazing for your love life. You will able to spend amazing moments all throughout the week. You will get many chances to have romance with your partner. There might be some times when you will not agree with each other's opinion. In such a case, try to sort out the differences affably. Your married life will be blissful and your spouse will receive some monetary benefits during this week.

Fortune Star: 3.5/5

Remedy: Venerate Lord Hanuman and offer vermillion (sindoor) to him.


You will be a powerhouse of energy during this week. You will be mentally at peace. Your mother's health might dwindle during this week. You would be required to take care of her and be with her in times of need. There might be a chaotic atmosphere in your house, which should be handled very carefully. You will be dedicated to your work and would be rewarded for the same. You will develop a religious bent of mind and would immerse yourself in spirituality. Students will be able to ace their tests. Youngsters will befriend new people of their age and would be more social. You will get to travel the highways and the byways. 

Love Life: The week will start on a good note for your love life. The mid-week will be favourable as well, and the weekend will live beyond your expectations. You will spend quality time with your love partner. Romantic dinners and long drives will cheer you up this week. If you are married, you should avoid entangling yourself in controversial matters. 

Fortune Star: 3.5/5

Remedy: Use a perfume daily.


You would have a change in your job or workplace during this week. You will get mixed results at your home front. Do not pressurize your family members for doing this the way that you want. You will be packed with positive energy during this year. Take care of the health of your siblings and try to maintain cordial relationship with them. Those who have their exams approaching will keep their nose to the grindstone in order to get good marks. Children will find this week happy and enjoyable. You will spend money for enhancing the aesthetic appeal of your home.

Love Life: The position of the planet predicts that you will have a good time in case of love related matters. The bond between you and your partner will strengthen and you will be able to understand each other more as each day passes by. The beginning of the week and the mid-week would prove to be in your favour, whereas the weekend would be a mixed period. Married life will be peaceful and you will receive some profits through your spouse during this week.

Fortune Star: 4/5

Remedy: Put a saffron tilak on your forehead.


The beginning of the month will be good for you. It seems like you will spend your money recklessly during the middle part of the week. Try to stay away from making rash decisions during this week. In case, the need for decision making arises, do not forget to weigh the pros and cons before making a conclusion. The year will be expedient for your siblings. You will have a drastic change in your community skills, which will push you towards your own betterment. You will get good results at your work front. The chances of monetary gains are quite high for you during this week.

Love Life: The week will kick-start with an atmosphere encouraging your love life. You should enjoy the beginning, as the mid-week and the weekend seem to be average for you. Try to sort out any problem in your relationship as soon as it crops up. Do not indulge in any kind of activity that might taint your reputation in front of your partner. There might be some dissatisfaction in your married life. Your spouse will receive benefits during this week.

Fortune Star: 3.5/5

Remedy: Appease Lord Shiva by offering him milk and rice.


Your will power will be at its pinnacle during this week. You will be able to take tough decisions. With the support of your seniors at your workplace, you will be able to move forward. At the same time, colleagues and siblings will also encourage you. You will be able to rake in money. There might be some ups and downs in your family life. During this time, you will be prone to mental stress. Your expenses might increase during the weekend. You can go on a short distance journey. You will be inclined towards religious deeds. You are advised to maintain a code of conduct and talk politely to others.

Love Life: This week will be spectacular for love relationships. Control your emotions in the beginning of a love relationship. The beginning and the middle part of the week will be good. You have to be alert during the weekend. At the same time, the people who are married will be able to have a romantic relationship with their spouse. There are chances of some disagreements, which you are required to handle carefully.

Fortune Star: 3.5/5

Remedy: Offer water to Lord Sun and worship him daily.


Your social status is bound to increase during this week. You can set your foot on a long distance journey. You might have mental stress due to some personal and professional issues. Your expenses will increase and you might fall the victim to perversion. Do not let perversive thoughts take a toll on you. Your family life will be happy during this week. Children's health will be good and they will also perform well in studies. There will be a steep rise in your career graph.

Love Life: You will be confused about your love relationship. You will have a feeling of detachment with your love partner. Chances of separation with your partner are quite high during this week. It is anticipated that a new relationship would blossom and you will spend time with each other. You will benefit from your spouse if you are married.

Fortune Star: 4/5

Remedy: Worship Lord Vishnu and offer sandalwood to him.


This week, you are likely to stay mentally stressed. Practice yoga and meditation to give yourself some relief. Some disagreements and conflicts are possible in the family. Your expenses would be higher than your earnings, putting a strain on your pocket. Your siblings will have a sense of belonging and will cooperate with you. Students will work hard in studies and they will get success in their exams. You can go for an outing with your friends. You will like to meet people in the society and would be a social butterfly during this week.

Love Life: The beginning and the end of the week will be good for your love life. The middle of the week is going to be special for you. There will be passion and romance in your married life. You can also go to a cinema or a long drive with your spouse. This week looks to be favorable for marital life. Your partner is likely to achieve some sort of achievement, which will make you proud of them.

Fortune Star: 4/5

Remedy: Revere Goddess Durga and offer her Kheer. 

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This week will be good for you. You are advised to make distance from gossiping and politics in your professional life. There is a possibility of you going on a long journey. If not necessary, avoid taking important decisions during this week. Your will power will be strong. Do not force your family members to do as you please, otherwise there might be a dispute with your siblings at home. Students can go abroad for studies. Your earnings will be average but expenses would be high. The weekend will bring a good news for you.

Love Life: This week will be good for love affairs. Although the middle of the week will be a bit low for you as compared to the beginning and the weekend. You will romance with your love partner and will get a chance to travel together. There will be synergy in marital life and you will be able to help each other in the professional field.

Fortune Star: 4/5

Remedy: Venerate Lord Vishnu with full devotion.


With an increase in your income, your expenses are likely to skyrocket. There might be some trouble at your home front. Try to keep yourself away from arguments. During this week, your main objective will be to increase your income. Children will enjoy the week. Students will immerse themselves in studying. There is a possibility that some students will be able to go abroad for higher education. You are likely to get an elevation in your profile at your office.

Love Life: The beginning of the week will be average for love life. Weekend will also be similar, so it would be in the middle of the week that you can fulfill your expectations of love and romance. To strengthen your relationship, try to understand the feelings of your partner. Do not take decisions in a haste, else you will end up regretting them. The week would be fine for your marital life. You will get support from your spouse which will push you towards improvement in your career.

Fortune Star: 4/5

Remedy: Worship Peepal tree on Thursday and offer pure water in its roots.


You will develop a virtuous bent of mind and will be able to enhance your artistic ability. You will be thoughtful and will generate new ideas in your mind. Good results in the financial matters are a dead cert. You will move in a positive direction in your professional life. Avoid Indulging in immoral and unethical deeds. Hard work and perseverance will help you shine at your workplace. This week seems to be favourable for students and children.

Love Life: The weekly horoscope predicts a good start of the week. The mid part of the week will also be good for you, but the weekend would be average. At the same time, married people may have to face some difficulty. Do not suspect your spouse and remember that trust is the pillar of any relationship. To make week better, you can go out to spend some quality time with your spouse.

Fortune Star: 3.5/5

Remedy: Worship Lord Ganesha and offer him modak and Durva.


You will share an amazing bond with your mother during this week. An atmosphere of happiness and peace would prevail at your home. Your hard work will be brought to fruition during this week. Seniors and colleagues will appreciate your work and efforts. Your interest in spirituality may increase and you might go on a pilgrimage. You are advised to be careful while driving. Take care of your eyes during this week as you would be susceptible to ophthalmic disorders. You will overpower your enemies and they will not stand a chance against you.

Love Life: The week seems to be supporting for love birds. In the beginning and mid phase of the week, you will get good results, but the weekend might disappoint you. You might have some arguments with your partner during the end of the week. Romance will make its way into your marital life and you will feel happy being with your partner.

Fortune Star: 4/5

Remedy: Worship Lord Shani and offer him mustard oil.


You will be able to shine bright during this week because of your outstanding determination and unfaltering resolution. You might go on a short distance trip, which will beget fruitful results. This week will be favorable for your siblings. Your children will bask in comforts of life and students will work hard in are likely to win in matters of litigation. You might get inclined towards spirituality during this week. Your earnings will increase and so will your expenses. Do not spend unnecessarily if you do not want to not want to ensnare yourself in a financial crisis.

Love Life: The week would yield average results for your love life. If there is any misunderstanding in your relationship, you should clear it up right away. Do not make a mountain out of a molehill as it will adversely affect your relationship. The beginning of the week and its mid part will be good, but you may not get the desired outcomes in the weekend. There will be a better understanding with your spouse, owing to your improved communication channel with them.

Fortune Star: 3.5/5

Remedy: Feed stray dogs.

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