Friday, October 13, 2017

Mars Transit in Virgo, Know its effects

Do these remedies during Mars’ transit! Mars will transit in Virgo zodiac today on 13 October 2017 at 04:25 PM and will remain posited there till 30th November 2017 at 05:44 AM. Let’s know about this transit in detail.

This prediction is based on Moon Signs. To know your Moon Sign Click here: Moon Sign Calculator


Ascendant lord will transit in sixth house in the constellation of Sun, Moon, and Mars. Mars is itself eighth house lord; hence, don’t involve in useless tiffs...Read More


Personal life will go smooth and live matters will keep you happy. You should not get angry on your children...Read More


You might get angry unnecessarily. Also, you might feel annoyed. This might affect your personal life as well...Read More


There will be an improvement in your communication skills. Your self confidence will help you the most and you will move forward in life...Read More


Living in harmony with family is the first step toward a blissful life. Never force them to obey you. You might meet your old friends. Love life will prosper...Read More


Control on anger is very important. This will help you in personal as well as social sphere of life. Injury is possible in shoulder, abdominal region or face...Read More


Satisfaction will lack in personal life. Arguments will continue with spouse. You might feel annoyed...Read More


Love life will not go great, arguments are possible. Any minor issue might turn serious and complicate everything...Read More


Don’t lose your temper and be in harmony with everybody. It is good to respect seniors and boss, it will help you only....Read More


Mars turned exalted in Capricorn. For this ascendant, Mars is eleventh house lord. It will travel in ninth house, which is a benefic house...Read More


Some sort of loss is assured when tenth house lord will come in eighth house. You need to gain control over your thoughts...Read More


Mars for you is second house lord and is transiting in seventh house. Profits are foreseen for businessmen...Read More

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