Sunday, August 13, 2017

Weekly Horoscope to unravel the mysteries of this week!

A golden chance lies ahead for you! Know if the stars are in your favour and if you would be able to reach the heights you have always dreamt of. The Weekly Horoscope will give you an idea of what to do and what not to do, so that you don't lag behind others in the race of life.

Please keep in mind that all the predictions given below are strictly according to your Moon Sign. To know your Moon Sign, you can check our: Moon Sign Calculator

Aries: The week looks good for those born under the Moon Sign Aries. You might consider about purchasing land or a vehicle. Your siblings would do their best to support you financially. You might get entangled into legal issues and that might end up wasting your time. You would be required to give your best shot in order to get the desired results in an every field. Ebb and flow in your love life as well as your professional life must be dealt in a careful manner.

Love life: Love would need a mutual understanding between the two of you. You need to maintain proper communication with each other and if any kind of confusion or misunderstanding arises, you have to sort out the differences in a cordial manner. The beginning and the end of the week would be good for your love life, and you will hardly face any problems if you keep misunderstandings at bay.

Fortune Star: 3/5

Remedy: Hoist a coloured flag on the temple of Lord Bhairava.

Taurus: The beginning of the week might tense you up, but eventually things will fall in their own place. The weekend might bring about some crests and troughs, but will be overall in your favour. You would be able to strike it rich and gains through foreign connections are also probable. Your siblings will lend their support to you. Your personal life might have some issues that you would need to sort out. You will get fruitful results at your workplace, but monotony might spoil your mood. Your spouse will achieve success at their workfront.

Love life: This week would be a mixed period for your love relationship. The beginning would be normal and as the mid week approaches, you will find things proceeding in a positive direction. The weekend would be favorable for you. It would be good for you to sweep your differences under the carpet and spend quality time with each other.

Fortune Star: 3.5/5

Remedy: Keep jaggery in a Chapatti made up of wheat, and feed it to a cow.

Gemini: This week would be a progressive period for those born under the Moon Sign Gemini. You will develop a charismatic personality, which would bewitch the people you meet. However, you are advised to think twice before you speak in order to maintain cordial relations with others. An eye or throat related ailment might hit you, and thus you are required to take the necessary precautions to ensure your health and well being. Someone might unexpectedly bring good news to you. You will gain recognition at your workplace. You will receive profits during the beginning of the week, would spend a lot during the mid week, and would get a good income during the weekend.

Love life: Those who are married will get to spend a memorable time with their spouse, which will strengthen the bond between the two of you. The week also seems favourable for those who are in love relationships. The beginning of the week would be great, and you might consider going out on dates, movies, dinner, etc. The weekend will be tied with colours of love and passion.

Fortune Star: 4/5

Remedy: Eat juicy fruits and drink fruit juice as much as possible.

Cancer: You would be focused and would concentrate on your career. There are probable chances that you will get success in your endeavours. During the weekend, you might indulge in extravagance. You might act aggressively, and are advised to avoid the same as it might adversely affect your life, especially your marital peace and harmony. You might consider going on a religious trip or on a pilgrimage.

Love life: The week would be have ups and downs when it comes to your love life. Married couples might face some problems during the weekend, while those who are in intimate relationships might find things going out of their hands. You are advised to stay away from controversial matters as it can tarnish your image. The beginning of the week will be average and it will get better as days pass by.

Fortune Star: 3/5

Remedy: Wear a silver bangle/bracelet in your hand.

Leo: A long trip awaits for you during this week. You will gain recognition at your workplace and garner praise for all your efforts. The opposite gender will coordinate and cooperate with you. Your income will rise and so will your expenditure. Wise decisions would beget fruitful results. The week looks good for students as they will be able to come off with flying colours in any examination that they take. Children will be happy and blessed during this week.

Love life: Couples involved in a romantic relationship will have a good time during this week. You will be able to understand each other in a better way, and as a result your love would grow multifold. You will get time to spend with each other and make memories.

Fortune Star: 3/5 

Remedy: Water a Shwetark plant and worship Lord Sun.

Virgo: Those born under the Moon sign Virgo might find themselves a little worried and stressed up during the beginning of the week. However, they need not to worry as the mid week will yield results in their favour and the weekend would be good for them. Family life will be blessed with peace and harmony. Students might not be able to concentrate well on their studies, and children might fall the victim to diseases. Therefore, utmost precautions are necessary to combat adverse situations. Your income would increase and you will spend a lot of money. Your social image would be good during this week.

Love life: The week would be challenging for you. You need to be very cautious regarding your love matters. A new relationship might blossom, but it will take its own sweet time. Those who are looking forward to marry their loved one will still have to wait to bring the task to fruition. The beginning of the week might be fun, but weekend would be exciting for you.

Fortune Star: 2/5

Remedy: Recite Shri Vishnu Sahasranama Stotra.

Libra: The week brings benefits for you. You will bask in glory and praise at your workplace. You need to stay away from controversies and conflicts. Sudden gains will find their way to you. Take care of your father's health, as it might deteriorate. There might be chaos in your family. You need to have a frugal bent of mind and stay away from extravagance to avoid a financial crunch.

Love Life: The week would lit up the fire of passion in you. You will pour your heart out to your lover and they would reciprocate your feelings. You might plan to go for an outing too. While the beginning of the week would be average, the mid week might disappoint you a bit. However, you need not lose hope as the weekend would be amazing for your love life.

Fortune Star: 3/5 

Remedy: Wear a Sphatik Mala in your neck.

Scorpio: You might have to struggle a bit during the initial days of the week. All your efforts would prove to be fruitful and you will begin seeing positive results in the mid-week itself. Your personal life might face some ups and downs, but a sincere and mature approach would help you sail through the difficulties. You need to take care of your father's health. Your mother will indulge herself in religious and charitable deeds.

Love life: All the lovebirds are going to have a wonderful time during this week. Those who want to marry their love might get a chance to walk the aisle and do so. You might get a marriage proposal from your love partner. You will enjoy a lot with your love, but at the same time you should set your limits and do not cross them.

Fortune Star: 2.5/5

Remedy: Wear Pearl in your little finger.

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Sagittarius: The week will help the Sagittarians to advance towards their goals. Peace would prevail at your home front and you will be satisfied. Your mother would be healthy and sound during the span of this week, but your father's health must be taken care of. You also need to prioritize your health over other things, failing which it might decline. You might spend recklessly and go on unfruitful journeys. You might receive unexpected profits during this week.

Love life: The period would be an amalgamation of good and bad for your love life. There would be various phases where your love and patience would be put to test. You need to be careful during the beginning of the week. You are advised to behave in an ethical manner and try to understand your partner instead of forcing them to do as you want.

Fortune Star: 3/5 

Remedy: Worship Lord Sun daily.

Capricorn: Monetary gains will fall in your lap during this week. Try to control your anger as it can give rise to misunderstandings and conflicts. You would feel less attached to materialistic comforts and luxuries. You might have a hard time in cooperating with your business partner or your life partner, which would eventually have a bad impact on your overall life. Hence, you are advised to avoid such kind of situations. Only hard work and patience will be the key to your success.

Love life: The week will be an excellent time for love relationships. Those who are married have to give their best to maintain the peace and harmony of their marital life. Lovers would have a great beginning and an average midweek. The weekend would be good for love and you would get plenty of time to spend with your loved one.

Fortune Star: 3/5 

Remedy: Feed wheat and jaggery to a cow.

Aquarius: The week will give an upper hand to the Aquarians, and they will be able to overpower their enemies. Also, legal cases would end up in your favour. You are advised to keep yourself away from arguments and disputes. Your health must be taken care of, otherwise it might get adversely affected. You will not be able to provide sufficient time to your family, and would lack satisfaction at personal front. You might indulge in a war of words with your spouse. Your siblings would have a good time. You need to be alert and cautious in order to avoid any kind of losses. You will develop interest in spiritual things.

Love life: Couples in love would have a wonderful time, while wedded duo might have some petty issues which would need immediate attention. The weekend would set things right. Lovers would spend quality time with each other, and might go out for dining together. They would be occupied by thoughts of love and might think about going for a wedlock.

Fortune Star: 2.5/5

Remedy: Feed Chapatti to dogs.

Pisces: This week would be exceptionally good for the ones who are born under Pisces. Your family life will be blessed with happiness and prosperity. You might also acquire​a new house or a new vehicle during this week. Some issues might be encountered in your married life but they will eventually be settled down during the mid week. You will achieve success at your workplace and will garner praise due to the same. Monetary gains and some trips are on the cards. You are advised to take care of your eyes and get yourself proper sleep to ensure your well being.

Love life: The week might give you a tough time when your love affairs are considered. You might entangle yourself in arguments, which might sour the relationship between you two. You are advised to sort out things before they go out of control. The beginning of the week would be average, the mid week would be good, and the weekend might give you some good results too.

Fortune Star: 3.5/5

Remedy: Use utensils made up of silver.

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