Thursday, August 17, 2017

Sun Transit in Leo, Know its effects on you

See your life changing with this event! The Sun is the bright luminary that is the major source of energy of the Navagraha. It is the significator of one's soul and father. The Sun represents power and authority in a person's life, and rules the Sign Leo. It will transit into its own sign Leo on August 17, 2017 at 01:01 A.M., and would remain posited there till 12:55 A.M. on September 17, 2017. This transit will bring about some major changes in the lives of people belonging to all the Zodiac Signs. Read on to know how it affects you!

The given predictions are based on your Moon Sign. You can know about your Moon Sign by using our Moon sign Calculator


With the transit, you might consider changing your job for your betterment. A steep rise in income would keep you on cloud nine. Gains from Government policies and schemes are bound to happen. Read more…


The transit would come as a blessing to your mother and cure her of any illness. The Sun will bring authority and power to you as well as your life partner. However, the two of you have to make sure that you stay away from ego clashes and avoid a raging war of words amongst yourselves. Read more…


The transit of Sun into Leo will serve as an adrenaline pump for you, and will pack you up with energy to overcome challenging situations. Your spouse will be your lucky charm during the period of this transit. Going on short journeys would yield fruitful results for you. Read more…


A harsh tone of communication and your temper would be your basic characteristics during this period. You might embroil yourself in heated arguments as a result of your nature. You need to pay attention to the health of your spouse, as it might deteriorate rapidly during the Sun transit in Leo. Read more…

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Your sign is ruled by the Sun, and with the Sun transit in your own Sign, major changes in your life are bound to happen. Your magnetic personality would fetch you a number of admirers. Any health problems that have been troubling you would not be able to trouble you anymore. You need to keep your words in check, otherwise you would be entangled in arguments. Read more…


The transit would give you an advantage over your enemies, and you would be able to win legal cases as well. You might have itchy feet during this period, and would thus go on journeys and trips. You are, however advised to manage your expenses so as to avoid a financial crunch. Read more…


A highly awaited period starts for you as the Sun transits into Leo. You would have deep pockets during this time, and your connections with people of the higher strata of the society and higher authorities would further add to your gains. A hike or promotion at your work front is on the cards. The health of your children might stress you up during this period. Read more…


The transit would increase your efficiency and determination for your work. You will work hard and would get positive results for the same. Due to your involvement in your work, there might be an imbalance in your life and you would not be able to give time to your personal life. You need to take care of your mother's health, failing which it might degrade. Read more…

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You would bask in glory during the period of the Sun transit in Leo. Money and accomplishments would fall in your lap, making you happy and content. A difference of opinion with your father would remain highlighted during this span of time. Read more…


The period would come as a surprise to you with various ups and downs. You need to stay away from unethical practices, otherwise your image in the society would be tainted. Also, do not indulge in spending money recklessly as it might put a pressure on you in form of a financial crisis. Read more…


Your spouse would be vainglorious during the period of the transit, and you are advised to reach in a mature manner rather than creating fuss about it. A partnership in business might bring good news for you. An escalation in status at your workplace is also indicated. Read more…


An aggressive behaviour of your spouse might trouble you, but as far as your opponents are considered, they have no way but to give up in front of you and your calibre. Success awaits for you at the educational front. You need to take care of your health during this period. Read more...

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