Friday, July 21, 2017

Mercury transit in Leo - Know effects on you

See your life changing with this event! Here comes the Astrological significance of the Mercury transit in Leo. Also, get to know how this transit will bring wealth gains in your life. Mercury will transit in Leo on 21st July 2017 at 10:30 AM. Let’s see how this transit will affect all the 12 zodiac signs and what fate is lying underneath.

The below mentioned predictions are based on your moon sign. Calculate your Moon Sign by using our Moon sign Calculator


Investment in Lottery or share market may get you favourable results. You’ll get indulged into making new friends. Read More...


The transit may bring some good news for people seeking new opportunities. You may also get your dream home during this transit. Peace and harmony will blossom in your home. Read More...


Good time for life partners and siblings. Mother’s health may give to stress you. You’ll bask in glory during this period. Read More...

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Victory in profession on cards. You may get lucky to enjoy foreign wealth gains. Your partner’s health may stress you. Read More...


Mercury’s ambience will bring enhancement in your personality and image in the society. Siblings will come to your help in tough times. Read More...


Chances of going abroad on cards, but health may dwindle. Mental stress may get you involved in some dispute. Read More…

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People into Media and Communication may get success or appreciation in their job. There are strong chances for you to get wealth gains along with income. Read More…


Try to keep a side from unnecessary quarrels. Father’s health may get you in stress. Read More...


You may get a new job during this transit. You may also plan a long holiday trip. Writing may become your new field of interest. Read More…

Get to know the dates of various Festivals of 2017: Festivals 2017 


Challenges may get you during this transit. Father’s illness may keep your stress high. Invest your money sensibly to avoid loss. Read More... 


A sudden change in life may surprise you. Lovers may get married during this transit. Marital life may get into unnecessary disputes. Read More...


Good time to show your talent on professional grounds. Property disputes and ill health of your life partner may get you in stress. Read More...

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