Saturday, June 3, 2017

Get all the scoop on Mercury Transit in Taurus

Mercury transit will bring some big changes. Planet of communication and intelligence, Mercury would move into the earthy sign, Taurus on the 03rd of June, 2017 at 20:01 p.m. The planet would remain in the same zodiac sign till the 18th of June, 2017 at 22:58 p.m. After this, Mercury would transit to the next sign of the zodiac, Gemini.

Know how this might change your fate and make you take new decisions. Also, learn how you can safeguard yourself from them.

Know in-depth about Planet Mercury

The movement of Mercury will affect all the signs and it’ll be important for you to prepare a list of dos and don’ts in this period. Fret not!

AstroSage will help you in this predicament. Read on further to know about the predictions of Mercury Transit in Taurus on your zodiac sign.

The below mentioned predictions are based on your moon sign. Know your moon sign via Moon sign Calculator


A support in monetary terms would bring joy to your glum days. Your speech and communication skills would get influenced in this period. If not taken proper care, you might sour your relationships.Read more.


Curiosity killed the cat, but in your case, it’ll be the opposite. Your high intellectual level would make you question people and this would work out in your favour! So, go ahead, be inquisitive. Read more.

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In order to save yourself from health issues, make sure you do not exert yourself at work. The least you could do for yourself is to stay in shape and function properly!Read more.


As is known, communication is one of the foundation pillars for a strong relationship. This period might crop up some misunderstandings due to lack of conversations! Stay chatty.Read more.

Calculate the love compatibility between you and your partner, with our Love Calculator


A family that eats together, stays together. Take out time for your family members and make sure you do your bit in order to maintain harmony at home.Read more.


A favorable period for you presages everything good. Luck will be on your side, so go ahead and aim for the stars in this duration.Read more.


Your inquisitive nature would see all the new heights in this period. You’ll be inclined to learn and explore new things in life.Read more.


Your expenses are bound to increase in this period; you’ll spend your money lavishly on items that are a luxury to you and not a necessity. Read more.


Due to your exceptional performance at work, you’ll be able to cash in some benefits. A promotion or a monetary benefit are a probability in this period.Read more.


Your thirst to learn new things would know no bounds and this would aid you in going for higher education. This would bring you a step closer to the things that have been on the list of things you want to attain in life.Read more.


Don’t shy away from working towards your aims and goals. Anything that takes your sweat would bring out great results in this period.Read more.


Your wish of going on a small trip will see the light of the day. So, start packing your bags for a short expedition to a serene place!Read more.

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AstroSage hopes that this Mercury Transit gives you ample of reasons to cherish and enjoy the life that you live! Stay tuned for more Astrology and Horoscope articles.

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