Friday, June 9, 2017

Jupiter Direct in Virgo: Know how does it affect you!

Jupiter will bring luck during its direct motion. Your life is influenced by the position of planets and their motion. When a planet enters a Zodiac Sign, it causes a number of things to happen in your life. Similarly, when it leaves a particular sign, all the signs are affected. Jupiter direct in Virgo will occur on June 09, 2017.

The Planet Jupiter, known as Brihaspati or Guru is the planet of justice, wisdom, education and knowledge. It is generally a beneficial planet. It will stay in Virgo during a major part of this year. It will start retrograding from Monday, 6th February till its progression on Friday, 9th June. Jupiter will then transit in Libra on September 12, 2017. 

Know more about the planet of wisdom and Karaka of children: Planet Jupiter.

The predictions given below are based on your moon sign. Calculate yours through: Moon sign Calculator

ARIES: The end of retrogation period of Jupiter would lead to an increase in your income. You might entangle yourself in disputes. The period indicates a trip with your loved ones.Read more..

TAURUS: Jupiter Direct in Virgo would help you fetch good results for your efforts. Students would come through flying colors in any examination they take. A balanced diet would help you stay healthy and fit. Read more..

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GEMINI: The Jupiter Direct in Virgo would bring along with it a harmonious period for you. You would have a religious bent of mind. The period would be a perfect time for you to walk down the aisle.Read more..

CANCER: The end of retrogation period of Jupiter would pack up your married life with happiness and bliss. You are likely to get a promotion or a hike at your workplace.Read more..

LEO: Unexpected gains from multiple sources look highly probable for you during this period. You would earn respect through your own efforts.Read more..

VIRGO: You would maintain a perfect balance between your personal life and your professional life. Decisions taken during this period would prove to be fruitful.Read more..

LIBRA: You might need to dip into your own savings in order to tackle health issues. Hasty decisions might blow up in your face. You need not miss any opportunity that knocks your door as life does not give you a second bite at the cherry.Read more..

SCORPIO: New relationships might blossom during this period. Students would be able to sail through every difficulty and emerge victorious. Monetary gains are indicated.Read more..

SAGITTARIUS: You would spend your money for basking in comforts. Some tussles might disturb your married life. A change in work position is indicated.Read more..

CAPRICORN: You would indulge in charity and garner praise for your deeds. Trying new things would pique your interest. Avoiding negativity would help you in the long run.Read more..

AQUARIUS: You need to tighten up your belt and be careful about money. Your luck would follow you wherever you go. You would find yourself interested in religious activities.Read more..

PISCES: The period ensures a happy and blissful life for you. There are chances that you might get a rise in position or promotion at workplace. Love would fill your live with its beautiful colours.Read more..

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Here at AstroSage, we hope that this transit period brings about a lot of happiness in your life.

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