Monday, May 29, 2017

Weekly Horoscope - Unlock your fate with Astrology!

Know what’s new in your life this week? What has your fate laid down in your love, career, education, health, familial, and vocational life? Get all of this and more in this Week’s Horoscope! Plus the remedies.

The below mentioned predictions are based on your moon sign, to calculate your moon sign, follow the link: Moon sign Calculator


This week Aries natives will ride high with happiness. Family life will also be blessed with harmony. Your mother would feel the bliss in her life and this would keep her in the pink of her health. There is a high possibility of getting the best results at the end of the week. However, during this time your expenditures might increase.

Love Predictions: This week is favourable for your love life. If you are trying to meet your love partner for a long time or looking for a safe place to meet, this week will turn out to be helpful for you. Especially early days of this week are in your favour. By the mid of the week, you might fancy the company of a classmate. The end of the week would also be favourable.

Fortune Star: 4/5

Remedy: Donate Pure Ghee on Wednesday at a Temple.


Natives of the Taurus zodiac sign might go off for a short trip in this duration. This trip is bound to yield profits. You’ll have cordial relations with siblings and parents at home. Mother’s health might face a steep decline, so it’s advised that you take proper care of her. If you’re married, then chances are that your partner might gain profits in this week. Students will have a gala time in this duration!

Love Predictions: This week looks great for love relations. However, some minor tiffs with the partner are probable. Do not let this hamper the sweet bond that you two share. At the beginning of the week, you might go for a date or two! In the case of any misunderstandings, it’s advisable that you sit and talk it out. The weekend would be comparatively good for you.

Fortune Star: 4.5/5

Remedy: Pay homage to Lord Shani.


This week natives of the Gemini zodiac would see tremendous changes in their communicative skills. You are advised to keep tabs on your anger and aggression. Refrain from arguments. Your siblings would help you financially in this period. You might have to go for an unwanted trip in this duration. The weekend would be a delight for you, as you’ll get time to spend it with your family. 

Love Predictions: This week seems favourable for your love life. Keeping in mind your safety, you can plan a dinner date with your partner. By the mid of the week, you could spare some time for going out for a movie with your partner. By the weekend, make sure that you stay modest and exercise moderation and caution in love affairs in front of elders.

Fortune Star: 3.5/5

Remedy: Donate split red lentil on Tuesday.


For the Cancer natives, the week would be a roller coaster ride. The week would start on a sweet note; you’ll be dedicated towards your tasks and wind them up on time. However, due to some familial tiffs, you might remain stressed and anxious. In your personal life, chances are high that you might have an argument with your partner. The week seems good for domestic work and career. A short trip is on the cards for you this week. Glory and recognition are a sure shot for you in this time span; You’ll play a major role in any spiritual event by the weekend.

Love Predictions: The week is good for love relationships, but you’ll be in a state of dilemma as it’ll be a herculean task for you to balance between your love life and work. Your partner might complain of ignoring them. At the start of the week, your emotions will be all over the place, and your partner will make sure to tend to them properly. The mid of the week advises you to be patient, as the weekend promises favourable results.

Fortune Star: 3/5

Remedy: Feed stray dogs daily.


Natives of the Leo zodiac might face some health issues this week. As the week comes to an end, you’ll see your health taking a turn for the better. This week you’ll have a hard time making decisions and coming to a conclusion. Married life might have to face some complications. You’ll get appreciation at your workplace this week, so be prepared! Your career graph is bound to steep high this week. Children might face some kind of issues in this duration; take care of them. Financial gains are possible in this duration.

Love Predictions: This week you might get some time to go shopping with your partner. You might plan a long drive or a trip to some place famous this week. At the start of the week, you might have to stay a little away from your partner. Some minor tiff between the two of you is also possible. The weekend seems favourable. Make sure that you don’t utter anything that is potent of hurting your partner in this duration.

Fortune Star: 3/5

Remedy: Worship Lord Sun daily.


This week the natives of Virgo zodiac would get high lucrative benefits. Your social circle would expand and you’ll befriend new people. By the mid of the week, some minor issue might hamper your peace of mind. Your expenses are expected to rise this week. Although, the weekend promises to be the ace time for you to accumulate wealth. You’ll be able to put your thinking prowess in the fore and ponder rationally. You’ll gain recognition and glory in this period. Marital bliss is on the cards for you. However, some minor ideological difference might happen at the workplace.

Love Predictions: This week would be favourable for love related matters. Especially, if you’ve been thinking of transitioning your love relation into a nuptial bond, the luck will favour you. The week would begin on a sweet note. You’ll enjoy the warmth of love from your partner and cherish moments spent by the weekend.

Fortune Star: 3.5/5

Remedy: Worship Lord Shiva daily.


This week your focus would remain on achieving heights at work. By the mid of the week you’ll be determined to work diligently towards achieving accolades. There will be harmony at home and you’ll be blessed by the guardians of the family. However, some issue might crop up which would give your brain to churn unnecessarily. The end of the week might see you in low health. Eat healthily and maintain your well being.

Love Predictions: This week would give you mixed results. Due to work pressure, you might not be able to focus on your love life. In this case, you’ll have to maintain a balance between your work and love life. The mid of the week would be propitious for you. Despite this, the week would end on a average note. 

Fortune Star: 3/5

Remedy: Serve and feed green fodder to cows.


The natives of the Scorpio sign could go for a vacation or an excursion this week. You’ll be inclined towards spiritual activities this week. Marital life might have to face some issues; due to a difference of opinion, issues at workplace might crop up. Try to work as efficiently as you can. You might consider looking for a job in this period. The weekend looks favourable for income appraisal. You might get to meet some important personnel in this duration.

Love Predictions: The week would be average for your love relations. It’s advised that you do not take your relationship for granted. At the start of the week, you will get to go out with your partner more often. The mid of the week would want you to maintain a balance between your love and work; otherwise, one might have to take a backseat. The weekend would be brilliant, so enjoy it as much as you can!

Fortune Star: 3/5

Remedy: Feed chapatis to strays daily.

To get your FREE Kundli, follow the link: Kundli Birth Chart


This week you would get recognition for your determination and work at your office. There will be an environment of bliss at home. You’ll get to taste unprecedented success at work. You’ll be inclined towards spirituality and would try to do something worthy in that field. Father’s health might dwindle; you’ll be too preoccupied with work to pay heed to him. This would make you stressed. You are advised to meditate to keep mental stress at bay from you. The start of the week advises you to stay away from deep waters. By the weekend you might plan an outing with your family and friends. 

Love Predictions: This week will pleasantly good for your love life. If you’ve been planning to marry your partner, the time is in your favour. The beginning of the week will be slow; you are advised to pay heed to your partner’s emotions and words. The end of the week would be better than the mid of the week.

Fortune Star: 3/5

Remedy: Worship Lord Vishnu.


The beginning of the week looks great for the married natives. You’ll be able to witness an amalgamation of passion and romance in your relationship. Some light banters are possible with the partner. Try to keep the mood light in your relationship. Chances of going on a pilgrimage are high in this period. You’ll gain recognition and reputation in the society. You might have to face some issues regarding your children.

Love Predictions: The week would be average for love affairs. However, some minor tiffs and bantering are possible. This won;t hamper your love graph. The beginning of the week would be in your favour; married couples will enjoy this period. As per the Weekly Predictions, the mid of the week would be aversive to your benefits. This would require you to be modest in your approach. The weekend seems slightly better.

Fortune Star: 2.5/5

Remedy: Donate red flowers on Sunday.


This week, the natives of Aquarius zodiac need to work hard, because this week does not seem to be in their favour. You may have to face various types of controversy, stress, and increase in expenses. There can also be turmoil in marital life. As the week comes to an end you might develop an inclination towards spirituality. You might also have to bear some health problems.

Love Predictions: This week will go admirably for love relationships. Not only your desire to meet your partner will be fulfilled but you'll also get a chance to have lunch or dinner together. The start of the week will be tremendous, while the middle seems average. The week would end on a less favourable note.

Fortune Star: 3/5

Remedy: Donate black sesame seeds on Wednesday.


The natives of Pisces zodiac may have to face obstructions at work this week. You might get in a wrangle with anyone. Therefore, treat everyone with a sweet temper. Focus on your expenses and refrain from shelling out lavishly on things. The weekend will be brilliant for married couples. Doing business with a partner will be favourable for you. Play safe while taking decisions.

Love Predictions: This week is propitious to give you good results in your love life. If you are single, you might hit it off with someone. The start of the week will be satisfactory; the weekend will also be the right time to propose someone. The middle of the week may encourage you to take risks in love. The weekend is going to be fabulous; there will be feelings of purity in love.

Fortune Star: 3/5

Remedy: Donate mustard oil on Saturday evening.

To match your birth chart with that of your lover, follow the link and get it for FREE: Horoscope Kundli Matching

AstroSage hopes that these Weekly Predictions help you out in bringing the right changes in your life! Have a stupendous week!

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