Monday, March 6, 2017

Weekly Horoscope (Mar 06- Mar 12): A glance at the future

Need to know about your love score or fortune score for the week? Pondering over how this week of Holi would be for you and your kith and kin? Fret not. Weekly Predictions are here for the rescue. Let us guide you to a picturesque week with our weekly forecast. 


This week would keep you highly energetic. You would exhibit immense courage and would face each and every challenge that comes your way head-on. Your domestic life would be blissful. Relationship with mother would flourish. In this duration, you would feel mental peace and contentment in your domestic life. Things might turn out beautifully for you, as you will consider going abroad for a business deal. Your approach towards the world would change significantly. You would see things in a practical and attainable way. Your tricky approach would make the matters more peachy. Love life would have bitter-sweet results this week. You would enjoy the pink of your health; any past injuries if any would recover this week.

LOVE PREDICTIONS: The week would be average for love related matters. If you have a severe confrontation between you and your partner, just make sure that you are not on the receiving end of it. Be patient and calm. At the start of the week you’ll be full of life and energy. Give importance to spending time with each other and making memories. By the mid of the week, you might get a little busy, but with the week coming to an end, things will come back to their place. 


REMEDY: Plant a Shwetark tree on Sunday.


Your main focus would remain on increasing your gains. You would enjoy attending social gatherings this week, as you’ll be the belle of the ball. You might indulge in exaggeration of your social status and power. This week seems to be a favourable period for love matters. Increase in expenses is also indicated during this week. But chances are that you might feel mentally distressed in this period. Despite of you trying to give your best in your professional arena, you would get minimal appreciation and recognition. Avoid getting into quarrels this week. Domestic and marital life might seem wee bit drab. You would perform better by thinking your decisions through and applying your intellect and wit.

LOVE PREDICTIONS: The week looks great for love matters. You’ll have to abstain from showing a stubborn attitude. Be modest in your relationships. You might plan a dinner out with your lover. By the mid of the week, plan an emotional movie with your partner to strengthen the bond that you two share. The end of the week could be a little weak, as you’ll have to go through some domestic turmoil. Plan meticulously, so that you don’t have to live a stress laden life. 


REMEDY: Plant a pomegranate plant in a garden or a temple.


You might feel a little low this week. A good period is indicated for both professional and personal life. Your personal and professional life would be in perfect harmony and balance this week, as you would be highly determined to achieve your goals. Your earnings are expected to increase during this period. A long awaited wish might see the dawn of the day. Peace will prevail in domestic relations. Love life would be bitter-sweet, but abstain from indulging in arguments. This week you would spend good time with friends. Marital life would seem to be stable and your relation with your partner would gain depth and confidence, though they might feel easily irritable during this period. You are expected to have an upper hand over your opponents in this period.

LOVE PREDICTIONS: The week would be beneficial for you. You might plan a trip or a excursion this week. Going for a meet up would be great, but only at a safe place. You might be a little too over emotional this week, but your partner would work hard to uplift your spirits. The end of the week might be a drab, so don’t lose hope and make sure that you enjoy.


REMEDY: Plant an Apamarg plant on Wednesday.


The week would begin with energy and peace for you. However, mood swings might keep you swinging. You would gain authority at work during this period. Your seniors would be extremely supportive of you. An elevation in your social status is also indicated during this period. You might close a property deal this week. You are expected to indulge in religious deeds. Chances are that you would find solace in charity and donations. However, your marital life might feel a little disrupted. Hence, talk out your differences with your life partner and support them. Your income is expected to increase, but on the other hand unexpected losses might come your way too.

LOVE PREDICTIONS: The week might make you feel low from love relation’s point of view. It’ll be better if you maintain good relations with your partner and do not mouth any bad or mean names to them. The start of the week advises you to be modest and transparent. Be loyal towards your partner. But the mid of the week would be great. You’ll be blessed with a great time with your partner. 


REMEDY: Plant a Banana tree on Thursday.


Your income is expected to a get a substantial hike this week. Commitment in relationship is foreseen too. You might have understanding issues with your spouse, so make sure that you maintain transparency. Minor health issues might also keep you disturbed. You might plan a trip to pay visit to the sea. The health of your father is expected to improve. Your luck will favour you completely this week. Your speech would be impressive and influential during this period. Keep an eye out for scandals, as to abstain from defamation. Your domestic life would be brimming with love and harmony. Younger siblings might face challenges during this week. 

LOVE PREDICTIONS: The week would be awesome in love terms. You’ll just have to make sure that you stay away from obscenity and vulgarity. You’ll be passionate towards your partner and the same goes from their side. The mid of the week will give you average results. However, the end would be great. This week would test your patience and emotional levels. 


REMEDY: Plant either a Rosemary or a Sunflower plant on Sunday.


Your life partner would exhibit utmost devotion this week. You might end up having ego clashes with your spouse during this period. Your health might decline too. Unexpected gains are foreseen for you this week. You might indulge in heated arguments or squabbles with your in-laws. Your expenses might continue to stay increased. Your life partner might reconsider the thought of leaving you if there has been sourness in your relationship. You would have an upper hand over your opponents. Your domestic life might make you feel low this week. Love relations would flourish during this period. You might work extremely hard at work and would attain the unachievable.

LOVE PREDICTIONS: The week would give you amazing results. You’ll be romantic and would plan your days with your partner, which are full of love and life. You’ll be energetic and will rejoice every moment with your loved one. Some issues might trigger your anger, but with patience you’ll be able to overcome it. The weekend would be a little weak, but make sure that you aren’t too full of yourself. 


REMEDY: Plant a Lavender plant on Wednesday.


You would have an upper hand over your competitors and foes. Your expenses would continue to increase. Take care of your health as it might see a dip. A health issue in lower abdominal area and stomach is foreseen. Your spouse would be supportive of you. Gains to father are on the cards this week. Your domestic life would be peaceful and happy. Chances are that you might consider a job switch this week. Chances of an increment or a promotion are also high. Try to come out of your comfort zone and work harder for your goals. You would feel inclined towards learning more and would multitask without efforts.

LOVE PREDICTIONS: This week would give you beneficial results. You might indulge in a little bickering with your partner. You might feel blissfully in love with your partner. The start of the week will yield you great results. You might consider going on a pilgrimage with your partner. By the mid of the week ensure that you maintain a balance between your professional life and love life. 


REMEDY: Plant a Gular or a White Rose plant on Friday. 


You might feel uneasy and anxious during the onset of the week but would gain stability gradually. The health of your mother might decline during this period. A broken relationship might back-track this week. You might feel unhappy and dissatisfied from your domestic life in this duration. Your love life would be brimming with love and passion this week. Those associated with education would rejoice this week as their career would see a substantial hike. A love marriage is on the cards for you. You might develop health issues such as fever and headache, probability of an injury or accident is there, so do take necessary precautions.

LOVE PREDICTIONS: This week you’ll get great results in love life. You’ll plan a day out with your partner. A dinner or a late night chat might look great to you. However, the start of the advises you to be modest and cautious. The mid of the week would be amazing, but the end a little dull. But you mustn’t forget to enjoy yourself to the fullest. 


REMEDY: Plant an Anantmool plant on Tuesday.


You would be able to establish an equilibrium between your professional and personal life. Good period for students is indicated this week. Long journeys are on the cards this week. Your marital relationship would gain stability in this period, though the health of your partner might need attention in this duration. Recognition and appreciation would follow you at work. Younger siblings might suffer from minor health issues. Younger siblings would be supportive of you. Try to improve your relationship with your father. If your spouse is a working professional then they might gain promotion or recognition at work this week.

LOVE PREDICTIONS: This week would give you mixed results. You’ll have to try pretty hard this week, in order to meet new people. The start of the week, will be great for married couples. The mid a little dull. Be a little cautious in your relationships. Be modest and lovely in your approach. The end would be average, but with streneous efforts you’ll be just fine. 


REMEDY: Plant a Banana tree on Thursday.


You might feel sincere and devoted to your work this week. Seniors would be highly supportive of you, as you’ll work harder at work and would feel highly determined and focused to achieve your goals. Try to abstain from probable tiffs with seniors. You might also consider a job switch this week. Chances are that you might indulge in a new love relationship in this duration. A great period for love relations is indicated this week. Domestic relations might foster uneasiness and anxiousness during this period. Might visit a religious place or plan a pilgrimage in this period. You might feel bitter towards people and situations, but being vocal about your bitterness might bring sourness in your relations. Income would increase gradually, so do not lose hope. Your health might need added attention this week.

LOVE PREDICTIONS: The week seems to be casual for love relations. You’ll be chatty with your partner throughout this week. But do not let any minor argument escalate into anything big. The start of the week would be fantastic; the mid slightly better, but as the week comes to an end, things might start making you feel dull. It’ll be beneficial for you to be modest in this duration. 


REMEDY: Plant a Shami tree on Saturday.


This week seems to be highly gainful period for working professionals. You would be highly determined towards achieving your goals. This will be a highly beneficial period for sportspersons, marketing and management professionals. You would annihilate your foes, as you climb to the top. Your speech would be highly impressive and influential during this period. A delicate period for love relations, as your spouse might not be able to catch your trail of thoughts. Tiffs and misunderstandings might affect your marital relationship. Try to keep a tab on your aggressive self. Domestic life is foreseen to be full of happiness and contentment. During this week, your health is also expected to be great. 

LOVE PREDICTIONS: The week would be average for you. You might be stubborn and act immaturely with your partner. Chances are that your partner might get hot under the collar for you, and would lie about it. Do not let this situation happen. The start of the week would increase your love quotient, but as the week conspires, you’ll face minor problems in conversing with your partner. For the married masses, the weekend would be great. 


REMEDY: Plant blue Orchids or a Dhatura (Devils’ trumpet) plant on Saturday.


Your expenses are expected to increase substantially, though your income would increase. It would be of immense importance to control your expenditure or else it might lead to a disbalance in your financial planning. You might get harsh in your speech and conduct. Try your best to abstain from arguments, so that you don’t get defamed. Domestic life seems to be positive this week. Your marital life would be good, as improvements are foreseen in your marital life. You would spend quality time with your spouse this week. On the other side, love relationships would be moderately satisfying.

LOVE PREDICTIONS: This week promises to give you great results. However, the week might start off on a dull note. You’ll have to step up your game. A classmate or a colleague could fancy you, or you might develop some feelings for them. The weekend would be full of sweet bickerings. Abstain from doubting your partner or their feelings. 


REMEDY: Plant a Peepal tree on Thursday.

We at AstroSage hope that you enjoy this week to the fullest. Enjoy and make sure you help others enjoy too!

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