Sunday, March 26, 2017

Horoscope Of The Week (27th March - 02nd April, 2017)

The last week of March is here and so are the Weekly Predictions and love horoscope! Prepare a blueprint and design the layout of your week with them. Enjoy!


The week would kick off on a bright note. You might struggle through some mental agony; post mid week, you will see some improvement. Love life will face some ups and downs, but with calculated measures it’ll see a brighter day. As the week comes to an end, you’ll get some monetary gains, which as the stars predict might come from your mother. A satisfactory professional life will give you moments to cherish. Domestic life would be brimming with peace and harmony; make sure that you keep it that way. 

LOVE PREDICTIONS: This week won’t give you much desired results in love life. Try and refrain from intertwining ego and anger with love. Do not belittle one another. At the beginning of the week you’ll get scarce moments to spend with your partner. So, make sure that you cherish and make every moment your best one. The mid and end will be moderate. 


REMEDY: Worship Lord Bhairava regularly.


In the beginning of the week your focus would remain on your work. You’ll make every possible effort to maximise your output. You might go for a long journey or might consider going abroad this week. You would be highly energetic and rejuvenated. At work, you might have some squabbles with your seniors. Health of your spouse will dwindle in this period. You will be in the pink of your health, due to which you’ll spend most of your time outdoors. You are advised to take care of your mother this week. 

LOVE PREDICTIONS: This week would be average for love relations. Minor tiffs and squabbles might sour your mood. Do not escalate the matter into somethings huge. You might have to play the pacifier in your relationship. The mid of the week would seldom give you any spare time. The week end advises you to be with your partner as much as you can. 


REMEDY: Chant Vishnu Sahasranamam regularly.


The beginning of the week and the mid would be good. However, end of the week might give you mental stress. You would perform your responsibilities very well personally and professionally. During the mid of the week, your income might increase. Although with an increased income, your expenses are likely to manifold as well. Your love life is expected to flourish till the middle of the week and might get a little drab towards the end. You would enjoy social gatherings and would get to meet and befriend new and influential people. Avoid gossiping in this duration.


The married masses will get amazing results in this period. The beginning of the week would give you multiple reasons to be gleeful about. You will maintain a balance between your love life and work. The mid would be sound; minor bickering would turn into playful banter. 


REMEDY: Feed jaggery to a black cow on Wednesdays.


You would find yourself in high spirits in the beginning of the week. This week would be positive and progressive for you as your luck would favour you. You might indulge in short trips or entertainment. Due to all your exertion, you will spare time for a movie or any amusement park trip. This week you would perform exceptionally well at work. Domestic life would be lavish; you’ll shell out on home decor. Spouse might suffer from minor health issues. Maintain a healthy lifestyle. 

LOVE PREDICTIONS: This week would be brilliant for love matters. Although, the work pressure and the will to be better than before, will be there, you’ll make sure to take time out for your partner. If possible, it’s advised that you go for a short trip to any religious place with your partner at the beginning of the week. The weekend promises to make your love sweeter and mushier. 


REMEDY: Perform chaya patra daan on Saturday.


The beginning of the week might bring your morale down. You’ll face a low period, wherein your self esteem might have to face a blow. The middle of the week will change things for the better for you. You would gain recognition and status at work. Despite of this, occasional detachment from work can be expected. Avoid getting in quarrels with women, as this might go against you. Income would increase in this week. Some sudden gains can also be expected by the end of the week. Try to keep stress at bay in your marital life. 


This week would yield you average results. You’ll have to maintain transparency in your relationships to get your love life working smoothly. The beginning of the week advises you to stay modest in your approach. Do not indulge in any activity that might bring defamation your way. The mid would be cheery. You’ll be in high spirits and will enjoy most of your time with your partner. If you’re in love with a colleague, chances are that the results will bring glimmer in your eyes and a smile on your face. 


REMEDY: Water to a Peepal tree on Thursdays regularly.


This week you would be dedicated towards your spouse. You’ll give them priority over other things in your life. Health might decline during this week. Your marital life would be satisfying. Sudden issues at work might arise by the mid of the week. The end of the week would be good, as luck would favour you and would drag you out of toils. Those in partnership or in export and import business would gain this week. You might plan a short journey during the weekend. 

LOVE PREDICTIONS: The week would be brilliant for the married masses, but the unmarried one’s will have to keep an eye out for defamation. The week would start on a bright note. Although, your health might dwindle by the mid week. A sore throat or an upset stomach might dull your days. So, take proper precautions to refrain from falling sick. 


REMEDY: Worship Lord Vishnu regularly.


The onset of the week would be quite disrupted. You might get into disputes of sorts. Some may initiate an unintentional journey. The mid of the week would be pleasant for you. Some dullness might creep in by the end of the week. Your expenses would also increase tremendously during this period. Although, improvements would be there in your love life. You’ll perform exceptionally well on the career front. Decision of any legal dispute might not be in your favour. So, try to halt any big decisions that you might take in this duration. Chances are the you might feel a little too aggressive this week.

LOVE PREDICTIONS: The week looks average for love matters. Your partner might have to face some serious health issues. They might stay angry at you for no reason. So, you are advised to keep your patience up for the entire week. By the mid of the week, some bickering is possible. You’ll have to find a way to turn it into playful banter. By the weekend, help your partner in their chores. This way you’ll be able to strengthen your love. 


REMEDY: Distribute jalebis to your known, especially females at home.


You would be in full spirit during the onset of the week. Mid of the week might feel disrupted because of some disputes or certain health issues, which would get resolved by the weekend. You would feel elevated and happy by the end of the week as your love life would be satisfying. This will be a good period for those who are love struck. Father might gain growth in his professional arena. Your earnings would increase in this duration. Chances are that you might plan a weekend getaway with your spouse.

LOVE PREDICTIONS: Although, this week looks stupendous for love matters, you’ll have to keep your tongue tied in front of your lover. At the beginning of the week, you are advised not take a risk by meeting at an unsafe place. Due to some minor issues, you might dull your mood. The mid and the end would herald love and warmth in your relationship. 


REMEDY: Donate needful things to patients of leprosy on Sundays.

To get your FREE Kundli, follow the link: Kundli Birth Chart


This week you would spend quality time with your family and will leave ample time for catching up time with partner. You would spend on a lavish weekend getaway with kith and kin. Domestic life would be happening. Your siblings would be supportive. You would perform exceptionally well at work. This week would bring you numerous chances of enjoying financial gains. You can expect presents and surprises form in-laws.

LOVE PREDICTIONS: This week would be mellow for your love life. If you haven’t had time to meet your lover and chat with them about life in particular, you need not fret! As this week would give you plenty of options to do just that. The beginning of the week might be dull, due to your sullen mood. The mid and week end promises to treat you good, only if you coax yourself into staying calm. 


REMEDY: Chant Hanuman Chalisa regularly. 


You might plan a trip at the onset of the week. The mid of the week would be spent at home, with just chilling around. The weekend would be hit hard with your loved ones. Spiritual inclination is foreseen during this period. The health of your mother might need attention. You would be successful in expressing love to your parents. Younger siblings would be of help. Relationship with younger siblings would improve in this period. Spouse can expect good news this week. Your domestic life would be pleasant and you’ll have a cordial relation with everyone at home. 

LOVE PREDICTIONS: This week promises to give you brilliant results. Although, you are advised to stay out of petty issues. Do not let your ego rule your head. If it’s possible, go for a brunch or a movie date with your partner, to spice things up in your relationship. Stay stress free to live a long and healthy life. The weekend would be more prosperous. In case you are in love with a colleague or a classmate, the chances of it standing true to the test of time are high. 


REMEDY: Feed rotis to a black dog regularly.


Auspicious activities at home can be expected during the beginning of the week. The mid of the week might bring in disrupted relationships with siblings. You’ll be in a tough time with your cousins and siblings. The health of your mother would improve. Domestic life would be satisfying with some occasional tiffs. Health of your partner might keep you worried. 

LOVE PREDICTIONS: This week would be bitter sweet for your love life. You are advised to keep a check on your voice and tone, otherwise your relationship will have to face the axe. At the beginning of the week refrain from bickerings and keep your focus on strengthening your love bond. The weekend would go perfect if you could spare some time to watch a movie. 


REMEDY: Offer vermilion to Lord Hanuman in a Hanuman temple.


The beginning of the week would be romance induced. You would enjoy good health and might indulge in the fruits of the sea. Chances are that you might visit a place with close proximity to water during the weekend. By the mid of the week, you might feel easily irritated and icky towards everything. Weekend would be brimming with happiness; relations with siblings would blossom. You would invest your time in socialising. Your determination would be on an all time high. Domestic life would be pleasant with your parents understanding and supporting your every action. 

LOVE PREDICTIONS: This week is sure to bring your fabulous results. Although at the onset of the week, you might be a bit sappy and emotional. Your emotions will give anyone a whiplash in this period. By the mid of the week plan a dinner date with your partner, to spend quality time with them. You’ll have plenty of time to be with the ‘one’ and make them feel special. 


REMEDY: Offer durva grass to lord Ganesha

To match your birth chart with that of your lover, follow the link and get it for FREE: Horoscope Kundli Matching

We at AstroSage hope that these predictions proved their purpose for you. Make sure that you stay tuned to our app and get the best out of Astrology!

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