Monday, February 27, 2017

Weekly Horoscope (Feb 27 - Mar 05): Follow Your Stars

Curious about how the month of March will be for you? Want to know your love horoscope for the week? Weekly Horoscope is here for you, to ease your worries and lessen your hassles. So, make the most out of this piece of information, by browsing and abiding by it. 

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 This week would be fruitful and would herald fame and recognition in your life. Going or planning for a long journey is possible. It’s advised that you take no big decisions in this duration, to avoid any issues later. All your past toils would bear fruit this week. Keep up the good work, and do not get demotivated, whatsoever. Excessive expenditure seems likely for you. You might shell your hard earned money on things that aren’t much of a necessity, but more of a luxury. 

LOVE PREDICTIONS: You’ll have to maintain transparency in your love life this week. Only this could guarantee sweet results in this duration. The start of the week would be great, with the mid giving you scarce opportunities to meet your lover. But as the week comes to a full circle. Things would start changing for the better. 


REMEDY: Offer water to Lord Surya everyday.


This week looks great for love relations. You’ll be committed towards your partner, and the same would be reciprocated. You’ll be highly social this week, which would help you make new friends and acquaint yourself with brilliant minds. As predicted by your stars and planetary position, you might feel detached from work due to less recognition of your work. Despite of this, your team would be supportive and kind towards you. This week your life might get infested with chaos and dillema. 

LOVE PREDICTIONS: This week you might stay a bit off. You’ll be lost in your own world, and might shut off your partner too. It’s advised that you talk to your partner and share your every little problem with them, so that it gets a solution quickly. You’ll have to maintain a balance between your work life and love life, so that it doesn’t dwindle. The week would start off on a good note, with the mid excellent for your relationship. 


REMEDY: Serve and donate at orphanages and old-age homes.


Some long journeys are predicted for you this week. You’re advised to stay away from shady work, to avoid any controversies and defamation. At the home front, you’ll have a cordial relation with everyone. Maintain good relations with your siblings to keep a harmonious environment intact at home. Your father’s health might require you attention, as chances of him falling ill are slightly high. You might start falling for a colleague in this duration. 

LOVE PREDICTIONS: This week would yield you great results in your love life. At the start of the week, you might plan a romantic getaway with your lover. With the mid of the week, you will start experiencing things in a new way, which would broader your horizons. The weekend would give you ample of ways to meet your lover and go with them to celebrate the between you. 


REMEDY: Offer Kheer to Goddess Durga on fridays and feed the remaining to little girls.


The week seems to give you plenty of options to perform well at the work front. You’ll have to keep tabs on your health; minor cold and cough could become the major reason of you falling ill. Avoid coarse food. The time is great for relationships and befriending new people. Some issues at marital front might affect the relationship that you share with your partner. 

LOVE PREDICTIONS: The weekly predictions advise you to abstain from bickering with your partner. Some issues might escalate into something big. So no matter what your partner asks of you, it’s advisable that you nod at it, to keep yourself at bay from all the tiffs. And the plus point of this would be that your partner would stay in a great mood due to this. At the beginning of the week, you must stay absolutely modest to stay away from any any negativity. 


REMEDY: Worship Lord Shiva with utmost devotion.


This week chances of your health declining are pretty high. You could be in a state of confusion, which could cloud your judgement and get the better of you. Some tiffs in marital life are probable. Sudden gains are on the cards for you in this period. Some issues related to better understanding are a possibility. Your younger siblings might have to suffer this week. At the career front, you’ll be dissatisfied with the amount of recognition your work gets. Try and maintain cordial relations with people of opposite sex. 

LOVE PREDICTIONS: The week would be sweet for you, when it comes to love life. If you fall in love with someone in this duration, chances are that the stars will shine brighter for you. Keep in mind that you don’t give any chance to your partner to complain about anything. The start of the week would be joyous; mid a little mellow but as the week comes to a close things will start changing for the better. 


REMEDY: Try to keep your house and surroundings clean this week.


This week might come along as an emotional one. You might dip your feet in foreign waters in this duration. You’ll enjoy a progressive and positive marital life. Your soulmate would be blissfully in love with you, and you’ll enjoy peaceful moments with them. Mother’s health might dwindle in this period. Avoid aggression at all costs. Refrain from showing too much anger. Good results at work place can be expected. Your capacity to take and face challenges would increase by the end of the week.

LOVE PREDICTIONS: This week looks promising in terms of love life. Albeit some minor issues and tiffs could sour your mood. Despite of this, you’ll have a blissful time with your lover. The mid of the week would be your solace from from the negativity in your relationship. By the weekend, your stars are advising you to stay loyal and modest in your relationship. 


REMEDY: Serve a cow regularly.


You might have to face lack of concentration this week. Your determination to achieve something big in life would overpower your judgements. However, your lethargic attitude might keep success at bay from you. Chances of you contracting a disease are high in this period. Minor tiffs with spouse are likely. Try to keep misunderstandings in your relationship at bay.

LOVE PREDICTIONS: This week would be dull when it comes to love matters. With your continuous efforts at making changes and altering your behaviour, you could get your relationship on the track. In the start of week, you might find someone from your school, college or work attractive. This might blossom into a beautiful relationship in the long run. Although, take extra precautions before proposing them. By the mid of the week, some minor tiffs are possible. But as the week comes to a close, things will start shaping up for you. 


REMEDY: Worship Goddess Durga with utmost devotion. 


The week would not be any lesser than a Valentine Week. Just remember the threshold of sanity while expressing your love to your partner. The chances of getting married with your love interest are very high. Married people won't be satisfied in your domestic life, due to which you might act irritated and icky. Avoid shortcuts at work to abstain from getting a bad name attached to you. You'll be completely devoted towards your partner, which might be a little problematic for your professional life. Maintain a balance of both the important arenas of your life to stay out of trouble. This week you might go away from home and family for a work related trip. 

LOVE PREDICTIONS: Although the week would be dull in love related matters, but with a sweet tone you could change things and take control of the situation. At the start of the week, you might be stressed out over a petty issue, which could result in the fullness of your relationship. As the week goes on, you'll start afresh and make considerable changes in your outlook towards the world. By the weekend, you'll be happy with your partner, and will cherish every moment spent with them.


REMEDY: Put Kesar tilak on your forehead regularly. Also, consume Kesar regularly.


Deep thinking would keep you busy this week. You'll take wise decisions at work, which would help you be the better person than you were before. Your wit would boost your business. You might consider buying a new vehicle in this period. A new is also on the cards for some. At the domestic front, some occasional tiffs might erupt. Your spouse would gain status in this period. You'll enjoy the pink of your health in this week. Chances are that this week you'll splurge on yourself. Your younger siblings would be supportive of you.

LOVE PREDICTIONS: The week seems pretty fabulous for you. You'll have to work harder when it comes to maintaining a balance between your work and love life. At the beginning of the week you might consider going for entertainment related options. Going on a short trip is also predicted. As the week comes to an end, you'll start noticing new changes and happy beginnings.


REMEDY: Wear a copper kada in your right hand.


Expenses are expected to increase as they have been for a long time now. Some unexpected gains are indicated too. Gains through foreigners are foreseen. MNCs might also play a crucial role in your professional success. A new relationship might keep you on your toes. Students would perform exceptionally good in this duration. Higher studies are also possible for those belonging to this sign. You would dominate over your opponents. Legal actions, if any would come out in your favour. Domestic and marital life would be brimming with bliss.

LOVE PREDICTIONS: The week promises to give you good results. Albeit, you won't be able to find much solace this week, as chances of meeting your lover are not that high. Despite of this fact, communication gap won't exist between the two of you. You'll be able to squeeze in all the fun by the mid of the week. As the week comes to an end, you'll be pleased to get the desired results in your relationship.


REMEDY: Feed ants on Saturdays.


This week embodies a state of predicament and you would find yourself in a quandary situation. This week, your spouse would be highly devoted towards you and you would not be able to follow the trail of thoughts of your partner. You would experience that your marital life would be quite dull this week. You might be busy from the gains which you would get from several aspects. This week, students would be highly disciplined and determined and they might get exceptional results in their academics. This week would make your domestic life to flourish and you would feel pleasure food by dining somewhere out. This week you might receive gains from landed property.

LOVE PREDICTIONS: This week would yield you average results. It'll be better if you maintain proper transparency in your relationship with your partner. In the first days of the week, your emotions will be all over the place. By the mid of the week, you might plan a romantic dinner or a day out with your partner. The weekend also carries good news for you. Chances of you going out with your spouse are substantially high. 


REMEDY: Wear a ring made of black horse shoe in your middle finger on a Saturday.


The week seems to be a muddled one for you as you might find yourself in a confused state of mind with blended thoughts. Long journeys are probable this week and you would work very hard. You might procure gains through foreign lands and you would be devoted to your spouse displaying great affection and care. This week exemplifies your commitment in your love matters and a decline in the health of your spouse is probable. Your expenses might increase a bit and you would enjoy a lavish life this week. You would enjoy all the materialistic comforts and your domestic life would be quite happening. As far as students are concerned, they would excel in academics in this week and your luck would be on your side this week. 

LOVE PREDICTIONS: You would be able to enjoy your love life this week. Although at the start of the week, you might go for a short journey with your partner. By the mid of the week, you’ll be blissfully in love. You’ll enjoy every moment spent with your partner. You’ll feel the passion rising in your relationship. As the week comes to an end you’ll plan a romantic getaway with your lover. A date or a dinner is on the cards for you. 


REMEDY: Serve brahmins on Thursdays by offering food etc.

We at AstroSage hope that you enjoy this week to the fullest. Cause no matter what, we’ve always got your back. Till next time, stay glued to AstroSage.

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