Monday, January 2, 2017

Weekly Horoscope 2017 (Jan 02- Jan 08, 2017)

Know your fate in the first week of January. Enlighten yourself about your week through our Weekly Horoscope 2017 predictions, strictly based on the Vedic Astrology. The predictions are prepared by our learned astrologers, and based on the moon sign in one’s horoscope. Read on and get yourself enlightened about your coming days..


The week presages monetary gains in your life. You’ll be determined and hardworking towards achieving your goals. A social gathering could take place at your home. Going for an excursion or a trip is possible for some. Your sensuality would increase this week, and you’ll be involved in numerous romantic encounters. You’ll outsmart your rivals in this duration. 

Love Horoscope: This week looks good for love affairs. If you’ve been thinking of confessing your love to someone, the time is beneficial. For those who’ve been thinking of getting married, the time is brilliant. The start of the week will be amazing, as you’ll be able to spend quality time with your partner. The time is crucial for taking important decisions. The mid of the week will be average, with the end rejuvenating you and guiding you towards a new light in life. 

Fortune Star: 4.5/5

Remedy: Hand out kheer to little girls at a temple on friday. 


This week your main focus would be on your work and getting at the top your game. You’ll be determined and focussed to achieve your pre set goals. Opposite sex will support you in this duration. You need to maintain cordial relations with everyone that you come in contact with. Domestic life could face some issues. Your behaviour would be fluctuating this week. You might be hot under the collar as well. 

Love Predictions: The week promises you to give great results. Although, you’ll need to create a balance between work and love life. If you’re in love with a colleague, the time advises you to be cautious. People would try to tarnish your image in this duration. The week would start on a low note but with the days rolling, you’ll start getting the hang of it. 

Fortune Star: 3.5/5

Remedy: On saturday, chant hanuman chalisa.


Going on a journey or trip with family is highly probable for some. Marital life might have to face some challenges and would require your patience. To lead a harmonious domestic life, you need to love your family and tie them with the string of caring and loving attitude. At work, you’ll have good command over your work and would make sure that every work gets done and that too on time. 

Love Predictions: Week seems average for you. There are slight chance that you might go on a trip with life partner. The week would start on a slow note, but the mid of the week would be brilliant. If you’re in love with a colleague, chances of success are at its peak. The end of the week will be tremendous for you, as your lover might plan something nice for you. 

Fortune Star: 4.5/5

Remedy: Gift perfume to your spouse. 


The week could lay some mental stress on you. You’ll be tensed and suffer from low health and energy. This period advises you to avoid making any big decisions. The health of your child might decline. The period would lure you towards spirituality and occult sciences. Going for a pilgrimage is also possible for some. 

Love Predictions: This week looks dull for you. You’ll be high spirited, but chances are that your partner won’t be in a mood to celebrate, that could sour yours too. Do not promise your partner anything that you won’t be able to fulfill. Maintain transparency in your relationship. Going for a nice dinner date is possible for some. The start would be weak, but the week would gain momentum with the coming days. 

Fortune Star: 3/5

Remedy: Pay homage to Lord Shiva and meditate. 


You’ll be egoistic in this duration and brimming with overconfidence. This week you could make some decisions that would come and bite in the back later on. Marital life will be a mix of aggression and love. Your children would be the harbinger of some good news. Education would go on smoothly. 

Love predictions: The week would produce you mixed results. You’ll be tempted to meet your partner daily, but your schedule would make it difficult for you. Communication would be possible only through electronic means. Refrain from having any arguments with your partner about money related issues. The week would start on a sweet note, with an average middle, but the end would bring you two closer and improve the quality of your day. 

Fortune Star: 2.5/5

Remedy: Offer water to the Sun before 8am


You’ll be wise and informative in this duration. Your intellect would outshine everyone else. Spouse will be supportive in this duration. You’ll be glad of their love and help. Health might decline in this duration. Your rivals will have to take a backseat, as you run things your way this week. Some natives might think of purchasing a vehicle or a property in this duration.

Love Predictions: Although the week looks good for you, you are advised to refrain from too much dexterity. Avoid getting pompous. You might be under someone’s surveillance, so keep this in mind while confessing your love to someone. The start of the week would be mixed, with a dash of fights and issues. The mid would straighten out things for you. With the week end, you’ll need to keep yourself restricted. 

Fortune Star: 3/5

Remedy: Feed green fodder to cow on wednesdays.


This week will be full of love and romance for you. You’ll be happily content with your life and live each day with the undying spirit of achieving higher. Some clashes can be expected in your relationship, if your raise your voice or be disloyal. Income would increase for some; with an elevation in the determination and courage in your attitude. With an added work pressure, you might feel burdened. To curb that, meditate and practice yoga. 

Love Predictions: The week will be average for you. Some issues might create a wall between you and your partner. Stay cautious about your tone and make sure that you don’t say any demeaning thing to your partner. You need to keep yourself restricted in the beginning of the week. Mid week will bring in some jingle back in your life. Married couples will have a brilliant time in the week end.
Fortune Star: 3.5/5

Remedy: On friday, offer crystallised sugar lumps(mishri) to little girls.


You’ll be committed to your partner in this duration. Some people might even think of going for the nuptial bond. At workplace, you might have to face some controversies and issues due to your callous attitude. It’s advised that you take the high road and do not get your name tarnished in the name blame process. 

Love predictions: You’ll get great results in your love life this week. Those who’ve been wanting to confess their love to someone, can do that in this time. You’ll be glad to find things working out for you after so long. Partner would be willing to take things your way. Keep your safety in mind when you go to meet them. The mid and the end of the week would give you delightful results with you spending quality time with your partner. 

Fortune Star: 4.5/5

Remedy: Chant mahamrityunjaya mantra.


With the onset of this week, you could expect your temper getting out of hand. You might feel sudden mood swings and bitterness. Despite of this, you would rule out any chance of problems with your decision making prowess. At vocation, you’ll get glory and recognition, due to your continuous efforts. Chances of you becoming a workaholic are high. With this you might feel a bit stressed out and act irrationally at times. 

Love Predictions: The week would be great for you. Although you’ll have to maintain transparency in all your relations to keep them on the right track. Going for a pilgrimage or visiting a religious place with your partner could bring you two together. The beginning of the week will be pleasant, with the mid almost seemingly dull when compared to the start. The weekend would bear great time for you. You’ll be able to spend time with lover and make them realise your love. 

Fortune Star: 3.5/5

Remedy: Indulge in charity and philanthropic deeds.


The week presages lucrative gains for you. You’ll get good income hike in this week and will be pleased to get support from all your senior officials and colleagues. A social gathering could be possible for some. Love life might have to face some troubles. Natives might have to go on an undesired trip this week. You need to understand the value of spirituality and meditation in life. 

Love Predictions: The week would start on an amiable note. Natives in love with a colleague would feel the love in the air. You’ll be pleased with the response that you’ve been getting from your partner. A brunch or a lunch date could happen for some at the beginning of the week. Although, a movie looks more probable for you in the mid of the week. Week would end on the bright side, with you enjoying the warmth of your relationship.

Fortune Star: 4/5

Remedy: Wear rose quartz bracelet or pendant.


This week will catch you in a grey area. You’ll be in a confused state; lack of concentration would make you feel exasperated. You need to keep a tab on your temper to keep clashes and confrontations at bay from your relationship. You’ll be determined to achieve, which would bring out your competitive streak out. Some losses are predicted for you in this week. Despite of all the drawbacks and problems, don’t let your hope die for a better tomorrow. 

Love Predictions: The week will be glorious for you. Abstain from creating scenarios that could harm your relationship with your lover. Act in a simple and rational manner. The time requires you to act mature and adopt a practical demeanour. Be open towards your partner, and tell them whatever you feel. The beginning would be romantic, with the mid of the week average, and the end on a sweet note. 

Fortune Star: 4/5

Remedy: Offer akshat(unbroken rice) to Lord shiva on Mondays


This week your partner would be in a very peppy mood. You’ll be surprised by their commitment towards you and would treat them with love and affection. Financially, you’ll get lucrative benefits from everywhere. A long journey could be on the cards for some. Due the workload, you might have to face some anxiety and stress, that could lead to insomnia. 

Love Prediction: This week would yield you average results when it comes to love. The beginning of the week could be dull. You could feel sudden blues hitting your mood. You could go for a trip in this week that would make it hard for you to be in contact with your partner. The mid of the week will brings things back on track. Partner will respect your feelings and make sure that you’re happy at all times. By the weekend spend some quality time with beloved to spark up your relationship. 

Fortune Star: 3/5

Remedy: Meditate to blow off your stress.

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