Saturday, January 14, 2017

Sun Transits In Capricorn Today - Know Its Effects On You


What do you think would happen when the promulgator of lives set it’s foot in Capricorn, the earthly element and one of the four cordial signs. Capricorn has lord Saturn instilled as the house lord, which although shares a rocky relationship with it’s father ( planet Sun ), yet brings auspiciousness this transit. Have a go at our blog and know how this entertaining planetary relations, climatically effects every zodiac sign. Wait for the magic to unfold as Sun make its way to capricorn on 14 January 2017, at 07:38 am. It shall remain in that arrangement till 12 February 2017 at 08:37 pm. 

ARIES: You will understand the real meaning of climbing up the corporate ladder as you shall experience unprecedented success & nobility. Read more...

TAURUS: Your purposefulness & tenacity shall reap you rewards you thought weren’t possible. You shall get much accolades for your hard work as your diligence shall set new records. Read more...

GEMINI: It would seem as if someone sucked the life out of you, such low-lying shall be your energy levels. Try not to get into a shady deal of any kind. Read more...

CANCER: People will try to get in your hair all the time, which could keep your mood in a bickerish/spatish infinite loop. Try not to bite someone’s head off, no matter how that urge is, you keep it under check. Read more...

LEO: You could be headed in a world of pain, quite literally as you would witness a drastic downfall in your health. Issues like fever and headaches shall bother you a lot. Read more...

VIRGO: Students trying to work their fingers to the bone & go abroad for further education shall succeed in doing so. Read more...

LIBRA: Your domestic life could be in a state of disarray. Issues could plague your personal as well as your professional life. Read more...

SCORPIO: There is a fine line that separates confidence and overconfidence. Keeping that in mind, you could be coming down with a short trip of your own very soon. Read more...

SAGITTARIUS: This transit brings affluency to the table as you shall fill the treasure chest up to the brim. Try not to be too blunt or too straight up as some people could find that upsetting. Read more...

CAPRICORN: You could blow your top any time now & due to that your health shall suffer a great deal. Try to put an end to your ego trip & start off things with fresh vigour & enthusiasm. Read more...

AQUARIUS: You could be right around the corner of a long fulfilling trip. If you had long been planning a trip overseas, this period shall oblige your thoughts. Read more...

PISCES: Income shall witness a steep rise & so would your prestige & splendor. You would have to be a social butterfly in order to put your name on the map with people higher up the ranks. Read more...

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