Monday, December 26, 2016

How will the last week of 2016 go! Weekly Horoscope 2016 (December 26 - 01 January)

Weekly Horoscope for the week from 26th of December, 2016 to 01st of January, 2017 is here to acquaint you with your weekly horoscope prediction. These predictions are followed by easy remedies so that you can avoid adversities in a simple and hassle-free manner. Let us bring the year 2016 to a beautiful and memorable end and welcome the year 2017 with a warm heart!


This week, try to prioritise your health and inculcate workouts and clean eating habits in your daily regime. This period might not prove to be the best time for your relationship with your father. Hence, try to abstain from any misunderstandings and tiffs with him. Try to spend more time with your children this week. Stress at work must be handled in a calm and mature manner. Later half of the week might prove to be gainful for professional success of the spouse.

Love Prediction: This week, you might need to put in extra effort to keep your love relation going. Abstain from unnecessary tiffs and stubbornness. The first half of the week might demand restraint and maturity in your relation. Mid of the week might seem to induce bliss in your relationship. Weekend can be expected to be full of romance and contentment. The eve of New Year will give you opportunities to celebrate your love with you beloved.

Luck Rating: 2.5/5

Remedy: Regular worship of Lord Narayan.

Click here to know more about your sign: Aries zodiac sign


This week might bring in good news for those looking for a change in their profession. Chances of landing a job overseas are also high. Stress at home must be handled with utmost care. This week will brim you with creative thoughts. Those ready to welcome a new member in the family might get blessed in this period. Pay attention to your health, especially by the end of the week.

Love Prediction: This week might seem to be a bag of mixed balls for your love relation. Your attempts to come closer to your partner might not bear fruit in this period, leaving you disappointed. The week might start on a happy note but you both will have to take care of each other during that period. Mid of the week might seem a little dull. Weekend is foreseen to be full of surprises and opportunities letting you celebrate the New Year as per your desire.

Luck Rating: 3/5

Remedy: Daily worship of Lord Maha Vishnu and Goddess Maha Lakshmi.

Click here to know more about your sign: Taurus zodiac sign


You can expect favorable behaviour at your workplace this week. Those looking for an opportunity to travel might get a chance to rejoice this week. Your father’s health might need attention during this period. Try to spend more time with your children addressing to their needs and issues. Students trying to pursue higher education in a foreign land might get lucky this week. Your efforts for accumulating finances might be increased this week. 

Love Prediction: This week seems to be pleasant for your love relation but practicing restraint this week and maintaining the decorum of your relationship will be of utmost importance. The week might take off with a few tiffs with your partner but situation will remain under control. Mid of the week can also be expected to be full of joy and tranquility. But the week might end on a dull note. Celebrate the New Year with utmost fervor and enthusiasm. 

Luck Rating: 4/5

Remedy: Distribute educational material among needy students.

Click here to know more about your sign: Gemini zodiac sign


Try to keep a tab on what you eat this week as stomach related issues might come up. Those planning a travel for long might get to travel this week. A pilgrimage is on the cards for some. Keep a tab on your anger and watch out your tone and words before you hurt someone. Handle issues related to your children with tenderness in this period. Your relations with your spouse are expected to be pleasant in this duration. Avoid negative thinking.

Love Prediction: This week is predicted to be outstanding for your love relation. Though try to maintain the decorum of your relationship during this period and do not go overboard under emotional influence. Your partner might not agree to all your desires this week. Those planning to propose their love interest this week must put their plan on hold, especially during the onset of the week. Mid of the week looks hassle-free and satisfying for you. Celebrate the New Year with your beloved to acknowledge the beautiful bond that you share with them.

Luck Rating: 3/5

Remedy: Donate milk sweets among children. 

Click here to know more about your sign: Cancer zodiac sign


Try to spend more time with your parents and give them an opportunity to open up with you this week. Your finances seem sturdy in this period. Try to induce creativity and flexibility in your work and approach towards different situations and people. Students will get desired results this week. Be more kind and compassionate towards colleagues and seniors at work. Some might feel inclined towards spirituality and religious studies during this period.

Love Prediction: This week seems to be favourable for your love relation. A lot of celebrations are on the cards this week. You might plan to take your partner out on a date too. The week might not begin on a happy note but by the mid of the week, things will seem to be falling on track. You might feel inclined towards a peer or a colleague by the mid of the week. This week can be expected to end exceptionally well.

Luck Rating: 3/5

Remedy: Offer water and salutation to the rising Sun.

Click here to know more about your sign: Leo zodiac sign


Your relation with your spouse will be at its best during this week. Those thinking of renovating their house might enjoy the freshness at home in this period. New look might uplift the spirits of the family members. You might indulge in trying your hand at learning new creative skills. Romantic life is foreseen to be rocking this week. You might need to pay extra attention to your health in the later half of the week. 

Love Prediction: This week is predicted to be favourable for your love relation. Proposing your beloved for marriage might be taken well during the eve of New Year. You might plan a short trip during the first half of the week. Mid of the week might not be a good time to meet your beloved in public. Week is expected to mark an end at a fabulous note. Singles can expect good love proposals by the weekend too.

Luck Rating: 3.5/5

Remedy: Daily worship of Ganesh ji - Lakshmi ji.

Click here to know more about your sign: Virgo zodiac sign


Your children might keep you on your toes in the first half but issues will get resolved by the mid of the week. You might feel inclined towards spirituality and try to get associated with a similar organisation to find solace. Some might also plan a pilgrimage this week. Those seeking a change in their job might get lucky this week. Your increased efforts and hard work at work will bear good results during this period. Abstain from squabbles with the spouse.

Love Prediction: You will be able to make the most of this week with your beloved. Those whose love partners have professional associations with foreign lands might get good results in this period. Social media might come to rescue for those looking for a love partner. Try to maintain peace and calm in your relation during the beginning of the week. Mid of the week can be expected to remain pleasant. Weekend might give you an opportunity to meet your beloved at a common friend’s place or in a get together.

Luck Rating: 3.5/5

Remedy: Donation of yellow coloured sweets among devotees at places of worship.

Click here to know more about your sign: Libra zodiac sign


Your finances are expected to remain sturdy this week. Stress related to family issues might persist this week. Though you will experience satisfaction and happiness from your job in this period, criticism and appreciation from seniors is likely this week. This period is predicted to be especially gainful for designers, creative writers, visualizers and planners. Your health might need attention this week. Try to maintain your composure and deal with situations in a calm and harmonious way. 

Love Prediction: This week might prove to be peaceful and full of contentment for you. Your relationship with your beloved will change for the better in this duration. Try to keep a tab on your emotions during the beginning of the week. Mid of the week is foreseen to be pleasant for your love relation. Abstain from behaving in a harsh and unacceptable manner with your beloved. Maintaining the decorum of your relationship and mutual respect will lead to a strong relationship and a blissful weekend. 

Luck Rating: 3.5/5

Remedy: Worship Lord Hanuman. Chant Hanuman Chalisa.

Click here to know more about your sign: Scorpio zodiac sign


This week might give you social recognition. Your professional life is expected to be at its peak during this period. Your sources of income are predicted to increase this week. Try to keep a tab on your expenses and practice an efficient financial management. Differences with your siblings and with elderly male members of the family might creep in. Try to manage such situations with mutual understanding and agreement. Those in love relations might need to exercise restraint during this period. 

Love Prediction: This week will be particularly beneficial for those who are live away from their partner. Those who have found love through social media will also be able to make the most of this week. First half of the week might be spent in travel for some. But mid of the week seems to be promising. You can plan a romantic date with your beloved this weekend to celebrate your love and the New Year together.

Luck Rating: 3.5/5

Remedy: Daily worship of Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva.

Click here to know more about your sign: Sagittarius zodiac sign


This week might prove to be the best start to your new year. You will enjoy the pink of your health in this period. Financially too, this week will provide you with more than your desire. You interest in religious and spiritual activities is expected to increase. Avoid investing in the sharemarket this week. Those in sales, marketing and teaching professions might experience professional success during this period. Try to spend more time with your parents giving them a chance to share mutual concerns. 

Love Prediction: This week is foreseen to be pleasant for your love relation. You might get the opportunity to celebrate the New Year’s eve with your love partner. The onset of the week is predicted to be blissful though, you might need to exercise restraint during this period. Mid of the week might seem a wee bit dull but weekend will come with a promise to make up for the lost moments of love and romance. You will get ample of chances to spend time with your beloved this week.

Luck Rating: 4/5

Remedy: Offer help and support to elderly.

Click here to know more about your sign: Capricorn zodiac sign


This week might induce sourness in your marital relation. Abstain from arguments. Elderly members of the family might need attention. Try to establish a balance between your professional and personal life this week. Business must think their decisions through before making any commitments. Those in administration and management might find professional success this week.

Love Prediction: This week can be expected to be favorable for your love relation. You might get less opportunities to meet your beloved in this period. Those living away from their love partner might travel so as to spend some quality time with them. You might find it difficult to establish balance between your professional and love life during the beginning of the week. Mid of the week can be expected to be euphoric. You might plan to celebrate the New Year’s eve with your beloved but the week might end on a dull note. 

Luck Rating: 3.5/5

Remedy: Feed the birds and stray animals. 

Click here to know more about your sign: Aquarius zodiac sign


This week might bring in peace in your domestic life. Your relation with your spouse is expected to be cordial. You might suffer from sleeplessness in the first half of the week but by the end you will be able to regain your mental peace. You might feel inclined towards religious and spiritual activities this week. Health is predicted to remain in good shape in this duration. Though, you must abstain from overeating.

Love Prediction: You can expect this week to be rewarding for you love relation. Though the onset of the week might seem a little dull, mid of the week seems to be promising. If you are in a relationship with a colleague, then you might plan to celebrate the New Year’s together. The week is predicted to end with a blast. You will be able to make the most of this weekend while welcoming the New Year with open arms. 

Luck Rating: 3/5

Remedy: Worship Lord Rudra.

Click here to know more about your sign: Pisces zodiac sign

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