Thursday, December 15, 2016

Sun Transits In Sagittarius Today - Know Its Effects On You

Sun is the master of all the planets. It will transit into Sagittarius from Scorpio on Thursday, 15th December, 2016. It will move from Sagittarius on Saturday, 14th January, 2017. It brings prosperity in a person’s life. Let us see how prosperous Sun will be for you this year:-


Fame and name is on your cards during this month. Enjoy various gains, but avoid audacious expenditure. Sun will enter in your Ninth House. The deprived section of the society will give you their blessings. Growth and success will go hand in hand. Read More...


You will be more inclined towards spirituality and meditation. Sun will move into your Ninth House. Some troubles on domestic front can be felt. Be cautious while driving and avoid too much travel. Read More...


An impatient mind is a source of negative outcomes. Sun will transit into your Seventh House. While there will be fame in your family, it can affect relationships. Stay away from chaos, as you may become a victim of others fault. Read More...


Keep your money intact, do not share it with others. Sun will arrive in your Sixth House. You may decide to renovate the house. More respect at work is on your cards during this time. Enjoy various benefits, just be more diligent towards health. Read More...


There is no hidden happiness that can be treasured more than the delight you receive in your partner’s company. Sun will arrive in your Fifth House. Your areas of interest will increase and you will find an urge to learn more about politics. Read More...


You will have differences with your partner. Sun will enter in your fourth house. You will enjoy unexpected profits. Success will make you more confident. You will be unstoppable during this time. You will be victorious in any field. Read More...


You will receive ample of benefits during this time. Sun will arrive in your Third House. Your fate will be promising. Family members will give you the best advice. You are going to live the time of your life during this period. Read More...


Do not put stress on your eyes, it can get severe for you otherwise. Sun will arrive in your second house. Give importance to your relationship, your bond will grow with time. But, this is not the suitable time to expect prosperity in your love affair. Read More...


A splendid lifestyle is all that you want. Sun will enter in your sign. Government treasury and higher authorities will benefit you. You will receive more wealth and various advantages. This period will bring growth in your life. Read More...


A long trip may excite you. Sun will enter in your Twelfth House. Do not spend recklessly, you may not have sufficient expenses to serve an important purpose. Stay calm, do not get over-excited. Stay resolute, otherwise you may get diverted. Read More...


Sun will enter in your Eleventh House. You are going to celebrate your life during this time. Happiness will come from various platforms. Your efforts will be appreciated and they will bring benefits in your life. Read More...


Sun will arrive in your Tenth House. If you are deciding to change the job, this is the best time to look for new work. You may undergo illness. Do not make quick decisions, analyze all the properties before deciding anything. Read More...

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